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研究生: 林瑟如
論文名稱: 國小五年級學童裝置藝術教學的歷程分析
指導教授: 張景媛
Chang, Ching-Yuan
Chen, Chiung-Hua
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 206
中文關鍵詞: 裝置藝術教學歷程分析行動研究
英文關鍵詞: teaching of installation art, process analysis, action research
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:191下載:14
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  • 本研究的主要目的是:1.瞭解藝術與人文教師的教育理念與其對「裝置藝術」教學的課程設計理念。2.探討學童在「裝置藝術」教學活動中,其構思與分享創作主題的歷程。3.分析學童在「裝置藝術」教學活動中,將個人構思的主題落實為作品的學習歷程。4.探究學童在完成「裝置藝術」的作品後,其鑑賞同學作品時的評鑑準則。5.分析學童對「裝置藝術」教學的學習感受、學習態度、作品成果與學習成效的滿意度。


    The purpose of this study is: 1) to understand the teaching concepts of instructors on arts and humanities education and their application of such concepts to the curriculum design and teaching of installation art; 2) to explore the process in which the students generate their themes and share their ideas during the installation art program; 3) to analyze the learning process wherein the students create real artwork out of blueprints; 4) to investigate how the students appreciate and evaluate the work by peers after completing their own installation work; and 5) to make analysis on the students’ feelings, attitudes, artwork, and satisfaction with the results throughout the installation art program.
    Based on the collaboration action research method, the researcher worked with an elementary school teacher, co-designing the installation art curriculum. 45 fifth-graders from two classes at an elementary school in Taipei County were invited as participants of the program.
    The process analysis of the research is conducted with reference to the studies or reviews as follows: “The Exploration of Multiple Messages in Children’s Installation Artwork”, “An Instructor’s Teaching Files”, “Unit of Installation Art: Student Worksheet for Idea Inspiration and Creation”, “Practice Record of Small Groups”, “Feedback Evaluation of the Whole Class”, “A Questionnaire on Reviewing the Production Process of Installation Art”, “A Feedback Worksheet for the Appreciation of Installation Art”, and “Differentiation Scale for Installation Artwork Design and Result”. According to the detailed investigation, it is manifested in the present study that:
    1. The teaching concepts, closely related to personal growth and learning experience, of instructors on arts and humanities education will influence how they design a program, including incorporating new ideas into teaching activities, accepting the presence of researchers in class, and attending to their suggestions.
    2. The students can be successfully helped to construct a variety of themes on installation art if previously given a section of relax training and instructed step by step to invoke inspiration. These themes generally result from personal experience and feelings, instead of popular culture or peer effect.
    3. In the interaction section, a small group works better than a whole class. Students allocated in small groups have more opportunities to share their individual design, motivation and construction of material than their counterparts in a class. They also get more positive feedbacks like support, encouragement and reminding from peers.
    4. 90% of the students in the program have had certain problems with material or skills while creating their work. Most of them resort to positive reaction. With the help from classmates and teachers, and the effort by themselves, they find the solution at last. In addition to learning new skills and material, they have also learned how to encourage themselves, mutually help each other, and discover new ideas.
    5. During the appraising process, the teacher, the researcher, and the creator show interesting differences in judgment as regards the original design graph and the final work of a student. In terms of the standard by the creator, the researcher, as an outsider, seems to have a higher one. The teacher, on the other hand, uses more tolerant criteria to judge a pupil’s work. Moreover, the key factors affecting the student’s evaluation of the installation work include: 1) topics—the more pleasant ones, like happy, memorable and shared moments, receive more applause; 2) forms—the brighter in color and the more delicate in technique, the higher in score; and 3) originality—works which initiate more imagination and express deeper meanings definitely catch the eye of the audience.
    6. When asked about how they like the installation art program, almost 90% of the pupils reply that they work hard in class, 80% enjoy the teaching activity in question, and half of the participants feel satisfied with their installation artwork. “Next time we are sure to do it better,” two thirds of the students say in an assured tone.
    To sum up, from this program the students have learned: 1) cognitively, how to express their own ideas, understand arts, appreciate the work by classmates and know what they think about; 2) affectively, how to cope with difficulty, cooperate with classmates, assist others, and help themselves develop; 3) technically, how to choose from and use different material, designs, and colors. Many students are expecting more instruction on skills, material and tools of the teacher in the advanced program in the future.

