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研究生: 羅揚翔
Lo, Yang-Hsiang
論文名稱: 詞彙銜接性教學對台灣以英語為外語高中生之閱讀理解效益
The Effect of Lexical Cohesion Instruction on the Reading Comprehension of EFL Senior High School Students in Taiwan
指導教授: 張珮青
Chang, Pei-Chin
口試委員: 張珮青
Chang, Pei-Chin
Chen, Chiou-Lan
Leung, Maggie
口試日期: 2024/07/02
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系英語教學碩士在職專班
Department of English_In-service Teacher Master's Program of Teaching English as A Second Language
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 詞彙銜接詞彙鏈閱讀理解高中學生
英文關鍵詞: lexical cohesion, lexical chain, reading comprehension, senior high school students
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400848
論文種類: 代替論文:專業實務報告(專業實務類)
相關次數: 點閱:82下載:17
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  • 過去數十年來,研究者致力於發展各種閱讀教學法,以提升學習者的閱讀理解能力。一些研究者也試圖將詞彙銜接性概念融入閱讀教學中。然而,較少有研究利用詞彙銜接性來提升低學習成就者的英語閱讀能力,關於詞彙銜接性教學如何影響高低學習成就者的研究也寥寥可數。
    幾項研究結果顯示:(1) 接受詞彙銜接性教學的學生在閱讀理解測驗中有顯著的進步,尤其在「主旨理解」和「細節理解」的向度更為顯著。(2) 低學習成就者在閱讀理解測驗中的進步超越高學習成就者,在「細節理解」的向度較為明顯。(3) 大多數接受詞彙銜接性教學的學生皆對詞彙銜接性教學表達正面的態度。(4) 低學習成就者對詞彙銜接性教學的感受比高學習成就者更為正面,顯示他們相信該教學的學習效果,也有意願於在未來應用所學到的詞彙銜接的技巧,並感性上享受詞彙銜接性教學的學習過程。

    In the past decades, researchers have strived to develop various reading instructions to facilitate learners’ reading comprehension. Many researchers also turn their attention to integrating cohesion concepts to reading skill training. Few studies, however, focused on utilizing lexical cohesion to develop lower proficiency learner’s reading skills. The research which explored the effect of the lexical cohesion instruction on higher and lower proficiency learners is also scant.
    This study investigates the impact of lexical cohesion instruction on English reading comprehension among EFL learners, with a particular focus on comparing the reading comprehension of students with higher and lower English proficiency levels in a senior high school regular English classroom in Taiwan. Fifty-two 11th grade students participated in the study, with twenty-six students respectively served as the control group and the experimental group. Both groups of students took a reading comprehension test as a pre-test and post-test before and after the lexical cohesion instruction. The 4-week instruction, which was developed from Hoey’s (1991) lexical cohesion framework, guided students to identify the word relations (repetition, paraphrase, hyponymy, and co-reference) in reading passages and complete the lexical chains. After the instruction, the participants took the Lexical Cohesion Learning Experience Questionnaire adapted from Wilawan (2023). The results of the pre-test and the pos-test were analyzed quantitatively with paired-samples t-tests and descriptive statistics. The questionnaire, which was composed of four-level Likert scale closed-ended questions and open-ended questions, were quantitatively analyzed by statistics and content analysis.
    Several findings indicated that (1) students who received the lexical cohesion instruction showed a significant improvement on the reading comprehension test, especially in the dimension of reading for main idea and details. (2) The reading comprehension improvement of the lower English proficiency students outperformed the higher proficiency learners, especially in the dimension of reading for details. (3) Most students who received the lexical cohesion instruction showed positive attitude toward the instruction. (4) Lower English proficiency learners perceive the instruction more positively than their counterparts, suggesting that they believe in the instruction’s learning outcomes, incline to apply the skills of the instruction in the future, and affectively enjoy the learning process of the lexical cohesion instruction.
    In conclusion, the present study contributes to the existing literature that the lexical cohesion instruction could have positive effect on students’ reading comprehension, particularly for the lower English proficiency learners. Pedagogical implications suggested that the instruction could be utilized in regular classroom settings, differentiated instruction, or remedial classes. Practitioners can also consider applying the instruction in developing reading strategies and vocabulary introduction. Nonetheless, the generalizability of the results was constrained by several limitations, including the size the participants, the duration of the intervention, and the choice of the instruments. Despite the limitations, it is hoped that the present study sheds light on the possibility of utilizing lexical cohesion concepts in reading instruction, and surely brings benefits to students in EFL contexts.

    Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Literature Review 5 Global and Local Levels of Reading 5 Lexical Cohesion 6 Lexical Chains 8 Studies on Lexical Cohesion and Chains 10 Chapter 3 Methodology 13 Participants 13 The Traditional Instruction and the Lexical Cohesion Instruction Teaching Procedures 14 Instruments 21 Reading Comprehension Test 21 Lexical Cohesion Learning Experience Questionnaire 24 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 26 The Effect of the Lexical Cohesion Instruction on the Control and the Experimental Groups 26 The Control and the Experimental Groups’ Performance on Each Test Item Category of the Reading Comprehension Test 27 The Effect of the Lexical Cohesion Instruction on Higher and Lower English Proficiency Learners’ Comprehension 28 Higher and Lower English Proficiency Learners’ Performance on Each Test Item Category of the Reading Comprehension Test 29 Percentage of Students’ Responses to the Lexical Cohesion Learning Experience Questionnaire 31 Students’ Open-ended Responses to the Lexical Cohesion Learning Experience Questionnaire 35 Chapter 5 Conclusion 39 The Effect of the Lexical Cohesion Instruction on EFL Senior High School Students in Taiwan 39 The Effect of the Lexical Cohesion Instruction on Higher and Lower English Proficiency Learners’ Comprehension 40 EFL High School Students’ Responses toward the Lexical Cohesion Instruction 41 Pedagogical Implications 42 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies 44 References 45 Appendix A 49 Appendix B 53 Appendix C 59

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