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研究生: 周坤
Kun Chou
論文名稱: 水稻細胞主要分泌性蛋白質(Osm10)的鑑定與分析研究
Identification and characterization of a major extracellular protein (Osm10) secreted by suspension-cultured rice cells
指導教授: 王玉麒
Wang, Yu-Chie
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 水稻懸浮培養細胞脂質傳送蛋白分子模擬
英文關鍵詞: rice, suspension cell, lipid transfer protein, molecular modeling
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:123下載:2
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  • 水稻細胞在懸浮培養條件下會分泌多種蛋白質至培養液中,其中有一分子量約10 kDa的蛋白質 (簡稱Osm10) 的含量豐富,約佔全部分泌蛋白質總量的30%,本研究的目的即在鑑定生合成此蛋白質的基因與探討其表現特性。
    為能鑑定Osm10的生合成基因,本研究首先利用二維膠體電泳將水稻細胞的分泌性蛋白質進行分離,再經蛋白質體學的方法分析後,得知Osm10主要包含三種蛋白質,命名為Osm10-I、Osm10-II及Osm10-III,皆屬第一群脂質傳送蛋白 (lipid transfer protein 1, LTP1) 的成員。Osm10-I與Osm10-II之間胺基酸序列相同度達96%,而Osm10-III和另兩個Osm10成員差異較大,胺基酸序列相同度都只有39%。立體結構模擬的結果顯示Osm10-I及Osm10-II屬於典型的LTP1,保守性序列D71、R72及Y107位於疏水性凹陷區域的開口周圍;Osm10-III則屬於特殊的LTP1,由第一與第三個α-helix圍成疏水性凹陷區域的開口,此立體結構的差異可能使Osm10-III具有與Osm10-I、Osm10-II不同的生理功能。若將Osm10與其他已知功能的LTP比較,Osm10-I及Osm10-II的胺基酸序列與大多數LTP的相同度約為50%,而Osm10-III與這些LTP的相同度則約為40%;Osm10-I及Osm10-II的立體結構最接近具抗真菌活性的LTP (ABO28527),而Osm10-III的立體結構最接近與花粉管生長有關的LTP (Q9SW93)。利用資料庫分析Osm10基因的啟動子序列,結果顯示其序列可能具有種子專一性表現以及受多種植物激素與生物及非生物逆境調控的特徵。
    本研究發現不僅是多種栽培稻,五種野生稻(O. alta、O. glaberrima、O. mtipogon、O. nivara、TWR-6)的細胞也同樣擁有Osm10基因且表現模式與栽培稻細胞一致,顯示Osm10可能在稻屬植物間具有特殊的生理功能。然而在本研究的分析條件之下,除了懸浮培養細胞的培養基中之外,水稻的種子、幼苗、成熟植株、花及發育中的種子都沒有發現有Osm10的表現,顯示Osm10可能是懸浮培養細胞專一性表現的蛋白質,或是必須使用更靈敏地分析方法才能確認Osm10的表現部位與表現時序特徵。本研究也使用與抗病或逆境相關的植物激素(SA、MeJA與ABA)來處理水稻細胞,結果並未觀察到顯著的差異變化。取水稻細胞的分泌性蛋白對四種水稻病原真菌(Rhizoctonia solani、Fusarium moniliforme、Bipolaris oryzae和Sarocladium oryzae)進行in vitro的抗真菌實驗,結果真菌的生長並不受抑制,可能代表Osm10不具備抑制受測病原真菌生長的活性。

