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Author: 周盟淵
Meng-Yuan Chou
Thesis Title: 以橢圓曲線擷取特徵進行投影片比對之研究
Using ellipsoidal lattice in matching of projected slides
Advisor: 李忠謀
Degree: 碩士
Department: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2003
Academic Year: 91
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 62
Keywords (in Chinese): 影像比對
Keywords (in English): Image matching, lattice
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 301Downloads: 1
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本研究提出一個快速的投影片影像比對的方法。在不需要辨識出投影片內容,如每一個文字或圖片的情形之下,進行投影片影像之比對。比對之方法分為三個階段:首先,找出每一張投影片影像前景物件,如文字、圖片等物件在該影像中所在的位置和範圍,將前景與背景分離(foreground-background separation)。第二階段則利用橢圓曲線線段,針對整張影像進行取樣,並將每一張影像取樣的結果以一組Lattice特徵向量表示。最後,從任兩張影像間的Lattice特徵進行信賴值的計算,以信賴值最高的投影片影像作為比對結果。
本研究利用41組教學簡報,共1980張投影片影像,進行比對實驗,比對從數位攝影機拍攝該簡報撥放的過程後,所匯出的影片檔案。利用所提出之比對演算法,在僅利用11條取樣曲線的情況下,即可達到 97% 以上之比對正確率。不僅解省計算的時間和記憶體使用的空間,對因鏡頭所造成影像傾斜或變形的問題亦能有效地克服。

This thesis proposes a fast image matching algorithm for matching up video taped slide presentations against original slides. Our approach uses only local features and neither text-figure segmentation nor text-recognition is needed. The algorithm consists of three steps. First, background and foreground images are segmented using motion occlusion zones detection technique. Second, local features are sampled from virtual vertical elliptic lines on every slide images and lattice feature vectors are computed. Finally, the lattice feature vectors are matched and the least square error is computed for each matching images. Experiment was conducted using forty-one sets of lecturing slides and video tapes, which consisted of 1980 slides all together. The experimental results show that with only 11 elliptic sampling lines and 64 feature samples per line, a 97% precision rate can be attained. The average computation time for matching a set of slides is less than one second. It could not only reduce the cost of computed time and memory space, but also overcome the distorted problems from camera lens effectively.

1 緒論 1 2 文獻探討 5 3 投影片影像之背景前景分離 12 4 投影片影像之特徵粹取與辨識 26 5 實驗結果與討論 37 6 結論與未來研究 57

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