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研究生: 黃維綱
論文名稱: 多群組離散型驗證性因素分析模型在多元計分試題差異功能檢定之研究
指導教授: 蔡蓉青
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 試題差異功能多群組離散型驗證性因素分析模型強韌性卡方差異檢定基線模式開放法Bonferroni 修正
英文關鍵詞: DIF, multiple-group categorical CFA, robust chi-square difference test, free baseline strategy, Bonferroni correction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:112下載:23
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  •  本研究在探討在多群組離散型驗證性因素分析模型下,利用強韌性卡方差異檢定,並且配合基線模式開放法來檢測多元計分題之試題差異功能(DIF) 的有效性。我們利用模擬實驗來調查在不同的樣本數、群組之平均潛在能力差異、DIF 比例、DIF 強度、DIF 類型以及顯著水準類型等因素條件下,該檢測之型一誤差和檢定力的表現,以了解這些因素對檢測有效性的影響。研究結果發現:整體而言,強韌性卡方差異檢定能有效的檢測出DIF 試題;在以下的情境檢定力較高:大樣本數、重度DIF、DIF 類型為僅因素負荷量上有DIF 和因素負荷量和閾值均有DIF 時檢定力較高;是否有群組之平均潛在能力差異、DIF 比例二者則對檢定力影響不顯著;Bonferroni 修正由於過度保守,建議無須特別採用。另外,與過去文獻比較時發現:使用基線模式開放法比基線模式限制法有明顯較低的型一誤差,而基線模式限制法在經過Oort 調整過顯著水準後則有可接受的型一誤差。但不論調整與否,基線模式限制法比基線模式開放法平均來講有較佳的檢定力。再者,分析時視多元計分試題資料為離散型、檢測DIF 前先篩選出不配適的模型並不會使檢定力增加。

    The aim of this study is to assess the efficiency of using multiple group categorical CFA and robust chi-square difference test in DIF detection for polytomous items under the free baseline strategy. Simulation studies are conducted to examine the empirical type I error and power of DIF detection and the effects of five factors are investigated, including sample sizes, impacts, DIF percentages, DIF sizes, and types of DIF. Based on our results, robust chi-square difference test is shown to be efficient in detecting DIF for polytomous items, especially under the conditions of large sample size, large DIF size, and either factor loadings or both factor loadings and thresholds having DIF. Moreover, impact and DIF percentages do not seem to make significant difference in power for DIF detection. Bonferroni correction appears to be too conservative and therefore is not recommended for use. Compared to past studies with constrained baseline strategy, free baseline strategy seems to result in smaller type I errors. However, correcting the significance level of the former strategy using Oort’s approach will result in acceptable type I error. On average, higher powers are usually obtained for constrained-baseline than free-baseline strategy no matter whether Oort’s correction is applied. Furthermore, regarding polytomous data as discrete rather than continuous and adding the process of examining model fit before DIF detection do not seem to increase power in DIF detection.

    誌謝.......................................................i 中文摘要...................................................ii 英文摘要..................................................iii 目次......................................................iv 表次.......................................................v 圖次......................................................vi 第一章緒論..................................................1 第二章MCCFA 模型下的DIF.....................................6 第一節DIF 的定義............................................6 第二節MCCFA 模型............................................7 第三節MCCFA 模型的模型辨識議題................................9 第三章DIF 檢測方法.........................................11 第一節基線模式.............................................11 第二節二階段分析程序........................................12 第三節本研究的MCCFA 模型的基線模式策略及參數限制...............15 第四章模擬研究設計..........................................18 第五章模擬研究結果..........................................22 第一節錯誤率...............................................22 第二節正確率...............................................23 第三節多因子變異數分析......................................24 第六章討論與結論...........................................36 參考文獻...................................................40

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