研究生: |
陳雅卉 Chen, Ya-Huei |
論文名稱: |
大學生自尊、憂鬱程度、社會支持與自殺意念之相關研究-以某大學為例 The Research of relationships among self- esteem, the degree of depression, social support and suicidal ideation of college students.―Take a college students for example |
指導教授: | 呂昌明 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 103 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自殺意念 、大學生 、自尊 、憂鬱程度 、社會支持 |
英文關鍵詞: | college students, suicidal ideation, self-esteem, the degree of depression, social support |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1904 下載:122 |
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四、研究對象社會支持來源以「朋友支持」 最多,「特定他人支持」其次,
最後依據研究結果進行討論,並分別針對校園自殺防治的實務 工作與未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of suicidal ideation among college students and to further explore its relationships between self-esteem, the degree of depression, and social support. The researching matrix based on the college students of a certain private university. It adopted random sampling method, and used self-administrated questionnaires to set up the statistics, thus, we acquired 385 valid samples and the effective rate of return came to be 96.3%. The statistics were analyzed by the methods of one-way ANOVA, T-test, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple linear regression.
The major findings are as follows:
1.There were about 39.5% research subjects having
experienced suicidal ideation during the previous week.
Among them, the seniors were higher than the freshmen..
2.The subjects' self- esteem of the research was at middle-
high level.
3.There were 25.5% research subjects having reached a level
above the light depression during the past two weeks.
4.The most social support of the subjects came mainly from
their friends , the next was significant others’ and the
least was family support. The sophomores’ perceived
social support was higher than the seniors.
5.The suicidal ideation of subjects showed a positive
correlation between the degree of depression, and showed
a negative correlation between self- esteem and social
6.The demography data, self- esteem, the degree of
depression and the social support could explain 58.4% of
the total variation in suicidal ideation of the subjects.
7.The degree of depression and family support could predict
suicidal ideation of college students, and the most
important predictor was the degree of depression.
At the end of this thesis, these results were discussed and suggestions for the practical experience and future studies.
Key Words: suicidal ideation, self-esteem, the degree of depression,
social support, college students
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