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研究生: 陳曉立
Chen, Hsiao-Li
論文名稱: 成為有貢獻的地球居民:選擇低碳排飲食之因素分析
Becoming a contributing planetary resident: Analysis factors in choosing low-carbon emission diet
指導教授: 鄒蘊欣
Chou, Yun-Hsin
口試委員: 鄒蘊欣
Chou, Yun-hsin
Chiang, Lan-Lung
Chiu, Chi-Hsuan
口試日期: 2024/05/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 消費者行為低碳排飲食永續發展全蔬食飲食感受體驗感官行銷
英文關鍵詞: consumer behavior, low-carbon emission diet, sustainable development, plant-based diet, emotions, sensory marketing
研究方法: 調查研究主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400648
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:57下載:4
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  • 人類行為所造成的碳排放是造成氣候變遷的主要原因之一,包含消費選擇、以及飲食內容,皆與碳排放量有關。目前全球已有130多國提出2050淨零減碳的宣示與行動,而工業能源轉型、商業行銷模式轉變等,皆帶動起減少碳排放的氛圍。

    本研究基礎理論為參考Batat et al. (2019)在2018年發表體驗食物的愉悅:通往食物福祉的品味之旅(The experiential pleasure of food: A savoring journey to food well-being)中所提倡的Experiential Pleasure of Food (EPF)美食的愉悅體驗架構。通過這樣的旅程架構,旨在探討作為一般消費者和地球居民,如何從自身微觀的感受及認知出發,經由中觀的社會認同及感官行銷,最後拓展至宏觀整體的社會規範與政府政策的層面。本研究串連不同角度及層級關係分析,了解消費者在低碳排飲食過程中,能如何感受到美好的體驗與快樂感,進而提升採取低碳排飲食的意願。這不僅有助於個人健康,還能對地球環境產生積極的影響,彰顯個人行為與全球生態系統之間的深刻關係。


    Carbon emissions caused by human behavior is one of the main causes of climate change, including consumption choices and dietary habbit, all related to carbon emissions. At present, more than 130 countries around the world have proposed declarations and actions for net-zero carbon reduction by 2050. Industrial energy transformation and business marketing model changes have all created a new force to reduce carbon emissions.

    The theoretical foundation of this study is based on the Experiential Pleasure of Food (EPF) framework advocated by Batat et al. (2019) in their 2018 publication "The experiential pleasure of food: A savoring journey to food well-being." Through this framework, the study aims to explore how general consumers and global citizens can start from their own micro-level emotions and cognitions, proceed through meso-level social identity and sensory marketing, and ultimately expand to the macro-level of societal norms and government policies. This research integrates analyses from different perspectives and levels to understand how consumers can experience joy and pleasure in the process of adopting a low-carbon diet, thereby enhancing their willingness to engage in such dietary practices. This not only benefits individual health but also has a positive impact on the global environment, highlighting the profound relationship between individual behaviors and the global ecosystem.

    This study used an online questionnaire to investigate the willingness of consumers of all ages to conduct low-carbon emission diets. A total of 273 valid questionnaires were collected. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to explore the impact of six independent variables (sensory marketing, social norms, government policies, emotions, cognition, and social identity) on low-carbon emission diet (dependent variables). The research results show that consumers’ willingness to adopt a low-carbon emission diet will be positively and significantly affected by their own emotions and experiences; and the emotions of consumers receive experience and cognition will be positively and significantly affected by external sensory marketing and social norms. It shows that consumers' improved experience of low-carbon emission diets through various channels are key factors that influence consumers to adopt and change to low-carbon emission diets. However, government policies on the promoting low-carbon emission diets have no significant impact on consumers’ emotion and cognition. Also consumers’ cognition to low-carbon emission diets have no significant impact. It is speculated that consumers have no significant effect on low-carbon emission diets, the reason might due to no direct connection and in-depth understanding about the importance of low carbon emission diet. The government must actively cooperate with local organizations and groups to conduct in-depth education and promotion. Therefore, enabling consumers to understand and feel the emotional impact and joy associated with a low-carbon diet within the context of market marketing and the social environment is a major driving force for promoting low-carbon dietary practices.

    致謝辭 I 中文摘要 II ABSTRACT III 表次 VII 圖次 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 1 1.3 研究問題 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 EXPERIENTIAL PLEASURE OF FOOD (EPF)體驗美食的樂趣架構 6 2.2 微觀之感官行銷(MICRO LEVEL: SENSORY MARKETING) 7 2.3 中觀之社會規範(MESO LEVEL:SOCIAL NORMS) 8 2.4宏觀之政府政策(MACRO LEVEL: GOVERNMENT POLICIES) 10 2.5感受體驗EMOTIONS 11 2.6消費者認知理解CONSUMER COGNITION 13 2.7社會認同感SOCIAL IDENTITY 14 第三章 研究模型與假設 15 3.1 消費者個人微觀的感受EMOTIONS與社會的連結 15 3.2 消費者高階認知理解COGNITION與社會的凝聚共識 17 3.3 消費者內心沈思階段對低碳排飲食的改變意願程度 19 3.4 高社會認同度對低碳排飲食的認知與感受影響力 20 第四章 研究方法 22 4.1 問卷調查法與問卷收集對象 22 4.2 問卷建立資料收集流程 22 4.3 測量方法 22 4.4 資料分析 25 第五章 資料分析結果 26 5.1 敘述統計結果 26 5.2 測量模型 28 5.3 共同方法變異COMMON METHOD BIAS 32 5.4 結構方程模式 STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING 32 5.5 研究假設的驗證 33 5.6 研究假設結果 39 第六章 結論與建議 41 6.1 研究之學術貢獻 41 6.2 管理意涵 44 6.3 研究限制與後續研究建議 48 文獻參考 REFERENCES 50 附錄APPENDIX 58

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