研究生: |
吳寶華 Wu, Pao-Hua |
論文名稱: |
「無條件基本收入」- 以臺灣為例之初探 “Unconditional Basic Income” -A Preliminary Exploration on the case of Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Ying, Yung-Hsiang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 84 |
中文關鍵詞: | 基本收入 、無條件基本收入 、貧富不均 、工作所得 、工作困境 、無工作世代 、人工智能 、人工智慧 |
英文關鍵詞: | Basic Income, Unconditional Basic Income, UBI, Inequality, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Jobless, Job difficulty |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.005.2018.F08 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:667 下載:45 |
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自工業革命以來,生產自動化、經濟自由化以及貿易全球化促進整個世界的經濟起飛,人類物質生活享受顯著提升。然而,在享受經濟成長之際,全世界各國包含台灣在內也普遍出現社會資源分配不均、貧富差距擴大、工作薪資低落、就業困難等日益惡化的社會問題。近年來的無人車、無人商店、機器人編寫、AlphaGo戰勝圍棋高手等等人工智能大躍進發展的成果成了整個世界最熱門話題, 卻也同時加劇人們對於未來工作困境問題的沉重思考。一般人的工作將被機器人大量取代?沒有工作機會的未來人們何去何從?需要被救濟的貧窮人口可能大量增加、階級對立與社會動盪問題隨之惡化? 失業率提高將導致目前用以支付社會福利政策的稅收來源減少,如何因應?
面對未來「無工作世代」的變遷,最近幾年來「無條件基本收入」政策遂成為國際間所有關心社會福祉議題人士以及承擔人民社會福利責任的各國政府積極投入研究之重要議題。鑒於臺灣社會中對「無條件基本收入」觀念的探討尚未普遍, 本研究藉由網路問卷進行調查探詢一般民眾對於此議題之基本看法。調查結果總共回收968份有效問卷,統計結果顯示有超過半數(57%)的人表示從來沒聽過或似乎不清楚(可能沒聽過)「無條件基本收入」,僅有不到一成民眾表示非常清楚此政策概念。問卷最後詢問民眾對於「無條件基本收入」是否認同,有46%偏向認同,44%偏向不認同,表示沒意見者佔10%。
Since the Industrial Revolution began, the life of mankind has reached a remarkable changes thanks to the worldwide economic flourish which is attributed to the production automation, economic liberalization and globalization. While enjoying economic growth, the gap between rich and poor, the low salaries and employment difficulties, the problem of increasing inequality are exacerbating in most of countries including Taiwan. At the same time, the acceleration of AI technology in recent years increasingly stimulates feelings of anxiety of a jobless status in the future. Shall people’s work be replaced by a large number of robots? Where do people who have no job opportunities go? And how to maintain a sustainable social welfare system when the number of tax payers to be reduced and the unemployed people who needs social support are increasing?
To combating the ‘jobless’ future, the idea of "unconditional basic income" has gaining international attention with widely discussion spread worldwide in recent years. While there’s not yet prevailed notice obtained in Taiwan society up to the moment, this study adopted online questionnaire to take a preliminary survey to observe primary opinions of the general people in Taiwan with regard to UBI. The survey was conducted in Oct 2017, with a total of 968 valid responds collected. The result of survey showing that more than half of the respondents had never heard or might have not heard of UBI before; while asked whether agree or not with UBI, the survey shows a rate of 46% tend to agree, 44% tend to disagree, with 9% being neutral for neither agree or disagree.
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