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研究生: 李孟璇
Meng-Hsuan Lee
論文名稱: 蘭陽博物館展示的策略與實踐
The Strategy and Practice of Exhibition of Lanyang Museum
指導教授: 陳瓊花
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 204
中文關鍵詞: 地方博物館蘭陽博物館展示策略社會藝術教育
英文關鍵詞: local museum, Lanyang Museum, exhibition strategy, social arts education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:181下載:30
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  • 世界博物館思潮的轉變下,地方博物館開始興起。在臺灣,蘭陽博物館被譽為「地方博物館」之旗手,其成功的博物館規劃已成典範、表現出超脫地方博物館的活力,也顯見其吸引力及後續的影響力。展示是博物館與觀眾溝通的重要管道,蘭陽博物館的展示在表現與推廣宜蘭地方文化特色上不遺餘力,因此成為了解宜蘭的窗口、並引發觀眾的探索興趣,造成觀眾廣大的迴響。本研究以蘭陽博物館為個案,探究其展示策略與實踐狀況。
    研究發現蘭陽博物館所使用的展示策略有:(一)自然的地理邏輯 (二)貼近人們生活、營造親切感 (三)多元詮釋 (四)提供開放性的反思機會 (五)使用實體展品,營造真實感、臨場感 (六)運用新科技 (七)藝術表現手法 (八)提供運用身體各種感覺體驗的機會 (九)具穿透性的空間設計 (十)創造多個視覺焦點。展示策略的實踐:(一)策略規劃包含全館,可惜並沒有完全落實 (二)展示策略的實踐狀況影響觀眾的接收程度。研究個案中,能有效增加訊息、增加探索興趣的展示策略為:(一)展示資訊具體化可促進觀眾學習 (二)穿透性的空間設計可提高觀眾的參觀權益 (三)創造多個視覺焦點可提高展示對觀眾的吸引力 (四)展示內容邀請社區居民參與,將可獲得地方力量支持,也可提高觀眾對展示的認同感。而蘭陽博物館展示規劃的待改進之處為:(一)減少傳統「以文字敘述為主」的展示說明 (二)展示詮釋需具有開放性,促進觀眾較深層之思考 (三)新科技的加入絕對能增強展示效果,但必須確保可行性與日後的維護計畫 (四)特色展品置於主動線上,將使參觀動線流暢。最後並以研究結果提出對博物館展示規劃、博物館推廣藝術教育、以及後續研究之建議。

    Changes in the ideological trend of world museums, local museums began to emerge. Lanyang Museum in Taiwan, is known as the leader of the “local museum”, and its successful museum planning has become a model. This is beyond the vitality of the local museum, showing a significant attraction and subsequent influence. Exhibition is an important way of communication with the audience, the exhibition of Lanyang Museum has spared no effort in performance and promotion of the Ilan local cultural characteristics, and thus become a shortcut to understanding Ilan, and increase the audience's exploration interest. In this study, taking the Lanyang Museum as an example, explore its exhibition strategy and current practice.
    In this study, through the collation of the semi-structured depth interviews and literature, to understand the exhibition strategy and the meaning of strategic planning of Lanyang Museum. And through the implementation of the adult audience interviews, to understand the idea of the audience. By these ways to organize the exhibition strategies and implementation methods, and also proposed the possible problems and solutions. So it can be used as a reference of the future exhibition planning.
    From the results of the study, the exhibition strategy of Lanyang Museum are(1) Naturally geographical logic (2) Close to people's lives, and create intimacy (3) Diverse interpretations (4) Provides the opportunities of reflection and thinking (5) Use physical exhibits to create a realistic and immersive environment (6) Use the new technology (7) Means of artistic expression (8) More opportunity to use the body to feel the exhibits (9) Performance of penetrating space design (10) Create multiple visual focus. The results show that, the practice of the strategy: (a) strategic planning includes the whole museum, but unfortunately has not been fully implemented (a) practice of the exhibition strategy to influence the level of audience reception. In this case study, the effective exhibition strategies are: (a) Specific exhibition information can promote audience learning. (b) Penetrating space design can improve visitors' interests. (c) Create multiple visual focus will improve the attractiveness of exhibition. (d) Inviting community residents to participate the exhibition content, it will increase the exhibition's sense of identity for audience. To be improved: (a) Reduce the text-based exhibition notes. (b) Open interpretation to promote deeper thinking of audience. (c) The new technology must ensure the feasibility and future maintenance plan. (d) The distinctive exhibition placed in the main line of action, it will make the visit movement smooth. Finally, according to the findings of this thesis, proposed museum exhibition planning, museum promotion of arts education, and future research recommendations.

    第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 研究範圍與限制 6 第四節 名詞闡釋與界定 8 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 博物館與社會藝術教育 11 第二節 博物館的當代性 20 第三節 國內外博物館展示相關研究 31 第參章 研究設計 第一節 研究架構與流程 66 第二節 研究方法的運用 71 第三節 研究個案的介紹 77 第四節 訪談對象的選擇 90 第五節 資料分析與整理 95 第肆章 分析與討論 第一節 蘭陽博物館展示的目標與對象 101 第二節 蘭陽博物館展示策略之分析 105 第三節 蘭陽博物館展示的未來方向 164 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 175 第二節 建議 186 參考文獻 191

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