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研究生: 許芳瑜
Hsu, Fang-Yu
論文名稱: 理查‧史特勞斯《大提琴奏鳴曲作品6》之樂曲分析與演奏詮釋
Music Analysis and Performance Interpretation of Richard Strauss’ Cello Sonata in F Major, Op. 6
指導教授: 歐陽伶宜
Ouyang, Ling-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 理查‧史特勞斯大提琴奏鳴曲
英文關鍵詞: Richard Strauss, Cello Sonata
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000913
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:112下載:0
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  • 理查‧史特勞斯 (Richard Strauss, 1864-1949) 是德國浪漫樂派晚期重要的音樂家,是知名指揮家也是作曲家,被喻為是李斯特 (Franz Liszt, 1811-1886) 交響詩、華格納 (Richard Wagner, 1813-1883) 歌劇的傳人。

    Richard Strauss (1864-1949) was a well-known composer and conductor. Representing the last musician of the late German Romanticism, he has considered commonly a successor to the symphonic poem for Franz Liszt (1811-1886) and opera for Richard Wagner (1813-1883). Strauss's compositions mainly include orchestral music, operas, and songs. Among his works, his style is very changeable which written in different forms with ages, from the classical music of the young stage to courageously free skills in the prime of year, and returned to the classical touch in his later life.
    Strauss's father was an excellent French horn player. In addition to his formal teachers, his father guided him deeply musically on developing taste. With his father's philosophy and classical music teaching in creating this first cello sonata, the influence of his father on Strauss's composition was profound.
    In this thesis, we will focus on this Cello Sonata in F Major, Op. 6 that is the only cello classical music created by Strauss in his youth. In the first part, we will introduce the background of Strauss's whole life and the characteristic style of works, and then clearly understand his composition skills through the music analysis of each movement. In the last part, we become more familiar with the music creation motivation of this song by interpretation of the author’s performance.

    目錄 摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 目錄 iii 表目錄 v 譜例目錄 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究方法 2 第二章 史特勞斯生平歷程及創作風格 3 第一節 學習時期 (1869 -1885) 3 第二節 交響詩時期 (1885-1900) 5 第三節 歌劇時期 (1900-1933) 7 第四節 晚年時期 (1933-1949) 9 第三章 《F大調大提琴奏鳴曲》之創作背景及作品特色 11 第一節 創作背景 11 第二節 作品特色 12 第四章 曲式結構與分析 13 第一節 第一樂章 13 第二節 第二樂章 23 第三節 第三樂章 31 第五章 演奏詮釋 41 第一節 第一樂章 41 第二節 第二樂章 54 第三節 第三樂章 60 第六章 結語 73 參考書目 75

    一、 中文書目:
    大衛‧尼斯 (David Nice) 著。劉瑞芬等譯。《偉大的作曲家群像:理查‧史特勞斯》。臺北:智庫文化,1996。


    林勝儀譯 (音樂之友社編)。《作曲家別名曲解說珍藏版─理查‧史特勞斯》。臺北:美樂出版社,2006。


    二、 外文書目:
    Ashley, Tim. Richard Strauss. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1999.
    Gilliam, Bryan. The Life of Richard Strauss. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
    Kennedy, Michael. The master musicians, Richard Strauss. New York: Schirmer books, 1995.
    Del Mar, Norman. Richard Strauss: A Critical Commentary on His Life and Works. New York: Cornell University Press, 1986.

    三、 樂譜:
    Strauss, Richard. Sonata F Major Op. 6 for Cello and Piano. Vienna: Universal Edition.

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