簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 彩虹
Solongo Erdenebat
論文名稱: 蒙古國烏蘭巴托市環境教育推動策略之研究
An Outreach Strategy of Environmental Education of Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
指導教授: 方偉達
Fang, Wei-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 環境素養環境知識行為意向環境教育方案環境教育法
英文關鍵詞: environmental literacy, environmental knowledge, behavioral intentions, environmental education programs, environmental education act
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:182下載:42
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  • 蒙古國因為經濟發展,環境問題日趨惡化,產生沙漠化、河川污染及垃圾棄置等問題。上述問題因為民眾缺乏環境知識,以及生活習慣欠缺環境素養,導致環境問題層出不窮。蒙古國現今狀況類似1960年代的臺灣,因為過度開發,重視經濟而忽略環保,產生環境劣化之情形。自1970年代起,中華民國臺灣民眾環保意識開始覺醒,學者及非政府組織(NGOs)積極守護環境,一起督促政府訂定相關環境保護策略,尤其2010年中華民國政府實施環境教育法,促進國民瞭解個人及社會與環境的相互依存關係,增進全民環境倫理與責任,進而維護環境生態平衡、尊重生命、促進社會正義,培養環境公民與環境學習社群,以達到環境教育法中賡續永續發展的重大使命,以上環境教育的經驗值得蒙古國學習。

    本研究基於上述的概念,依據臺灣環境保護發展的經驗,首先針對蒙古國首府烏蘭巴托市市民進行問卷,調查分析參與問卷民眾之環境知識、對環境關切程度,以及從事環境行為的態度及其影響進行分析。本研究在2013年7月至2013年9月,共回收320份問卷,其中301份為有效問卷,經過彙整回收問卷之後,應用SPSS l5.0 for Windows統計軟體進行資料分析,採用敘述統計、主成分分析,以及相關分析進行研究。本研究共調查男性有125位,女性有176位,男女性別比約1:1.4。研究結果發現,在兩年之內曾經捐款支持推動環保或是環境教育者,佔72%,捐款比例相當高。曾經擔任環保義工占42.7%,不曾經擔任環保義工占57.3%,可見一般民眾比較願意捐款,比較不願意擔任環保義工,這是因為受訪者以烏蘭巴托市都會區中的上班族居多。在性別方面,蒙古的女性支持環保的機率比較高,但是捐款金額相當少,這是因為受訪的蒙古女性教育程度較高,大多有上班但是當主管的機會比較少,以至於薪水較低之故。



    This research was designed by Solongo Erdenebat to detect recycling programs, waste classification, and acts to prevent soil, air, and water pollution in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Mongolia’s environmental problems are very serious and they can be divided into three parts: a) desertification, b) air pollution and, c) waste management. People’s knowledge about the environment can stop the deterioration of the environment caused by their poor living habits. Mongolia, therefore, suffers from serious environmental problems; therefore, I noticed how Mongolia could learn from Taiwan’s experiences. To build a sustainable development in the entire nation of Mongolia, I used survey research, and the questionnaire to apply in the city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. There were 320 questionnaires to be received, and including 301 effective questionnaires. Results from SPSS programs indicated that we surveyed at a total numbers of 125 males, 176 females at a ratio of about 1:1.4. The results showed that currently people donate to support environmental education in promoting environmental protection, accounting for 72%, a very high proportion of donations, including donations to NGOs accounted for 49.7%. Green volunteers have been accounted only for 42.7% at a total to contribute their efforts. In terms of gender, highly educated women but their salaries are affected due to their status. Mongolian women highly support for environmental protection, but donation amount is very small due to economic constraints. This research will be recognized by enough people to make the Mongolian government to increase its rescue measures for the environment.

    According to the survey results, I referred Taiwanese experiences to promote environmental awareness as well as try to consider to create environmental education programs in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Some environmental education strategies have been recommended as follows: 1) First, Taiwan's religious experiences focused on volunteers’ participation have been encouraged, such as: Tzu Chi to promote recycling programs. In Mongolia, the spirit of Lamaism system based on volunteer works also has been led to promote environmental protection; 2) Second, Taiwan’s Environmental Education Act has been learned by Article 19, “public agencies, organizations and utilities, as well as all employees at all levels of schools, teachers, students, should learn more than four hours per year and participate outdoor education. This will be urged related authorities in Mongolia to develop relevant standards of education programs to promote outdoor learning; and 3) Third, the facilities and venues of learning environmental education should be set up to urge civic participation.
    The study has been conducted by questionnaire in Ulaanbaatar on their environmental knowledge, attitude, and behavior intentions. Regarding to this study from Taiwan’s experiences, more advanced studies will be taken to promote environmental research experience through case studies, success stories, and narrative studies to improve environmental friendly policies in Mongolia.

    中文摘要 I Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4 第三節 名詞界定 7 第四節 研究限制 10 第二章 文獻回顧 11 第一節 國際環保歷程與中華民國臺灣環保歷程 11 第二節 蒙古國環保歷程 17 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 研究對象與研究架構 27 第二節 研究流程 28 第三節 研究工具 28 第四節 資料蒐集與分析 29 第四章 研究結果與分析 33 第一節 結果(研究假設的考驗結果) 33 第二節 基本資料分析 35 第三節 交叉分析 38 第四節 次數分配表 42 第五章 結論與建議 51 第一節 研究發現 51 第二節 推動策略 53 第三節 研究建議 56 參考文獻 58 中文部分 58 英文部分 60 蒙古文部分 61 附錄 63 附錄一 中文問卷 63 附錄二 蒙古文問卷 67 附錄三 英文蒙古環境保護法 71

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