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研究生: 趙平平
Chao Ping Ping
論文名稱: 以基於決策實驗室之網路流程法定義半導體通路商業模式創新策略
Definition of Business Model Innovation Strategies for Semiconductor Distributor by Using the DEMATEL Based Network Process
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 決策實驗室分析法決策研究室分析法之網路流程多準則決策分析半導體通路商業模式創新
英文關鍵詞: Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), Analytic Network Process (ANP), DEMATEL based Network Process (DNP), Semiconductor, Distribution, Business Model Innovation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:512下載:0
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  • 半導體零件通路商在資通訊產業中為半導體製造商與系統製造業者的重要橋樑,半導體零件通路商一方面協助半導體製造廠商銷售、貨物運籌、市場資訊等服務以協助其擴大市佔、產品銷售與服務,另一方面提供下游系統業者有關半導體零件物流、金流及技術支援。然而,因為半導體產業的特色為產品生命週期短、市場供需極不穩定、產品價格變化劇烈等特性,使半導體零件通路商面臨高度的經營困難與風險(例如:上游半導體廠商塞貨、下游客戶不拉貨和逾期帳款、庫存跌價損失等),即使有獲利空間,利潤也十分有限。因此如何定義適當的策略以達成獲利目標非常重要。過去幾年,許多半導體零件通路商以水平整合的方式擴張規模,形成大者恆大的現象,亦有部份通路商向前整合,成立設計公司,唯導入各種策略,基本的核心概念仍然在於商業模式之創新。在許多因素不確定、急速變化的高科技環境中,商業模式創新比產品創新更為重要,半導體市場亦然。因此半導體零件通路商在高度競爭激烈的環境中如何創新商業模式是管理上一大考驗。本研究欲探討半導體通路目前只單純做為半導體製造商與系統製造業者橋樑媒介的商業模式,如何開創新的商業模式,做為半導體零件通路經營策略的參考。本研究將以Chesbrough and Rosenbloom所提出的價值主張、目標市場、價值鏈、獲利結構、價值網絡與競爭優勢六項商業模式功能做為商業模式的六大構面,以基於決策實驗室之網路流程法 (DEMATEL-based Network Process, DNP)分析商業模式創新策略。首先,藉由文獻探討蒐集可能的商業模式與評估準則,並透過修正式德菲法綜合國內半導體通路相關上下游產業專家對商業模式創新的意見綜合適合之商業模式方案與評估準則,再透過決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)建構評估準則間之影響關係以建立決策問題架構,並利用DNP法計算出各準則的權重,再求可能商業模式各構面的得分,最後再採用產生妥協解的VIKOR法,進行排序以評估出較適合之半導體零件代理商之商業模式創新策略。本研究結果指出,商業模式創新最重要的構面為競爭策略與獲利結構,策略可由建立競爭者進入障礙與由授權金獲取收入等策略著手。本研究之研究方法可做為各類型產業經理人擬訂商業模式創新策略之基準。

    In the IT supply chain, Semiconductor distributors play a vital role and serve as the significant bridge between Semiconductor manufacturers and system manufacturers. Furthermore, professional Semiconductor distributors assist the manufacturers with sales and promotion, customer service and relationship management as well as marketing information providing. On the other side, distributors provide downstream system manufacturers with logistic management, warehousing, payment flow and technical support. However, the margins for Semiconductor distributors are very limited while the risks are comparatively higher due the very short product life cycles, market uncertainties, and price decline of inventories, e.g. Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM). For the past few years, many leading Semiconductor distributors expanded the business scale and product line by mergers and acquisitions to expand the scale and thus, achieve the scale of economies. So does the Semiconductor industry. In highly uncertain and complex and fast-moving high technology environments, business model innovation is more important than product innovation. Here, the managerial problem is how Semiconductor distributors can maximize their revenue and profits by business model innovation in the highly competitive environment. Thus, how to establish a decision support framework for business model innovations to enhance firms’ core competitiveness has already become one of the most critical issues for Semiconductor distributors.
    Thus, the business model innovation strategies selection problem is a typical multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem which requires considering numerous factors while evaluating appropriate strategies. According to Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, this research classified the business model into six dimensions: (1) value proposition; (2) market segment; (3) value chain; (4) revenue mechanism; (5) value network; (6) competitive strategy. To resolve the above mentioned problem, this research intends to develop a decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) based network process for deriving the strategies for business model innovation. First, the criteria and strategies for evaluating business model innovation are first summarized by literature review and then derivation of the exports opinion from Modified Delphi experts were invited to rank the influences of each criterion on other criteria. Then, the DEMATEL technique will be introduced to derive the key criteria for evaluating business model innovation strategies of Semiconductor distributors. The weights versus the factors will be derived by using the DEMATEL based network process (DNP). Finally, the performance scores versus the strategies will be evaluated by using the VIKOR. The empirical study based on experts’ opinions from the Semiconductor industry used for verifying the proposed MCDM framework. By and large, the empirical study indicates that competitive strategy and revenue mechanism were critical dimensions for business model innovation. In the meantime, build up barriers for competitors entry/ exit and generate revenue from licensing were selected as best strategies. The research results can serve as a basis of business model innovation strategy definition for executive officers.

    中文摘要 i Abstract iii Table of Contents vi List of Figures viii List of Tables ix Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Motivation 3 1.3 Research Objective 4 1.4 Research Framework 4 1.5 Research Procedures 6 1.6 Research Contributions and Limitations 7 1.7 Structure of the Thesis 8 Chapter 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 Business Model 9 2.1.1 Business Model Definition 10 2.1.2 Types of Intermediaries 14 2.1.3 Value Proposition 15 2.1.4 Value Chain 15 2.1.5 Value Network 16 2.1.6 Revenue Mechanism 17 2.2 Marketing Channels 18 2.2.1 Marketing Channel Definition 19 2.2.2 B2B Marketing Channel 19 2.2.3 High-Tech Marketing Channel 21 2.2.4 Marketing Segmentation 22 2.3 Business Model Innovation 23 2.3.1 Innovation Definition 24 2.3.2 Strategy and the Business model 26 2.4 Evaluation of Business Model 29 2.5 Competitive Strategy 29 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 31 3.1 The Analytical Process 31 3.2 Oracle’s Skills of Interpretation and Foresight 33 3.3 DEMATEL Method 34 3.4 The Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method 38 3.5 VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) 43 Chapter 4 Empirical Study 48 4.1 Semiconductor Industry 48 4.2 Criteria and Alternatives Definitions 51 4.3 Decision Problem Structuring by DEMATEL 57 4.4 Calculating the Weights versus Each Criterion by ANP 71 4.5 Ranking the Alternatives by VIKOR 74 Chapter 5 Discussion 77 5.1 Practical Implications 77 5.1.1 Business Model Structure 77 5.1.2 Market Segment 78 5.1.3 Value Proposition 79 5.1.4 Value Chain 80 5.1.5 Value Network 80 5.1.6 Revenue Mechanism 81 5.1.7 Competitive Strategy 82 5.2 Managerial Implication 83 5.3 Advantages of this Novel MCDM Framework 84 Chapter 6 Conclusions 86 References 88 Appendix A: Questionnaire 99 Appendix B : Experts List 124

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