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研究生: 周莉娜
論文名稱: 泰國電視劇中之泰國華人文化再現
Thai TV Series Production-Representation of Chinese Culture in Thailand
指導教授: 簡瑛瑛
Chien, Ying-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用華語文學系
Applied Chinese Language and Culture
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 泰籍華人電視劇中泰文化華人文化再現
英文關鍵詞: Chinese Thai, TV series, Chinese-Thai culture, Representation of Chinese culture
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:195下載:79
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  • 華人在什麼時候到泰國已經不可考證,最初從中國南方移民到泰國的是福建省的閩南人、潮人與其他南方的人民。可是今日的泰國,如果跟其他東南亞國家相比,移民並定居在泰國的都是以華人為主,這對泰國的社會、政治與經濟的發展產生很大的影響,甚至很多泰國文學及從文學改編的電視劇作品,大多是以華人故事為背景,有上述特質的這些作品被稱為泰華文學或戲劇。以華人故事為題材的泰國電視劇反映出了泰國人對於中華文化的理解,讓觀眾了解泰國人是如何看待中華文化。
    ,使筆者能夠進一步分析與佐證泰國人是如何理解華人文化和及其特徵。筆者的主體有四章: 第一章緒論; 第二章華人文化與泰國電視劇內容演變之探討; 第三章泰國電視劇中華人文化之再現; 最後第四章研究發現與結論。

    When the Chinese exactly came to Thailand is hard to specify. The first wave of Chinese that immigrated to Thailand was from Southern China, specifically Hoklo-speaking people from Fujian province, the Teochow people and other southerners. However, compared to the Southeast Asian countries, the immigrants in Thailand are mostly Chinese. This has a huge influence on its societal, political and economic development of Thailand. Much of Thailand’s literature and literature-adapt drama pieces are based on Chinese stories. These pieces of work are called Thai-Chinese literature (泰華文學) or drama. These Chinese story based Thai soap operas reflect how Thai people understand Chinese culture, and further allows the audience to understand just how the Thai people view Chinese culture.
    As a researcher, I studied a total of 7 TV dramas. I will focus mainly on Yuu Kub Kong 《跟阿公住在一起》, Botan Gleep Sudtai《牡丹花的最後一瓣》 and Mungkut Dok Sohm 《橙花皇冠》. The other 4 TV dramas, namely Yok Lai Mek《雲上的寶石》, Mon Ruk Kao Tom Mud《爱情糯米粽》, Qi Pao《旗袍》, Likit Fah Chata Din《命定天堂》 are used as supplements to enhance what I will be studying. These 7 TV dramas all have characteristics of Chinese culture. This has helped me to analyze just how the Thai people understand Chinese culture and the characteristics of their culture.
    There are 4 chapters in this research: Chapter 1 is the Iintroduction. Chapter 2 is about the Discussion of Chinese Culture and the Evolution of Thai TV series content. Chapter 3 is about the Presentation of Chinese Culture in Thai TV series. Last but not least, Chapter 4 is about the results of my research contribution and my conclusion.
    Thai drama has its individual history. The research on how it spread, changed and affected the audience will not only help readers understand the development of Thai drama, but also help others to find its artistic charm and social value. This will also help others to understand just how Chinese culture and tradition have changed in Thailand, and it will inform those who wish to understand the culture of the Chinese in Thailand. Moreover, it will further develop the cultural exchange between the Chinese and Thai people.

    第一章 結論 第一節 研究動機與目的..............................1 第二節 研究歷史背景................................2 第三節 研究範圍與名詞解釋..........................10 第四節 相關文獻回顧................................16 第五節 研究設計與實施..............................20 第二章 華人文化與泰國電視劇內容演變之探討 第一節 華人之身份認同..............................23 第二節 泰華電視劇對泰國當地文化的衝擊...............24 第三節 泰華電視劇之劇情介紹........................27 第三章 泰國電視劇中華人文化之再現 第一節 泰國華人文化的表現..........................38 第二節 華人在泰國的家庭文化........................64 第三節 泰國華人的成家立業..........................89 第四章 研究發現與結論 第一節 研究發現...................................108 第二節 結論.......................................110 參考文獻.............................................117

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