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研究生: 潘畇沄
Pan, Yun-Yun
論文名稱: 蒸氣波風格應用於精釀啤酒包裝設計創作研究
A Research of Craft Beer Package Design in Vaporwave Style
指導教授: 劉建成
Liu, Chien-Cheng
口試委員: 王千睿
Wang, Chien-jui
Lee, Yi-sun
Liu, Chien-Cheng
口試日期: 2022/07/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系設計創作碩士在職專班
Department of Design_Continuing Education Master's Program of Creative Practice in Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 包裝設計精釀啤酒蒸氣波風格
英文關鍵詞: Vaporwave, Craft beer, Package Design
研究方法: 個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201535
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:75下載:21
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  • 蒸氣波風格這幾年在社群媒體使用者的拓展與助瀾之下,逐漸從音樂特色延伸至視覺領域,更進一步形成獨特的蒸氣波美學。不只常見於社群媒體上,在許多商業廣告及購物平台上也能見到蒸氣波的表現,使得原本非主流的視覺風格逐漸被大家認識。在蒸氣波商用的部分,目前僅侷限用專輯唱片封面與社群媒體廣告文宣,在包裝設計部分未見得,因此本研究欲藉由蒸氣波風格的創新表現,增加與消費者話題性高及連結性強的包裝,應有助於提升對產品的關注度。本研究之目的有三點,一、探討蒸氣波風格的形成脈絡及分析此視覺風格的表現特徵;二、分析市面上精釀啤酒包裝設計,彙整精釀啤酒的視覺風格並比較其異同;三、建構蒸氣波風格應用於精釀啤酒包裝設計的表現模式。在研究方法上,以文獻探討研究蒸氣波風格之形成脈絡與風格特徵、啤酒發展及精釀啤酒在國內外的歷史與特色、包裝的功能與包裝中圖文設計的功能;案例分析法為針對2012-2022年臺灣市售精釀啤酒的包裝設計,分析其色彩、文字與圖像的運用,在整體風格表現有何異同,研究發現:蒸氣波美學基本要素在色彩上是以冷色調為主、圖像體材的運用多懷舊元素,視覺表現手法上採複合式圖像、無複雜感的編排與水平的構成。而台灣精釀啤酒包裝設計的視覺表現,主題常響應社會議題,並透過與傳統禮俗結合的包裝拉近與消費者的距離;常出現幽默風趣的取名方式傳達年輕活潑的特質。而文字應用方面分為現代與傳統兩類,傾向以毛筆字表達傳統主題,用黑體字表達現代。最後以上述之研究分析結果為基礎進行蒸氣波與精釀啤酒包裝設計媒合之創作。綜合前述之觀點導入創作實證研究,發展出三個系列啤酒包裝設計共九款樣式,獲致結論如下:一、題材編排與色彩表現,形塑出獨特的蒸氣波風格:二、社會議題、詼諧命名、古今並承與調性統一是台灣精釀啤酒包裝之設計趨勢:三、掌握蒸氣波風格之圖像、色彩等特徵為創作精釀啤酒包裝設計的準則。


    With the expansion and encouragement of social media users, the vapor wave style has gradually extended from music to the visual field in the past few years, further forming a unique vapor wave aesthetic. It is not only common in social media, but also in many commercial advertisements and shopping platforms, making the original non-mainstream visual style gradually known to everyone. In the commercial part of steam wave, it is currently only used in album covers and social media advertising, but not in packaging design. Therefore, this study aims to increase the number of packaging with a high level of conversation and connection with consumers through the innovative expression of steam wave style, which should help to increase the attention to the product. The purpose of this study is three-fold: first, to investigate the formation of the steam wave style and analyze the performance characteristics of this visual style; second, to analyze the design of craft beer packaging in the market and compare the similarities and differences of its visual performance; third, to construct the performance model of steam wave style applied to craft beer packaging design. In terms of the research methodology, the research uses literature to study the formation of the steam wave style and its characteristics, the history and characteristics of beer development and craft beer in Taiwan and abroad, the function of the packaging and the function of the graphic design in the packaging; the case study method is to analyze the similarities and differences in the use of colors, words and images in the overall style performance of the packaging design of craft beer sold in Taiwan from 2012 to 2022. The study found that the basic elements of steam wave aesthetics are mainly cool colors, nostalgic elements in the use of graphic materials, and complex images, uncomplicated arrangement and horizontal composition in the visual expression. The visual expression of Taiwan's craft beer packaging design often responds to social issues and draws consumers closer to the packaging by combining it with traditional rituals and customs; humorous and funny names are often used to convey the young and lively character. As for the application of characters, they are divided into two categories: modern and traditional, and tend to use brush characters to express traditional themes and black characters to express modern ones. The following conclusions were reached: 1) Thematic arrangement and color expressions shape the unique steam wave style: 2) Social issues, humorous naming, the integration of the past and the present, and tonal unity are the design trends of Taiwan's craft beer packaging: 3) Mastering the characteristics of steam wave style such as images and colors are the criteria for creating craft beer packaging design.

    Key Words : Vaporwave , Craft beer , Package Design

    第壹章 緒論 1 1-1研究動機與目的 1 1-1-1研究動機 1 1-1-2研究目的 4 1-2研究方法與架構 5 1-2-1研究方法 5 1-2-2研究架構流程 7 1-3研究範圍與限制 8 1-3-1研究範圍限制於蒸氣波風格與精釀啤酒包裝視覺設計 8 1-3-2探討精釀啤酒的口味與視覺設計的之連結 8 第貳章 文獻探討 9 2-1蒸氣波風格 9 2-1-1蒸氣波的起源 9 2-1-2蒸氣波與後現代資本主義 11 2-1-3蒸氣波作品與其風格要素 12 2-1-4蒸氣波範例 16 2-2精釀啤酒 22 2-2-1臺灣啤酒文化歷史 22 2-2-2精釀啤酒的發展 25 2-2-3臺灣精釀啤酒的進程 25 2-3情感傳達與包裝設計 28 2-3-1包裝設計的概念 28 2-3-2包裝設計的功能 30 2-3-3包裝設計的情感傳達 32 2-3-4酒類商品之包裝設計 33 2-4 文獻小結 39 第參章 相關案例分析 42 3-1取樣原則 42 3-1-1樣本依據 42 3-1-2取樣範圍 42 3-1-3取樣時間 43 3-2精釀啤酒包裝視覺之分析 44 3-2-1響應社會議題 44 3-2-2異業結合包裝 45 3-2-3與傳統禮俗結合的包裝 46 3-2-4商品名稱諧音梗融入包裝 47 3-2-5將啤酒風味擬人化的包裝 49 第肆章 設計創作 51 4-1 創作背景 51 4-2 創作流程 52 4-2-1選擇器型及包裝方式 52 4-2-2啤酒風味元素分析 52 4-2-3系列風格元素分析 53 4-2-4風格與商品元素媒合 56 4-2-5設計創作執行 58 4-3 作品系列 64 4-3-1精釀啤酒包裝系列作品一 64 4-3-2精釀啤酒包裝系列作品二 69 4-3-3精釀啤酒包裝系列作品三 74 4-3-4 展示現場紀錄 80 第伍章 結論與建議 82 5-1 結論 82 5-2後續研究建議 84 參考文獻 85 附錄 90

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