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研究生: 金慧珍
hui-chen Chin
論文名稱: 視障高中生父母及教師的社會支持之探討
Investigation of high school students with visual impairments on the social support from their parents and teachers
指導教授: 張千惠
Chang, Chien-Huey
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 復健諮商研究所
Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 146
中文關鍵詞: 視障高中生社會支持
英文關鍵詞: visually impaired high school students
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:111下載:12
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  • 本研究是以質性研究方法,旨在探討視障高中生父母及教師的社會支持。研究者藉由半結構性引導式訪談題綱及觀察場域記錄及研究者日誌來收集資料。主要研究對象有五位視障高中生,次要受訪者為這些視障高中生的父母及導師。本研究結果發現如下:
    (一) 視障高中生需要的父母正向的社會支持;一是情緒支持有:感受到被父母接納、從父母那得到安全感、挫折後得到父母的安慰及被父母了解其感受。二是訊息支持有:父母能提供有關視障資料的訊息、父母能提供有關問題解決的策略、父母能提供增進友誼的策略。三是自尊支持有:父母肯定其為家中一份子、父母不吝於稱讚、父母的言詞能提升自尊、父母能尊重其決定。四是實質支持有:父母協助其完成作品、父母能參與其活動、挫折時有父母的陪伴、父母能滿足其生活上當下所需的東西、父母協助其了解新環境的生態。
    (二) 視障高中生父母應避免的負向社會支持:喜歡吃食物被父母限制、玩電腦時間被父母控制、父母對其課業的要求、父母與其意見衝突(選擇大學志願、未來出路)
    (三) 視障高中生需要的教師正向的社會支持:一是情緒支持:知道有困難時可以找導師、挫折時得到導師的安慰、導師能重視其感受。二是訊息支持:導師能提供最新科技輔具資訊、導師能提供入學管道資訊。三是自尊支持:導師主動關心其須要怎樣的協助、導師說話時語氣的善意、導師會詢問其意見。四是實質支持:導師入班宣導、導師能協調同儕間的衝突、導師能在分組時有事先的安排、導師能給予學習上協助。
    (四) 視障高中生教師應避免的負向社會支持:對教師講話語氣感到壓力、導師過度的交代同學照顧、導師不太理會他的要求,及導師沒有轉達其需要提供紙本的講義。

    This study is based on qualitative research methods, the visually impaired high school students to explore the social support of parents and teachers. Researcher guide by semi-structured interviews in the agenda and observation records and field researcher to collect data log. Five main subjects visually impaired high school students, secondary respondents were the parents of these visually impaired high school students and tutors. The results were as follows:
    1. the parents of visually impaired high school students
    need positive social support: one, emotional support:
    feeling accepted by their parents, from parents that their
    sense of security, comfort their parents after the setbacks
    and their parents understand their feelings. Second,
    informational support: Parents can provide information
    about the message of the visually impaired, parents can
    provide problem-solving strategies, parents can provide
    friendship strategy. Third, self-esteem support: parents
    certainly part of it as home, parents are generous with
    praise, words can improve self-esteem of parents, parents
    to respect its decision. Fourth, instrumental support:
    parents in helping their completed work, parents can
    participate in its activities, and setbacks that have
    accompanied their parents, parents need to meet their
    current living things, the parents help them understand
    the new environment ecology.
    2. of the visually impaired high school students, parents
    should avoid negative social support: parents like to eat
    food is limited, playing computer time is parental control, parents and their academic requirements of the
    views of parents and their conflicts (University of
    voluntary choice, the future prospects)
    3. the teachers of visually impaired high school students
    need positive social support: one, emotional support: know that difficulties can find tutors and frustrations that have tutors of comfort, tutors can focus on its
    feeling. Second, informational support: tutors can
    provide the latest assistive technology information,
    tutors can provide information of admission. Third,
    self-esteem support: tutors initiative to care what their
    needs the help of the good tone when speaking
    tutors, tutors will be asked their views. Fourth,
    instrumental support: tutor entered the classroom to
    public education, tutors can coordinate the conflicts
    between peers, tutors can group when prior
    arrangements, tutors can provide assistance in learning.
    4.of the visually impaired high school teachers should
    avoid the negative social support: speech tone feel the
    pressure on tutors, tutors excessive confessed
    schoolmate to take care of, tutors ignore his request, and
    the teacher did not convey the need for paper handouts.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4 第三節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 從視障高中生之社會支持看其特質 11 第二節 國外有關父母及教師社會支持之探討 18 第三節 國內有關父母及教師的社會支持之研究 25 第三章 研究方法 29 第一節 研究設計 29 第二節 研究參與者與研究倫理 31 第三節 研究工具 35 第四節 資料蒐集與管理 37 第五節 資料分析與檢視 41 第六節 研究的信實度 42 第四章 研究結果與討論 44 第一節 父母正向的社會支持內涵 44 第二節 父母負向的社會支持內涵 74 第三節 教師正向的社會支持內涵 80 第四節 教師負向的社會支持內涵 94 第五節 綜合討論 98 第五章 結論與建議 116 第一節 結論 116 第二節 建議 122 參考文獻 125 附錄 140 附錄一 140 附錄二 141 附錄三 144 附錄四 145 附錄五 146

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