研究生: |
鄭淑惠 Zheng, Shu-Hui |
論文名稱: |
國民中學組織發展之研究 A Study of Organization Development in Junior High School |
指導教授: |
Hsieh,Wen-Chyuan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 252 |
中文關鍵詞: | 組織發展 、組織變革 、國民中學 |
英文關鍵詞: | organization development, organization change, junior high school |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:497 下載:0 |
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為達成上述目的,本研究採文獻分析與問卷調查的方法,首先透過文獻分析,探討學校組織發展的內涵(含意義﹑特性﹑目的)﹑歷程﹑策略﹑方法﹑困難與配合條件;其次,根據文獻探討的結果,編製「國民中學組織發展調查問卷」,進行調查研究,藉以瞭解國民中學組織發展的現況,以及學校成員對學校組織發展的意見;最後,根據研究結論,提出具體建議。本研究調查對象為台灣省﹑台北市﹑高雄市公立國民中學的校長﹑主任﹑組長及教師,共抽得71所學校,發出1000份問卷,實得有效樣本785份,問卷處理則採用SAS for Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。
The main purposes of this study are to explore the connotation and process of organization development in schools, and to reveal the current situation and difficulties organization development has encountered in junior high schools. Based upon the research, proposals and recommendations are thus to be offered for the improvement and implementation of organization development in junior high schools.
To accomplish these purposes, this study has adopted the approaches of literature review as well as questionnaire. First, the researcher explores its relevant connotation( including definitions, characteristics, and purposes), processes, strategies, methods, difficulties and coordinated conditions. Next, the researcher compiles "Questionnaire for organization development in junior high schools" to verify the current situation of organization development in junior high schools, and gather the opinions from the school staff on this topic. Finally, the researcher offers tangible suggestions following conclusions of this study. Objectives of this study include public junior high schools' staff in Taiwan Province, Taipei City and Kaohsiung City. 71 schools have been sampled and 1000 copies of the questionnaire dispatched. 785 copies of effective samples are actually acquired. Data of questionnaire have been proceeded for statistical analysis under the statistic packaging software "SAS for Windows".
Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follows:
1.The process of organization development in schools should compose sequenced steps which are not taken completely in junior high schools now.
2.Organization development in schools is influenced by many factors from the school within and without, especially from changes of educational policies and laws, school communities, social values and bonds (outer factors), and needs of school staff(inner factors).
3.Methods of collecting data for organization development contain meetings, observation, questionnaire, interview, and document analysis ; but meetings are among those used more often in junior high schools now.
4.Factors of personnel, change, and school itself may contribute to the resistance of school staff; but personnel factors are among the most serious in junior high schools now.
5.Communication, participation and reasonable changes are among effective ways to reduce the resistance from school staff; but communication and participation are only among those used more often in junior high schools .Nowadays junior high schools cannot adopt varied ways to reduce resistance.
6.Administrators and teachers in schools are those more suitable for initiating the organization development process in which administrators start first frequently in junior high schools.
7. According to school's needs, the team in charge of organization development varies, such as present administrative units, task force, or a new unit; but in fact, present administrative units take the lead more often in junior high schools now.
8.Consultants who promote organization development in schools contain school staff former and present, and professionals outside; present school staff are among major consultants while other professionals rarely get involved in junior high schools now.
9.Strategies of organization development adopted in schools are as follows: First, regarding the targeted change, schools should employ all strategies, including staff , technique, and structure. Second, regarding implementation and empowerment, schools should adopt contingent ways. Moreover, schools should think highly of empirical-rational and normative-reeducative strategies, and increase the opportunity and degree of staff participation. However, junior high schools rarely adopt these now.
10.Schools can adopt many professional methods and techniques while organization development is implemented, but in fact, junior high schools rarely adopt them.
11.Effective organization development should possess certain coordinated conditions. For example, schools could gain support from the principal, educational authorities, parents and communities, and increase school's resources and ability (including empowerment of school autonomy, resources from the society, reduction of the workload, and emphasis on learning and researching). In fact, major difficulties junior high schools meet fall into too much workload school staff have, lack of human resources, material supply, and financial support.
12.The index of evaluation of organization development should be multiple, with administrative quality, efficiency and staff satisfaction.
13.School staff are still unsatisfied with organization development in junior high schools, in which the willingness and degree of their involvement are not great, and the former is greater than the latter in degree. The willingness and degree of involvement in different job positions make some differences.
According to the results of this study, following proposals are offered:
1.As to the educational authorities, they should
(1)reduce the workload of school staff properly.
(2)increase the resources needed while organization development in schools is implemented.
(3)help schools design the training and research of organization development.
(4)empower more school autonomy.
(5)establish the system of evaluation and follow-up consultation.
2.As to junior high schools, they should
(1)support and think highly of organization development in schools.
(2)establish the feedback system of organization development in schools.
(3)design training and research of organization development in schools.
(4)acquire resources actively to be plunged into organization development.
(5)establish the system of evaluation and follow-up consultation of organization development in schools.
3.As to parents and communities, they should
(1)support and offer the resources needed while organization development in schools is implemented.
(2)recommend the representatives to participate in the task force of organization development.
4.As to the Training Institutes, they should
(1)design pre-service and in-service training of organization development in schools.
(2)make researches on organization development more often to serve as a school adviser.
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