研究生: |
梁迪翔 Liang, Ti-Shiang |
論文名稱: |
經驗學習循環應用於設計思考─以「保存」創作為例 The Application of Experiential Learning Cycle on Design Thinking ─ Using “Preservation” Creation as an Example |
指導教授: |
Liang, Kuei-Chia |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 81 |
中文關鍵詞: | 經驗學習循環 、設計思考 |
英文關鍵詞: | experiential learning cycle, design thinking |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:316 下載:43 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
從過往的經驗中,可以得到設計靈感,網路上也有各種提供靈感的網站,但是經驗轉換成靈感再轉換成設計的過程,就需要運用方法導入設計思考的過程中。本研究目的在探討從教育領域的經驗學習循環中,尋求適合應用到設計思考上的方式。其研究目標有三:第一,分析經驗對個人的意義與設計屬性的轉換。第二 ,從文獻探討中,將創意思考整合經驗學習循環,使其能應用到設計思考上。第三,以「保存」個人創造驗整此討論過後的經驗學習循環理論,歸納其操作過程以作為後續研究及設計的參考模式。
本研究結果:第一,經驗學習循環應用於設計思考圖能將經驗進行不同層級上的拆解與組合,同時這也是一個不斷進行中的體驗過程,使最後產生的設計能有其延續性及意外性,且呈現原始的主題進行發展。第二 ,原經驗學習循環中有四個步驟:情感體驗、觀察記錄、思考分析與設計行動。但在應用於設計思考之後,其四個步驟的邊界並不明顯,可被視為理性與感性間的轉換與理解:情感體驗,觀察記錄,思考分析與設計行動。情感體驗與觀察紀錄是感性的理解與轉換的過程,思考分析與設計行動則是理性轉換的循環。
People could get design inspirations from their past experience and there are also a lot of websites providing inspirations. In the process of transforming from experience to inspirations and to designs, we need to use some methods in design thinking process. There are three goals in the study: to analyze the meanings from personal experiences and then to transform them into design languages; second, to think about how to apply the model of experiential learning cycle to product design thinking. The model could be adjusted from the previous research; third, after modifying the theory of experiential learning cycle, the research will testify the theory by a series of "Preservation" creations.
During the process of literature arrangement, the new application model on design thinking is developed from the experiential learning cycle with creative thinking theories. And the role that experience is played in design and the transforming of experience in design are exploded during the process of design creating. The new application model is also verified and revised during the process of design creating. In this study, the theme of the design creation is "Preservation ".
The results of the study: first, experience could be disassembled and be composed in different hierarchies in this model (the application of experiential learning cycle on design thinking) . Meanwhile, it is also a continuing experience process which makes design with continuing and accidental properties. The process would be developed to present the original theme. Second, there are four steps in the original experiential learning cycle: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. But after being applied in design thinking, the boundaries between four steps are found out not very clear. The new four steps are experiencing, recording, analyzing and designing. The new cycle could be seen as translation and understanding between emotion and ration. Experiencing and recording can be classified as emotional area and the other steps can be classified as rational area.
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