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研究生: 施乃華
Shih, Nai-hua
論文名稱: 新移民子女與本國籍一般子女的創造力研究-開放性人格特質之中介效果
The creativity ability and tendency between immigrant and native students in Taiwan - the mediating effect of Openness.
指導教授: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
Hsu, Chih-chun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 新移民子女開放性創造力中介效果
英文關鍵詞: Immigrant families students, openness, creativity, mediator effect
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:493下載:54
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  • 本研究目的為檢視新移民子女與本國籍一般子女在人格特質、創造力認知層面與情意層面的差異情形,並探討開放性、嚴謹性人格特質對族群與創造力認知層面、情意層面關係的中介效果。研究者採用問卷調查法,調查對象為臺灣地區國民中、小學學生1076位,其中新移民家庭子女431位,非新移民家庭子女645位。研究工具包括「五因素人格量表」、「新編創造思考測驗-圖形部份」及「威廉斯創造傾向量表」。結果如下:1. 新移民子女在創造力認知層面的流暢力、變通力、獨創力向度及創造力認知層面總分(T分數)之表現均顯著高於本國籍一般子女,在精進力向度則未達顯著差異;在創造力情意層面的冒險性、好奇性、想像性、挑戰性向度及創造力情意層面平均得分,新移民子女也顯著高於本國籍一般子女的表現;2. 新移民子女開放性人格顯著高於本國籍一般子女,不過,新移民子女與本國籍一般子女的嚴謹性人格則未達顯著差異;3. 在創造力認知層面上,開放性人格部分中介族群與流暢力之關係,而完全中介族群與變通力、獨創力及創造力認知層面總分(T分數)的關係,顯示流暢力的表現,同時受到族群與開放性人格兩變項的影響,而變通力、獨創力、創造力認知層面總分(T分數)則是完全受到開放性人格的影響。在創造力情意層面上,開放性人格部分中介族群與冒險性、想像性、創造力情意層面平均得分之關係,而完全中介族群與好奇性、挑戰性之關係,意謂著冒險性、想像性、創造力情意層面平均得分的表現,同時受到族群與開放性人格兩變項的影響,而好奇性、挑戰性則完全受到開放性人格的影響。最後依據研究結果討論本研究意義和價值,並對未來研究及新移民子女教育實務提出建議。

    The purpose of present study is to compare the differences of personality, and cognition and tendency of creativity between the students of immigrant and native families, and to discuss the mediator effect of the personality traits Openness and Conscientiousness as well. The questionnaires are used as research tools and are applied to 1076 elementary and junior high school students, including 431 immigrant families students and 645 native families students. The questionnaires are including “Big-five mini-markers, traditional Chinese edition”, “The New Tests of Creative Thinking, figure task(Wu et al., 1999) ”, and “Creativity Assessment Packet”.
    Results are as following:
    1. Comparison from the cognition aspect of creativity, the T-score of students from immigrant families is apparently higher than the students from native families in Fluency, Flexibility, Originality and the overall performance of creativity, while the difference isn’t significant between groups in Elaboration; Comparison from the tendency aspect of creativity, the performance of the students from immigrant families is also better than the students from native families in Risk Taking, Curiosity,Imagination, Complexity and overall creativity.
    2. The T-score of Openness in immigrant families students is obviously higher than in native families students, while the difference of Conscientiousness between two groups is not significant.
    3. In the cognition aspect of creativity, Openness is partially interpretative to the relationship of groups and Fluency while it is wholly interpretative to the
    relationship of groups and Flexibility, Originality and overall creativity. It is shown that the Fluency is affected together by the groups and Openness, and Flexibility,Originality and the overall creativity are influenced by Openness. In the tendency aspect of creativity, Openness is partial interpretative to the relationship of groups,and Risk taking, Imagination, and overall creativity while it is fully interpretative to
    the relationship of groups and Curiosity, Complexity. It means that Risk taking,Imagination, and overall performance of creativity are affected together by the groups and Openness; Curiosity and Complexity are influenced by the Openness.Present research provides meaningful and valuable results and suggests to the future study of new immigrant family education.

    誌謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vii 表次 ix 圖次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 動機與目的 1 第二節 研究問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 新移民子女的形成背景及其相關研究 9 第二節 創造力的內涵、理論及其相關研究 17 第三節 人格特質的內涵、理論及其相關研究 35 第四節 人格特質與創造力之相關研究 44 第五節 研究假設 49 第三章 研究設計與實施 51 第一節 研究架構 51 第二節 研究對象 53 第三節 研究工具 56 第四節 研究實施程序 62 第五節 資料處理 64 第四章 研究結果 65 第一節 不同族群者在創造力認知、情意表現之差異分析 65 第二節 不同族群者在人格特質上之差異分析 69 第三節 以開放性、嚴謹性特質為中介檢驗族群與創造力之關聯性 70 第五章 討論與建議 83 第一節 綜合討論 83 第二節 建議 89 參考文獻 93 中文部分 93 英文部分 100 附錄 112 附錄一「五因素人格量表」使用同意書 112 附錄二「新編創造思考測驗」使用同意書 113 附錄三「威廉斯創造傾向量表」使用同意書114

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