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研究生: 陳曉春
Chen Hsiao-Chun
論文名稱: 自我決策教學方案對國小智能障礙學生的教學成效
Teaching effects of Self-Determination Programs on Elementary School Students with Mental Retardation
指導教授: 杞昭安
Chi, Chao-An
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 自我決策教學方案國小學生智能障礙教學成效
英文關鍵詞: Self-determination programs,, elementary school students, Students with mental retardation, teaching effects
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:330下載:49
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  • 本研究旨在探討自我決策教學方案對國小智能障礙學生自我決策能力的立即表現、維持效果及類化程度。研究方法採單一受試實驗設計的跨受試多探試設計,參與研究對象為三名智能障礙學生,包括一年級中度智能障礙女生、二年級輕度智能障礙男生及三年級中度智能障礙男生。自變項為自我決策教學方案,依變項為學生自我決策能力在「自知與獨立」、「心理賦權」、「自我調整」與「自我實現」等四方面的表現。教學實驗分為三階段進行:基線期、教學介入期及保留期,四大單元的自我決策教學方案共有三十堂課,為期十週。

    The primary purpose of the study was to explore the immediate, sustained and generalized effects of self-determination programs on elementary school students with mental retardation (MR). It employed the multiple probe designs of the single subject research framework. Participants consisted of three MR students, of which one was a first-grade TMR girl whereas the other two were 2nd and 3rd graders of boys with EMR and TMR respectively. While the only independent variable was self-determination programs, there were four dependent variables, involving self-awareness and independence, psychological empowerment, self-regulation and self-fulfillment. Experimental instruction came in three phases: baseline, intervention and retention involving 4 units and 30 sessions.
    The main study tool was referred to as the curriculum-based inventory, i.e., “the self-determination assessment worksheet.” Obtained data were processed in terms of visual inspection and C statistics. Major findings were as follows:
    A. Self-determination programs were offered to participants and ended up in obvious improvement of all the three participants in their self-determination power.
    B. The teaching outcome was retained after the withdrawal of intervention.
    C. Self-determination programs demonstrated acceptable social validity. Both the rating scale and interview supported the intervention outcome.
    Further discussion was addressed on the basis of the above findings and suggestions were proposed for practitioner and future researchers.

    目次 第一章 緒論 ..................................................................................................... 1 第一節 研究動機 ......................................................................................... 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 ..................................................................... 6 第三節 名詞釋義.......................................................................................... 7 第二章 文獻探討 ........................................................................................... 11 第一節 自我決策的發展歷史與重要性 ................................................... 11 第二節 自我決策的意涵及理論 ............................................................... 15 第三節 自我決策的課程與教學 ............................................................... 25 第四節 自我決策的相關研究 ................................................................... 40 第三章 研究方法與設計 .............................................................................. 49 第一節 研究設計與架構 ........................................................................... 49 第二節 研究對象........................................................................................ 56 第三節 研究工具........................................................................................ 59 第四節 自我決策教學方案設計 ............................................................... 64 第五節 實驗研究步驟 ............................................................................... 67 第六節 資料處理與分析 ........................................................................... 70 第四章 研究結果 ......................................................................................... 75 第一節 介入階段立即表現之資料分析 .................................................. 75 第二節 保留階段之資料分析 .................................................................. 85 第三節 社會效度分析 .............................................................................. 91 第四節 綜合討論 .................................................................................... 111 第五章 結論與建議..................................................................................... 117 第一節 結論 .............................................................................................. 117 第二節 建議 .............................................................................................. 119 II 參考文獻 ....................................................................................................... 123 ㄧ、中文部份 ........................................................................................... 123 二、英文部份 ........................................................................................... 125 附錄 ............................................................................................................... 131 【附錄一】家長同意書 ........................................................................... 131 【附錄二】自我決策教學方案的教學單元與學習重點 ....................... 132 【附錄三】教學範例 ............................................................................... 134 【附錄四】專家效度 ............................................................................... 135 【附錄五】國小學童自我決策能力評定量表(教師版) ....................... 136 【附錄六】國小學童自我決策能力評定量表(家長版) ....................... 140 【附錄七】我的自我決策學習小小評量(預試) ................................... 141 【附錄八】我的自我決策學習小小評量(正式) ................................... 146 【附錄九】自我決策教學後訪談家長大綱 ........................................... 151 【附錄十】訪談家長之內容整理 ........................................................... 152 【附錄十一】自我決策教學後訪談學生大綱 ....................................... 161 【附錄十二】訪談學生自陳內容整理 ................................................... 162

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