    Suspension-cultured rice cells secrete various proteins into the culturing medium, and over 30% of these secretory proteins were found to be a protein of 10 kDa in molecular mass (hereafter referred to as Osm10 protein). The aims of this research are to identify the encoding gene and to investigate the plausible functions and expression pattern of Osm10 in rice plants.
    To identify Osm10 gene, Osm10 was first purified from 2-D gel electrophoresis, and analyzed using proteomic analytical methods. The results showed that Osm10 indeed consisted of 3 distinct proteins, designated as Osm10-I, Osm10-II and Osm10-III, and all of which are LTP1 proteins. Among these three Osm10 proteins, Osm10-I and Osm10-II share 96% amino acid sequence similarity, while Osm10-III only exhibits 39% sequence identity to the other two. Besides, 3D structural simulation pointed out that Osm10-I and Osm10-II are both typical LTP1s according to their conserved amino acid residues (D71, R72 and Y107) locating around the opening of hydrophobic cavity, while Osm10-III is an atypical LTP1 due to its opening of hydrophobic cavity surrounded by the 1st and 3rd α-helix. Structural difference of Osm10-III may contribute to a unique protein function other than common LTP1s. Sequences comparison with well studied LTPs also indicated that, Osm10-I and Osm10-II are about 50% identical to most of them, while Osm10-III shows only 40% identity. Structures of Osm10-I and Osm10-II resemble LTP with antifungal activity (ABO28527), on the other hand, Osm10-III are most like LTP relating pollen tube growth (Q9SW93). Analysis of Osm10 genes promoters revealed that their expression may be seed-specific and are regulated by plant hormones, biotic and abiotic stresses.
    We found out that not only cultivated rice but also 5 species of wild rice (O. alta, O. glaberrima, O. mtipogon, O. nivara and TWR-6) cells highly express Osm10, which revealed that Osm10 proteins may play an
    important role in Oryza genus. Nevertheless, Osm10 proteins were only detected in cultured cell medium, not in seeds, intact seedlings, flowers and immature seeds. Treatment with pathogen or stress resistance hormones (SA, MeJA and ABA) didn’t alter Osm10 expression. Secretory proteins of rice cells were also tested their anti-fungal activity against 4 fungal phytopathogens (Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium moniliforme, Bipolaris oryzae and Sarocladium oryzae), but the growth of all the fungi being tested were not inhibited, indicating that Osm10 may not possess in vitro antifungal activity against the 4 fungi tested in the research. These results, overall, indicates that expression of Osm10 may be suspension-cell-specific.
    The suspension-cell-specific and highly-expressing feature of Osm10 gene suggest a highly profitable application of its promoter in production of heterologous recombinant protein within rice cell culture system, which can also be used to avoid the doubt of gene-modified crops in environmental aspect.

    中文摘要 1 英文摘要 4 壹、緒論 6 一、以水稻組織培養細胞為研究模式系統 6 二、LTP的物化性質 7 三、LTP的結構特徵 8 四、LTP的表現特性 9 五、LTP的功能 10 六、研究的重要性 14 貳、研究材料與方法 16 一、水稻與野生稻細胞的懸浮培養方法 16 二、細胞培養液內蛋白質的收集 16 三、蛋白質定量 16 四、膠體電泳分析 17 五、定量SDS-PAGE蛋白質band 18 六、Osm10的蛋白質體學鑑定 18 七、Osm10序列相關資訊的資料庫分析 20 八、水稻組織蛋白質的萃取 20 九、抗血清的製作與分析 21 十、Osm10的免疫染色分析 25 十一、植物激素處理水稻細胞 26 十二、水稻培養基蛋白質的in vitro抗真菌分析 26 参、結果 27 一、Osm10於水稻懸浮培養細胞的表現特性 27 二、Osm10基因的鑑定 28 三、Osm10的胺基酸序列特徵分析 29 四、Osm10的立體結構特徵分析 30 五、Osm10的表現特性分析 33 六、Osm10的in vitro抗真菌活性分析 37 肆、討論 38 一、水稻細胞懸浮培養期間,培養液中成分的變化情形 38 二、Osm10在最新分類系統中屬於第一型的LTP 38 三、Osm10-I與Osm10-III為首次被發現會被水稻懸浮培養細胞分泌 39 四、Osm10-I與Osm10-II可能源於同一基因 40 五、由一級與三級結構分析Osm10的功能性 41 六、Osm10可能是懸浮培養細胞專一性表現蛋白質 43 七、Osm10基因對稻屬植物而言可能具有演化上的意義 45 八、Osm10的表現可能不受抗病反應或逆境相關激素影響 45 九、Osm10可能不具in vitro抗真菌活性 47 十、Osm10的啟動子在基因工程方面的應用潛力 47 伍、結論 50 陸、參考文獻 52 柒、圖表 61 附錄 83

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