Author: |
胡秋帆 Hu, Chiu-Fan |
Thesis Title: |
高中生運算思維評量工具之發展 Development of a Computational Thinking Test for Senior High School Students |
Advisor: |
Wu, Cheng-Chih |
Committee: |
Chen, Hsueh-Chih 林育慈 Lin, Yu-Tzu 劉晨鐘 Liu, Chen-Chung 邱瓊芳 Chiu, Chiung-Fang 吳正己 Wu, Cheng-Chih |
Approval Date: | 2022/01/20 |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
資訊教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 70 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 運算思維 、評量 、測驗 |
Keywords (in English): | computational thinking, assessment, measurement |
Research Methods: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 306 Downloads: 0 |
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研究結果顯示,本測驗試題難度接近適中,並具鑑別度,Cronbach's alpha係數與折半信度顯示試題具內部一致性,個別試題也皆與總分呈正相關,所有題目具有同質性與穩定度。本測驗試題係由專家發展與編修,具專家效度;測驗總分與國際運算思維挑戰賽分數呈正相關,具有效標關聯效度。然而,在CFA模型檢驗結果顯示,四個構念相對適配度指標多未達良好適配度,構念效度仍待進一步檢驗。本研究分析結果也發現運算思維能力與性別、班群、程式設計學習傾向、選修程式設計相關課程經驗以及相關領域學科成就有關。
Some existing computational thinking (CT) assessment tools adopt self-report methods which measure students’ understanding, attitude, or disposition of CT. Others are tests that assess students’ knowledge and skills of programming and computer science but cannot effectively assess CT generic skills. In addition, most CT assessments lack a strict development procedure and reliability and validity tests.
The purpose of this study is to develop an effective assessment for CT skills in senior high school. Additionally, this study also explored factors associated with CT skills. This study, as a result, established a language/tool/knowledge-independent test for CT in terms of the four CT concepts: decomposition, data representation, algorithm, and pattern generalization. Eight high school computing teachers drafted the items and then four computer scientists evaluated and revised the items. In addition, a testing specialist assisted with test administration and statistical analysis to ensure the tool’s reliability and validity. Finally, the CT test was composed of 12 items and was used in this study. The participants of this study consisted of 249 students from 4 senior high schools in Taipei metropolitan area in Taiwan. Stratified sampling (schools, grades, major subjects) was applied when recruiting the participants.
Item analysis shows that this CT test is at medium difficulty level and each item is effective on assessing students’ CT skills. Based on the reliability and validity analysis result, Cronbach's alpha and Guttman values report acceptable internal consistency, and each item is positively correlated with total scores, indicating that there is homogeneity between 12 items and this CT test. The verification of content validity was conducted by computer scientists. The correlation between this CT test and the Bebras Challenge is positively significant. This proves the criterion-related validity. However, the CFA results show that the constructs of this CT test need to be examined in the future. This study finds that CT skills are under the influence of gender, major, programming disposition, taking programming related courses, and the performance of science and mathematics subjects.
Through the strict development procedure, this CT test is a valid and reliable tool measuring overall CT skills. Also, it helps students determine whether taking computer science-related courses in high school or pursuing majors in university. This study proposed some recommendations for improving the explanatory power of this CT model, simplifying the context of items, increasing the number of participants, and test administration.
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