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研究生: 盧美妏
Lu, Mei-Wen
論文名稱: 華人完美主義類型的檢驗-以中國大陸樣本為例
Whether the Typology of Chinese Perfectionism is Different from the Westerners : A Study of Mainland Chinese
指導教授: 李俊仁
Lee, Jun-Ren
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 中國大陸完美主義完美主義的分類集群分析
英文關鍵詞: Classification of Perfectionism, Cluster Analysis, Mainland China, Perfectionism
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900549
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:125下載:24
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  • 完美主義是一種個體設定高標準,並追求極致表現的特性。心理學研究對完美主義的定義與分類存在著許多分歧,其中以諮商輔導的運作為考量所發展出的幾近完美主義量表(Almost Perfect Scale - Revised)根據高標準以及落差的分數,可以將受試者分為適應型完美主義、不適應型完美主義和非完美主義三類。但在以台灣學生為受訪者的樣本中,有研究者認為四分類的結果較為妥當,除原本的三類外,華人還增多了「低標準/高落差」的群體,並認為這是華人受傳統文化中的集體主義與家庭主義影響,因此呈現與西方完美主義不同的分類形態。基於中國大陸可能是華人地區相對上受到西方文化滲透較少的地區,透過與過往研究一致的分析方法,本研究試圖以中國大陸的大學生與工作者的樣本中,驗證華人四分類結果。研究結果發現:(一)學生與工作者樣本的四集群分類的結果,與過往的華人研究分類結果類似。但是,第四類的特質值得商榷。(二)大陸樣本的完美主義特性,確實顯著的受到家庭因素的影響。(三)學生和工作者的完美主義特性存在著一定的差異,未來的完美主義研究應該注意到學生與工作者的差異。

    Perfectionism is a tendency to pursue high standards and might be over concerned about any mistake and not satisfied about what one has achieved. Its definition and typology have been discussed and debated in psychological studies, among which, the Almost Perfect Scales (APS-R), developed from counseling practices, has traditionally been used to group test subjects into three clusters: adaptive perfectionists, maladaptive perfectionists, and non-perfectionists. However, in one previous study of a Taiwanese student sample, a four-cluster solution was observed. In addition to the three types of perfectionism mentioned, the study claimed that the fourth group in Chinese consisted of subjects with low-standards / high-discrepancy scores, and the classification result differed from the results of Westerners because Chinese were more influenced by collectivism and family-oriented values. In this study, the author attempted to replicate the four-cluster solution in a university-student sample and a worker sample collected from Mainland China, which was supposedly less Westernized than Taiwan and Hong Kong. The study found that (1) the four-cluster solution in each sample was very similar to what was found in previous studies. However, the trait of the fourth group is debatable. (2) Perfectionist characteristics in the mainland samples were indeed significantly influenced by some family factors. (3) There were some differences between the student-subjects and worker-subjects in their perfectionist characteristics. Future studies of perfectionism should be aware that perfectionist models developed from student samples do not necessarily apply to workers.

    第一章 緒論 1 第二章 完美主義的定義與發展 5 第三章 華人完美主義的測量與發展 13 第四章 幾近完美主義量表的分類 23 第五章 研究方法 29 第六章 研究結果 39 第七章 討論與建議 63 參考文獻 67

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