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研究生: 李聿勛
Li, Yu-Hsun
論文名稱: 臺灣成人教育機構之靈性課程及其行銷策略之研究
A Study on the Spiritual Courses and Marketing Strategies of Adult Education Institutions in Taiwan
指導教授: 黃靖惠
Hwang, Jing-Huey
口試委員: 陳錫琦
Chen, Si-Chi
Ho, Shi-Huei Sophia
Wei, Hui-Chuan
Chang, Wan-Jen
Hwang, Jing-Huey
口試日期: 2022/12/28
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 327
中文關鍵詞: 行銷策略規劃身心靈課程靈性靈性學習課程
英文關鍵詞: marketing strategy planning, body-mind-spirit courses, spirituality, spiritual learning courses
研究方法: 文件分析法深度訪談法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300342
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:267下載:23
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  • 本研究旨在探討成人教育機構所開設之靈性課程的內涵、特性及所運用之行銷策略。本研究以質性的深度訪談為主、文件分析為輔,探究課程規劃者和行銷者對靈性意義的解讀、對靈性課程的規劃與相應的行銷策略。而分析受訪的六個成教機構之觀點以及相關資料,本研究的結果包括下列:
    1. 機構創辦人/領導人對於靈性的理念,影響「產品」即靈性學習課程之規劃。課程種類偏多元的機構,強調實用與整合的學習;偏向特定主題課程的機構,則專注於靈性意識的提升和身心靈平衡。
    5. 「人員」方面,機構創辦人不僅擔任授課講師,並為其機構規劃課程及行銷策略。至於其他人力資源,半數的受訪機構以人脈網絡的協助,取代專職員工的聘用。

    The main purpose of this study is to explore the connotation, characteristics, and marketing strategies implemented of the spiritual courses offered by adult education institutions. The research is primarily based on in-depth interviews and aided by document analysis to investigate the interpretations of the meaning of spirituality, the course plannings and the corresponding marketing strategies adopted by course planners as well as marketers. Through the analysis of the perspectives and related data of six adult education institutions interviewed, the results of this research include the following:
    1. The interpretations of spirituality by these institutions can be divided into two levels: (1) Awareness: a. Spirituality is the reflection on the meaning of life and the experience of inner connection; b. Spirituality is the connection between the individual and the universe; c. Spirituality is an inward exploration and transformation of spiritual consciousness. (2) Action: a. Spirituality should be manifested from the inside out in daily practice; b. An individual can go beyond limits of usual experiences or overcome challenges in life with spiritual transcendence; c. Spiritual development is to live in the present moment and play a part in this life.
    As for the functions and the characteristics that spiritual learning courses should possess, three main points can be derived: (1) The courses should be endowed with the functions of enhancing inner strength and transforming spiritual consciousness; (2) The courses should be student-oriented and assist the individual learner in seeking spirituality from one’s inner self, not beyond the mind.; (3) Teachers should possess profound spiritual introspection and consider life as an everlasting journey of exploration.
    2. The mix of marketing strategies adopted by the institutions interviewed presents the following characteristics:
    (1) The spirituality visions of institution founders/leaders have influences on the devising of “products”, i.e., spiritual learning courses. Institutions with a variety of courses emphasize practical and comprehensive studies, while institutions with specific theme courses focus on the growth of spiritual awareness and the balance among mind, body, and spirit.
    (2) In terms of “pricing” strategy, non-profit educational institutions offer low-price courses, while other institutions adopt a mix of three pricing strategies.
    (3) In terms of “place”, both physical and online channels are adopted depending on course attributes.
    (4) In terms of “promotion”, various forms are used and social media have become important channels of marketing.
    (5) In terms of “people”, the founders of the institutions not only act as course instructors but also formulate courses and marketing strategies for their institutions. And as for other human resources, half of the organizations interviewed take on the assistance from connections and networks rather than from full-time employees.