    國小五年級學童裝置藝術教學的歷程分析 目錄 中文摘要 i 英文摘要 iii 目錄 v 附錄目錄 vii 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 ix 目次 頁次 第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………1 第二節 研究目的與問題……………………………3 第三節 研究限制………………………………………4 第四節 名詞釋義…………………………………………5 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………7 第一節 裝置藝術教學的理念………………………………7 第二節 學習與教學理論……………………………………22 第三節 行動研究……………………………………………31 第三章 研究方法與步驟……………………………………41 第一節 研究對象……………………………………………41 第二節 研究方法……………………………………………42 第三節 研究工具…………………………46 第四節 研究程序……………………………………………47 第五節 資料蒐集與分析……………………………………50 第四章 研究結果與討論…………………………………52 第一節、教師設計裝置藝術教學的理念……………52 第二節 學童構思裝置藝術主題的歷程………………………79 第三節 學童與同學分享設計構念的互動歷程…………………89 第四節 學童實作歷程分析…………………………………………104 第五節 學童鑑賞同學的裝置藝術作品的評鑑準則………………………111 第六節 裝置藝術教學的滿意度分析………………………………………123 第七節 研究者的省思………………………………………………………130 第八節 綜合討論……………………………………………………………134 第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………………150 第一節 結論…………………………………………………………………150 第二節 建議…………………………………………………………………155 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………159 中文參考文獻………………………………………………………………159 英文參考文獻………………………………………………………………161 附錄目錄: 附件一:兒童裝置藝術作品中多元訊息的探討………………………163 附件二:「三人小組」練習紀錄單……………………………………172 附件三:超級推銷員回饋評量表…………………………………………173 附件四:「裝置藝術」製作過程回顧問卷……………………………174 附件五:「裝置藝術」鑑賞回饋單………………………………………176 附件六:裝置藝術設計圖與作品差異評分表……………………………177 附件七:啟發創意創作靈感學習單………………………………………178 附件八:裝置藝術教學設計的演化過程…………………………………182 附件九:自我暗示放鬆訓練………………………………………………191 附件十:學生創作主題類型的主題與內容大要…………………………192 附件十一:單元三的團體分享活動過程與觀察記錄…………………194 附件十二:三人小組互動記錄…………………………………………196 附件十三:全班分享活動的回饋分析…………………………………199 附件十四:裝置藝術設計圖與作品差異評分與改變設計原因……………200 附件十五:學童票選的裝置藝術作品與鑑賞理由…………………………202 附件十六:學生對「裝置藝術」單元學習的感受回饋……………………204 附件十七:學生自評的學習成果與學習期待………………………………206 表目錄 表 2-3-1 人文社會科學研究典範差異對照表…………………………33 表 4-1-1 裝置藝術 單元一教學歷程分析………………………………65 表 4-1-2 裝置藝術 單元二 『創意建構流程介紹』………………………67 表 4-1-3 裝置藝術 單元三『設計理念的說明與回饋』…………………69 表 4-1-4 裝置藝術 單元四 教學歷程分析……………………71 表 4-1-5 裝置藝術 單元五 教學歷程分析…………………………73 表 4-1-6 裝置藝術 單元六 教學歷程分析………………………75 表 4-2-1 主題創作的引導流程……………………………79 表 4-2-2 本屆與上屆學童裝置藝術主題內容的比較統計………………87 表 4-3-1 「三人小組」互動紀錄表的說明……………………………90 表 4-3-2 「三人小組」互動回饋內容 (二)…………………………92 表 4-3-3 互動回饋與性別差異………………………93 表 4-3-4 回饋評量表的資料蒐集內容與目的…………………………95 表 4-3-5 學童裝置藝術作品設計報告 全班回饋評量分析表…………96 表 4-3-6 學童說明創作理念及動機時所得到的同學回應分析………101 表 4-3-7 學童對問題解決歷程的回顧………………………105 表 4-5-1 裝置藝術設計圖與作品差異評分……………………………112 表 4-5-2 裝置藝術的設計圖與實際作品對照表(案例一)……………113 表 4-5-3 裝置藝術的設計圖與實際作品對照表(案例二)……………114 表 4-5-4 裝置藝術的設計圖與實際作品對照表(案例三)……………115 表 4-5-5 裝置藝術的設計圖與實際作品對照表(案例四)………………115 表 4-5-6 裝置藝術的設計圖與實際作品對照表(案例五)………………116 表 4-5-7 學童對「裝置藝術」作品欣賞的性別差異表…………………118 表 4-6-1 學生學習感受的分析………………………123 表 4-6-2 學生對「裝置藝術」單元學習的學習投入……………………126 表 4-6-3 學生對「裝置藝術」單元學習的重做評估……………………128 表 4-6-4 學生對「裝置藝術」單元學習的學習成效……………………129 表 4-6-5 學生在「裝置藝術」單元中希望老師提供的協助………………129 表 4-8-1 學童在裝置藝術教學過程中多元智能的觀察要點………………141 表 4-8-2 學童主題創作的歷程(一) 內在經驗的表達……………………143 表 4-8-3 學童主題創作的歷程-材料預備計畫與設計圖……………………144 表 4-8-4 改變學生作品設計圖的因素解析與教學改善過程……………147 圖目錄 圖 2-2-1 人類的心智活動………………………22 圖 2-3-1 行動研究的基本步驟…………………………38 圖 4-2-1 小真「做惡夢的故事」的構思圖……………………………81 圖 4-2-2 小真「做惡夢的故事」的設計圖………………………………83 圖 4-5-1 作品「最難忘的夏天」與解說板……………………………120 圖 4-5-2 作品「渺小」與解說板……………………………120 圖 4-5-3 學童鑑賞作品之欣賞要素分析………………………………121

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