研究生: |
劉芳伶 Liu,Fang- Ling |
論文名稱: |
精品旅館客房設計之創意評量與視覺偏好關係研究 The Relationship between Creative Evaluation and Visual Preference of the Interior Design in Boutique Hotel’s Guest Room |
指導教授: |
Chuang, Hsiu-Tyan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 181 |
中文關鍵詞: | 精品旅館 、客房 、室內設計 、創意評量 、視覺偏好 |
英文關鍵詞: | Boutique Hotel, Guest Room, Interior Design, Creativity Evaluation, Visual Preference |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:295 下載:0 |
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近年來消費者能透過網路觀看精品旅館客房圖片作為住宿考量;突顯運用客房的創意設計作為吸引眾人目光的行銷策略,已成為重要課題。本研究主要在探討精品旅館客房設計之創意評量與視覺偏好之間的關係,瞭解創意具有哪些條件能使觀賞者產生視覺偏好。 本研究的目的如下: 一、解讀精品旅館客房設計之視覺偏好構成因素的特徵。 二、檢驗個人屬性對精品旅館客房設計之創意評量與視覺偏好的差異 性。 三、分析精品旅館客房設計之創意評量與視覺偏好之間的關係程度。 四、探討個人屬性與精品旅館客房設計之創意評量對視覺偏好的解釋力。
本研究以相關性研究法,將自行發展的圖片問卷透過紙本與網路問卷調查,之後運用電腦統計軟體SPSS 18.0分析資料,分析項目包括:因素分析、描述性統計、差異檢定、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析,結果發現: 一、精品旅館客房設計之視覺偏好由七個因素組成,各因素皆有不同 的心裡屬性與視覺特徵。 二、不同屬性的受測者,對於精品旅館客房設計之創意評量與視覺偏 好構成之部分因素,確實會有顯著之差異。 三、精品旅館客房設計之創意評量三個子項與視覺偏好21個因素間, 其兩兩之間的關係全部達到顯著水準。 四、個人屬性與創意評量三個子項新奇、舒適、美感整體,共有三個預 測變項能解釋視覺偏好80.0%的變異量,影響視覺偏好以「美感」 為主。 本研究結果,將作為今後從事精品旅館規劃客房設計之參考,並且期望對精品旅館客房設計之創意相關議題有所貢獻。
In recent years, travelers can use online accommodation reservation , search a boutique hotel’s guest room, as refer to accommodation. It’s important to use creativity on interior design of guest rooms which can catch someone’s attention. This study will focuses on the relationship of visual preference and creativity evaluation, therefore to understand what kind of appropriate creativity can let people have visual preference. The purpose of this research include:
1. Interpretation of characteristic of people’s visual preference about interior design of boutique hotel’s guest room.
2. Exploration of differentiation toward creativity evaluation and visual preference on boutique hotel’s guest room between subjects of different sexes, ages, occupations, and study background
3. Analysis of the relationship among creativity evaluation and visual preference, and the correlations between factors of two variables.
4. Exploration and comparison of the explained variance for visual preference.
The applied research methods include the qualitative Delphi technique, and the quantitative correlational study. After using a self-developed questionnaire with photographs of design hotel’s guest room which collected data was analyzed with SPSS 18.0 software, applying such techniques as factor analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, Person r, multiple regression. The results include:
1. Visual preferences about boutique hotel’s guest room of 7 factors respectively; each factor has unique psychological attributes and visual qualities.
2. Sexes, ages, occupations, and educations differ significantly in some factors of creativity evaluation and visual preference about boutique hotel’s guest room.
3. The Pearson r analysis shows that correlation coefficients between each 3 factors of creativity evaluation and visual preference all 21 factors bout boutique hotel’s guest room are significant.
4. Multiple regression analysis reveals creativity evaluation, reveals 3 predictive variables accounting for 80.0% of total explained variance, and the main is from aesthetics.
The results of this study is expected to help the boutique hotel’s interior design practice and follow-up study and put forward some suggestions and look forward to the creativity of interior design issues .
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