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研究生: 黃偉哲
HUANG, Wei-Zhe
論文名稱: 使用離軸射頻磁控濺鍍技術在TiO2/SrO終端之鈦酸鍶基板上生長釔鋇銅氧薄膜的超導特性之研究
Superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3Oy thin films grown on TiO2/SrO -terminated SrTiO3 substrates using an off-axis rf magnetron sputtering technique
指導教授: 廖書賢
Shu-Hsien Liao
Li-Min Wang
口試委員: 廖書賢
Shu-Hsien Liao
Li-Min Wang
Hsiao-Wen Yu
Jau-Han Chen
口試日期: 2024/07/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 高溫超導體熱處理基板磁控濺鍍釔鋇銅氧
英文關鍵詞: High-Temperature Superconductors, Thermally Treated Substrate, Magnetron Sputtering, YBCO
研究方法: 實驗設計法比較研究觀察研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401616
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:36下載:0
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  • 本實驗先拋光確定鈦酸鍶(SrTiO3)(100)基板有良好的平整度,之後對基板進行熱處理,使鈦酸鍶基板有TiO2或SrO為終端的2種表面,然後用射頻磁控濺鍍系統(magnetron sputteirng),以Tg = 720 ℃、功率90 W與壓力400 mtorr的條件下成長高溫超導體釔鋇銅氧(YBCO)薄膜,最後進行量測。

    經由4點量測比較3個樣品的臨界溫度(Tc),YBCO Tc = 85.4 K、TiO2-YBCO Tc = 86.8 K、SrO-YBCO Tc = 86.7 K,可以得知在經過熱處理後的基板成長YBCO薄膜會有更好的Tc。之後利用SQUID量測進行比較發現經過熱處理的樣品一樣擁有較高的超導轉變溫度,但在將磁化強度轉換成磁化率時發現在SrO-YBCO中發現有明顯之順磁性效應,此效應即為順磁性麥斯納效應。

    之後我們針對YBCO、TiO2-YBCO和SrO-YBCO的磁性量測做比較,YBCO、TiO2-YBCO和SrO-YBCO的Hc1(0)分別6.82 Oe、10.03 Oe和10.41 Oe,Hc2(0)分別為4.59 T、5.31 T和5.11 T,之後再計算出YBCO、TiO2-YBCO和SrO-YBCO的相干長度(ξ)與倫敦穿透深度(λ),最後利用磁滯曲線計算出臨界電流密度(Jc),利用外加磁場(H)與臨界電流密度(Jc)擬和釘扎力(Fp)與外加磁場(H)關係圖。藉由擬合釘扎力的結果可以推斷YBCO多數在二維釘札附近,與SrO-YBCO差不多,但TiO2-YBCO多數值都在一、二維混合釘札。

    In this experiment, the SrTiO3(100) substrates are first polished to ensure a smooth surface. Subsequently, the substrates undergo thermal treatment to produce two types of surface terminations: TiO2-terminated and SrO-terminated. The (YBCO) thin films are then grown on these substrates using a radio frequency magnetron sputtering system under the conditions of a substrate temperature of 720°C, a power of 90 W, and a pressure of 400 mtorr. Finally, measurements are performed on the prepared thin films.

    Through four-point measurements, the critical temperatures (Tc) of three sam-ples were compared: YBCO with Tc = 85.4 K, TiO2-YBCO with Tc = 86.8 K, and SrO-YBCO with Tc = 86.7 K. These results indicate that YBCO thin films grown on thermally treated substrates exhibit improved Tc. Subsequent SQUID measurements confirmed that samples with thermally treated substrates maintained higher super-conducting transition temperatures. However, when the magnetization was converted to magnetic susceptibility, a noticeable paramagnetic effect was observed in the SrO-YBCO sample, identified as the paramagnetic Meissner effect.

    Subsequently, we compared the magnetic measurements of YBCO, TiO2-YBCO, and SrO-YBCO. The lower critical fields, Hc1(0), for YBCO, TiO2-YBCO, and SrO-YBCO were determined to be 6.82 Oe, 10.03 Oe, and 10.41 Oe, respectively, while the upper critical fields, Hc2(0), were found to be 4.59 T, 5.31 T, and 5.11 T, respectively. We then calculated the coherence lengths (ξ) and London penetration depths (λ) for each sample. Additionally, the critical current densities (Jc) were de-rived from the magnetic hysteresis loops, and the pinning force (Fp) versus applied magnetic field (H) relationship was fitted using the Jc -H data. The fitting results suggest that the majority of pinning in YBCO is associated with two-dimensional pinning centers, similar to SrO-YBCO, whereas TiO2-YBCO shows a mixed pinning regime with contributions from both one-dimensional and two-dimensional pinning centers.

    第1章 緒論 1 1.1 超導體之歷史發展 1 1.2 釔鋇銅氧(YBa2Cu3O7-X)的結構 3 1.3 TiO2/SrO SrTiO3基板之研究背景 4 1.4 研究動機 6 第2章 理論背景與原理簡介 7 2.1 超導體特性 7 2.1.1 零電阻 7 2.1.2 反磁性(diamagnetism)現象 8 2.2 倫敦穿透深度(London penetration depth) 9 2.3 二流體模型(Two-fluid model) 11 2.4 一類和二類超導體 11 2.5 臨界電流及臨界磁場 12 2.6 磁冷與零磁冷 13 2.7 Bean Model 15 第3章 實驗流程及方法 17 3.1 研究流程 17 3.2 拋光流程 18 3.3 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) 19 3.4 基板熱處理 20 3.5 YBCO靶材製備 22 3.5.1 粉末鍛燒 23 3.5.2 靶材燒結 23 3.6 基板清洗 25 3.7 射頻磁控濺鍍 26 3.8 X光繞射分析儀(X-ray Diffractometer, XRD) 28 3.9 四點量測系統 29 3.10 SQUID量測系統 30 第4章 實驗結果與討論 31 4.1 拋光後的STO基板 31 4.2 熱處理之後的基板 32 4.3 釔鋇銅氧(YBCO)薄膜成長 36 4.4 不同基板鍍釔鋇銅氧(YBCO)電性量測與結果 42 4.5 不同基板鍍釔鋇銅氧(YBCO)磁性量測與結果 43 4.5.1 磁化強度(M)與溫度(T)關係 43 4.5.2 磁化強度(M)與外加磁場(H)關係 48 4.5.3 臨界磁場(Hc1&Hc2)與溫度(T)關係 50 4.5.4 相干長度(Coherence Lengh, ξ)與倫敦穿透深度(London Penetration Depth, λ) 57 4.5.5 磁滯曲線(Magnetic Hysteresis Loop) 62 4.5.6 臨界電流密度(Critical Current Density,Jc) 64 4.5.7 釘扎力(Pinning Force, Fp)與外加磁場(H)關係圖 68 第5章 結論 71 參考文獻 73

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