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研究生: 黃旻
Huang, Min
論文名稱: 大學生成人依附關係、拒絕敏感度與關係衝突因應之關聯研究
The Relationship of Adult Attachment, Rejection Sensitivity, and Conflict-Coping Strategies in Relationship among College Students
指導教授: 田秀蘭
Tien, Hsiu-Lan
Chiou, Haw-Jeng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 成人依附拒絕敏感度關係衝突因應
英文關鍵詞: Adult attachment, Conflict-coping strategies in relationship, Rejection Sensitivity
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000012
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:754下載:82
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  • 近年由親密關係所致之親密關係暴力與精神疾病問題屢見不鮮,大學生正處於與人建立親密關係之發展階段,因此本研究將焦點聚焦於探討大學生成人依附、拒絕敏感度與關係衝突因應間之關聯性。研究者以問卷調查法收集668名大學生樣本,採用「親密關係體驗量表-中文版」、「拒絕敏感度量表」、「衝突因應方式量表」為研究工具。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、階層迴歸分析進行資料分析。

    In recent years, the intimate violence and mental illness problems of college students are common. In order to clarify the behavior of intimate relationship and emotional state, the main purpose of the present study was to explore the relationships among adult attachment, rejection sensitivity and conflict-coping strategies in relationship of college students. A total of 668 completed self-reported questionnaires were collected through accidental sampling. The instruments are Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Chinese Version (ECRS-C), Chinese version of Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire, and Conflict-coping strategies scale. The data were analyzed by performing independent-sample t test, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, and hierarchical regression.
    The study revealed the following results:
    1.Men were higher level of loyalty coping than women, while there is no gender difference ofother variables.
    2.Attachment avoidance with no breakup experience was significantly higher than active breakup and agreement breakup, furthermore, passive breakup was significantly higher than agreement breakup. In the aspect of voice coping, agreement breaking up is significantly higher than no breaking up experience. In the aspect of loyalty coping, passive break up is significantly higher than active break up and no break up experience, and agreement break up is also significantly higher than no break up experience. Other variables didn’t differ significantly in breakup style.
    3.The attachment avoidance of those who have never been in a relationship was significantly higher than those who have ever been in a relationship and currently in a relationship, while attachment anxiety of people who have ever been in a relationship and people who have never been in a relationship was significantly higher than people who are currently in a relationship. Rejection sensitivity did not differ significantly in love experience. In terms of voice, people who are currently in a relationship was higher than who have ever been in a relationship and who have never been in a relationship. As for loyalty, neglect and exit, people who have ever been in a relationship was higher than who are currently in a relationship and who have never been in a relationship.
    4.There were no significant differences in the results of adult attachment, rejection sensitivity and relationship conflict coping.
    5.Attachment avoidance positively associated with attachment anxiety, and they were positively associated with rejection sensitivity. Attachment anxiety was significantly positively correlated with loyalty, neglect and exit, significantly negatively correlated with voice, and no significant correlation between attachment avoidance and voice. Rejection sensitivity was significantly negatively correlated with voice, but not significantly correlated with loyalty, neglect, and exit.
    6.Rejection sensitivity was fully mediated the link between attachment avoidance and voice, and partially mediated the link attachment anxiety and voice. There wasn’t significantly mediated the link between attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and loyalty, neglect and exit.

    致謝詞 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iv 目次 vi 表次 viii 圖次 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 4 第三節 名詞釋義 4 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 成人依附之理論內涵與相關研究 7 第二節 拒絕敏感度之理論內涵與相關研究 16 第三節 關係衝突因應之理論內涵與相關研究 24 第四節 成人依附、拒絕敏感度、關係衝突因應之相關研究 32 第五節 研究假設與研究架構 38 第三章 研究方法 41 第一節 研究對象 41 第二節 研究工具 43 第三節 研究程序 49 第四節 資料分析 50 第四章 研究結果 53 第一節 成人依附、拒絕敏感度與關係衝突因應之現況 53 第二節 不同背景變項成人依附、拒絕敏感度與關係衝突因應之差異 54 第三節 成人依附、拒絕敏感度與關係衝突因應之相關分析 60 第四節 拒絕敏感度在成人依附與關係衝突因應之中介分析 61 第五章 討論及建議與研究限制 69 第一節 研究討論 69 第二節 實務意涵與貢獻 75 第三節 研究限制與建議 76 參考文獻 79 中文部分 79 西文部分 82 附錄 103 附錄一 研究工具使用同意書 103 附錄二 親密關係體驗量表-中文版因素分析摘要表 105 附錄三 衝突因應量表因素分析摘要表 107

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