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研究生: 林慶淵
論文名稱: 俗世的荒誕-當代人的消費文化與存在意識
Earthly Absurdity –Contemporary Consumer Culture and Sense of Existence
指導教授: 蘇憲法
Su, Hsien-Fa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 俗世荒誕存在意識物慾消費主義
英文關鍵詞: earthly, absurd, consciousness of existence, material desire, consumerism
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DFA.038.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:143下載:94
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  • 幾乎一睜開眼,在街頭、電視、網路及報章雜誌上,天羅地網般的媒體總是不斷渲染、誇耀那些明星和權貴的生活方式;暗示消費昂貴的名牌,便可以像他們一樣,晉升上流社會。尤其在Facebook及Instagram等社交網路平台,富裕階層的炫富,無形中令中下階層產生「存在危機」,彷彿唯有富豪階級,才有存在的價值。更令人憂心的是,許多媒體無所不用其極地對消費大眾,灌輸物質與尊嚴之間是劃上等號。於是使當代人,輕易認同媒體所建立的價值觀,進入一個虛擬荒誕的俗世之中,誤以為透過消費奢華商品,即可立即填補內心的空虛,不知不覺被物慾所控制。



    Almost as soon as they opened their eyes, the media in the streets, on television, in the internet and in newspapers and magazines were constantly rendering and boasting the lifestyle of celebrities and ladies; implying that expensive brand names could be promoted like them society. Its social networking platform such as Facebook and Instagram,wealthy people show off the wealthy, virtually create a "crisis" in the middle and lower classes, as if only the rich class, there is the value of existence. What is even more worrisome is that many media use their own poles to consume the public and infuse material and dignity into equating. Therefore, the contemporary people can easily accept the values established by the media and enter into a virtual absurd earthly world. They mistakenly think that by consuming luxury goods, the emptiness in their hearts can be immediately filled and unknowingly controlled by materialism.
    The influence of advertisements on people is like water droplets worn in stone, and is unknowingly carried out. However, the seemingly beautiful scenes cast doubt on whether or not pseudo-contexts are created through layered design. After all, most ordinary people In the end, you have to face the real self. At the same time, in the capitalist world, local governments continue to promote large-scale production and large-scale consumption in order to promote economic prosperity. The value of people seems to have only the meaning of consumption. However, in the process of consumption, the psychological oppression caused by the disparity between the rich and the poor makes people have a universal value bias; especially for many young ethnic groups, in the pursuit of individual independence,they are even more eager to prove themselves through group acceptance. There is value,brand-name bags, high-end costumes, perfumes and watches, as a bridge for human interaction. In order to obtain quick money, recently, the JK culture has often become a social problem in various countries.
    This book is divided into six chapters. First of all, through various psychological analysis and research, explore the issue of contemporary consumer behavior and the existence of awareness, understand how people face the emptiness. At the same time,advocating that consumption has become the lifeblood of capitalism has become a problem.
    Under such circumstances, how should people face the brainwashing and exchange of advertising media? And the aftermath of commodity fetishism, social class and spiritual anxiety. And, to establish self-worth, recognize self-awareness, is also an important issue in this thesis. The following chapters discuss artistic thought and formal style,illustrating the author's study of content and form. Finally, the author's theme, "Wormhole Series of Works," is illustrated so that readers can easily understand how a piece of work enlightens the mind and then transforms into a process of artistic creation. The conclusion at the end of the article is a synthesis of the first five chapters and a concluding summary Discussion.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍 4 第三節 名詞解釋 7 第二章 心理的存在意識 12 第一節 卡爾.榮格及佛洛依德的分析心理學 12 第二節 阿德勒個體心理學 14 第三節 存在心理學分析 16 第四節 少女的存在焦慮 19 第三章 俗世的荒誕 24 第一節 消費階級 24 第二節 物的崇拜性質 28 第三節 快媒體時代 33 第四節 物之迷戀 39 第四章 創作思想內容與形式 44 第一節 藝術無形式 47 第二節 內容即形式 形式非內容 49 第三節 哲學客觀思想取代藝術主觀概念 52 第四節 一個思想 多元形式 54 第五章 ”蟲洞”系列作品分析 56 第一節 創作起源 56 第二節 文本盜獵 59 第三節 超扁平風潮 62 第四節 藝術無固定形式風格作品 65 第六章 結論 68 參考書目 73 圖錄 76


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