    Overall, the marketing strategies are affected mainly by two factors: one is the nature of an institution. Being for-profit or non-profit has an impact on course prices. The other is the philosophy and definition for spirituality embraced by founders/leaders, affecting the course planning and design, as well as the audience targeted. In other words, two main factors are influential on marketing strategies, which result in different outcomes in three aspects.
    Based on the above findings, this study finally puts forward suggestions on the design and marketing mix of spiritual growth courses for the reference of further research and practice.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 壹、大環境的失衡與靈性的安定需求2 貳、臺灣靈性學習課程的多元內容與行銷推廣3 第二節 研究目的與研究問題9 壹、研究目的9 貳、研究問題9 第三節 名詞釋義10 壹、成人教育機構10 貳、靈性學習課程10 參、教育行銷策略11 肆、行銷組合12 第二章 文獻探討13 第一節 靈性與靈性學習13 壹、靈性的意涵與向度13 貳、靈性研究的發展脈絡29 參、靈性之相關研究及實務應用39 第二節 行銷的定義與策略53 壹、行銷的定義與概念之演進53 貳、行銷的策略規劃58 第三節 成人教育行銷及相關研究65 壹、教育行銷的意義65 貳、教育行銷的策略與要素66 參、成人教育行銷相關研究77 第四節 綜整文獻缺口81 壹、成人靈性學習教育機構的行銷81 貳、學習課程的社群媒體行銷83 第三章 研究設計與實施87 第一節 研究架構與流程89 壹、準備階段91 貳、資料蒐集階段92 參、資料分析階段94 第二節 研究參與者95 壹、選取受訪機構95 貳、研究對象之選擇97 參、訪談對象97 第三節 研究方法101 壹、文件分析101 貳、深度訪談103 參、資料分析與信實度105 第四節 研究倫理與研究者角色109 壹、保密與匿名109 貳、據實說明研究目的和知會同意109 參、研究倫理110 第四章 研究發現與討論111 第一節 受訪機構之受歡迎人氣課程及其課程文案111 壹、機構A:多元主題課程,強調實用與探索使命111 貳、機構B:以新時代賽斯為主軸,促進身心靈平衡116 參、課程學習團體C:新時代教材型主題課程,轉化意識逐級而上119 肆、機構D:主題型課程,解開制約讓天賦自由122 伍、機構E:多元主題,融會貫通124 陸、機構F:多元法門,解惑調整當下128 第二節 靈性學習課程的內涵與特色131 壹、靈性的內涵131 貳、靈性學習課程135 參、小結142 第三節 靈性學習課程之策略性行銷規劃程序150 壹、確立目標與分析行銷機會(機構願景、分析內外部環境)150 貳、 確立目標市場行銷(市場區隔、選擇目標市場、市場定位)153 參、擬定行銷組合策略-行銷5P 156 肆、小結170 第四節 教育行銷三角與內部行銷182 壹、組織理念凝聚共識182 貳、內部溝通管道186 參、學員靈性學習的情形188 肆、小結190 第五章 研究結論與建議199 第一節 研究結論200 壹、受訪機構靈性學習課程的內涵與特色200 貳、受訪機構之靈性學習課程的行銷策略及影響因素207 參、受訪教育機構在靈性課程內涵、特色和行銷策略的異同213 第二節 研究貢獻與研究建議224 壹、研究貢獻224 貳、研究限制與反思建議226 參考書目232 附錄一 研究邀請說明暨參與研究同意書257 附錄二 研究倫理線上教育訓練課程研習證明259 附錄三 訪談題綱(機構領導人或主管)261 第一部分:研究參與者個人背景資料261 第二部分:訪談大綱261 附錄四 訪談題綱(授課教師)265 第一部分:個人背景資料265 第二部分:訪談大綱265 附錄五 訪談題綱(學員)269 第一部分:研究參與者個人背景資料269 第二部分:訪談大綱269 附錄六 機構A課程介紹272 附錄七 機構B課程介紹291 附錄八 C課程介紹295 附錄九 機構D課程介紹300 附錄十 機構E課程介紹305 附錄十一 機構F課程介紹314

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