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研究生: 邱之永
Chiou, Chih-Yung
論文名稱: 探索小學生雙語課程中英語與學科學習動機與其學習成就關係之個案研究
Exploring the Relationships of English and Content Learning Motivations to Elementary School Students' English and Content Learning Achievements in Bilingual Classes: A Case Study
指導教授: 王宏均
Wang, Hung-Chun
口試委員: 王宏均
Wang, Hung-Chun
Liu, Yeu-Ting
Lo, Yi-Hsuan
口試日期: 2024/07/02
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 178
中文關鍵詞: 雙語教育內容與語言整合學習(CLIL)學習動機學習成就
英文關鍵詞: bilingual education, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), learning motivation, learning achievement
研究方法: 實驗設計法調查研究個案研究法主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400782
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:53下載:26
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  • 本研究旨在探討內容與語言整合學習(CLIL) 在台灣環境中,英語學習動機和學科學習動機對英語學習成就和學科學習成就的相關性。本研究在北台灣的一所公立雙語國小進行,此校以其雙語教學環境而聞名,在包括自然科在內的各個學科領域中採用了內容與語言整合學習方法。此研究涵蓋來自該校內容與語言整合學習課程五年級四個班級的四十一名參與者,在為期四週的課程後,學生填寫英語與自然成就測驗以及學習動機問卷以進行量化分析。研究者再根據自然成績分數,對自然成績最好和最差的學生們進行分組後進入半結構式訪談,深入探討影響他們學習成就的因素。
    本研究在實務教學的貢獻有二。首先,它強調了因材施教的教學方法得以滿足不同自然學習成績的學生的學習需求以提高學生的自我效能。其次, POEC 教學方法可以作為在雙語自然課程中評估學生知識和能力的工具。透過實施這些教學方法,雙語自然老師可以有效地提高學生的學習自我效能及融入內容與語言整合學習的過程。

    The research aims to explore the correlation between English and content learning motivation toward English and content learning achievements in the Taiwanese Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) setting. The research was conducted at a public elementary school in Taipei, Taiwan. The school is known for its bilingual learning environment that incorporates CLIL approaches across various subjects, including science. The study includes 41 participants from four fifth-grade classes in the CLIL program. After four weeks of CLIL science lessons, students completed English and science achievement tests and motivation questionnaires for quantitative analyses. Later, based on the students’ science achievement scores, several top and bottom science-achieving students underwent semi-structured interviews to investigate factors affecting their performance.
    The findings highlight the importance of addressing English anxiety and promoting self-efficacy to enhance English learning outcomes. While intrinsic motivation may not directly impact English test scores, English anxiety emerges as a significant predictor of lower performance. In contrast, self-efficacy in science strongly predicts academic success, overshadowing the impact of science anxiety. The study also emphasizes the role of prior learning experiences, parental attitudes, and students' metacognitive skills in shaping attitudes and performance in CLIL science.
    The pedagogical implications of this study include the following. First, it underscores the role of differentiated instruction in catering to the needs of high and low-science achievers to boost self-efficacy. Second, it introduces the POEC model as an assessment tool aligned with students' knowledge and abilities in CLIL science courses. By implementing these strategies, CLIL instructors can effectively enhance students' learning outcomes and engagement in CLIL science education.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Research Purposes and Research Questions 6 Significance of the Study 9 Definition of Terms 10 Organization of the Thesis 11 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 13 Bilingual Education and CLIL 13 Bilingual Education 13 Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) 17 CLIL Assessments 19 CLIL in Taiwan 25 CLIL in Taiwanese Elementary Schools 28 Motivations in Bilingual Education 30 Classification of Motivations 30 L2 Learning Motivation 31 Science Learning Motivation 33 Effects of Motivation on Learning Achievement 35 L2 Motivation in CLIL Contexts 35 Content Motivation in CLIL Contexts 36 Effects of L2 Motivation on L2 Learning Achievement 37 Effects of Content Motivation on Content Learning Achievement 38 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 41 Methodologies 41 Research Context and Participants 42 Instructional Methods and Content Materials 44 Research Instruments 46 English Learning Achievement Test 47 Science Learning Achievement Test 49 English Learning Motivation Questionnaire 52 Science Learning Motivation Questionnaire 53 Semi-Structured Interviews 53 Data Collection Procedure 55 Data Analysis 56 Quantitative Analysis 56 Qualitative Analysis 58 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 60 Students’ Learning Motivation and Achievements in English and Science 60 Descriptive Results of Students' Learning Motivation and Learning Achievements in English and Science 60 Correlation and Predictive Power of English Learning Motivation on English Learning Achievements 62 Correlation and Predictive Power of Science Learning Motivation on Science Learning Achievements 72 Correlation and Predictive Power of English Learning Motivation on Science Learning Achievements 88 Correlation and Predictive Power of Science Learning Motivation on English Learning Achievements 92 Qualitative Analysis of Motivational Factors toward Science Learning Achievements 96 High and Low Science Achievers and Classification Criteria 96 English Motivational Factors for High and Low-Science Achievers 97 Science Motivational Factors for High and Low-Science Achievers 107 Findings regarding English and Science Motivational Factors in High and Low Science Achievers 121 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 125 Summary and Discussion of Major Findings 125 English Learning Motivation toward English Learning Achievements 126 Science Learning Motivation toward Science Learning Achievements 128 English Learning Motivation toward Science Learning Achievements; Science Learning Motivation toward English Learning Achievements 132 Motivational Factors that lead to different Science Learning Achievements 134 Pedagogical Implications 138 Limitations and Suggestions 140 REFERENCES 142 Appendix A: Consent Form of Participation 153 Appendix B: English Learning Achievement Test 154 Appendix C: Science Learning Achievement Test 158 Appendix D: English Learning Motivation Questionnaire (Chinese Version) 162 Appendix E: English Learning Motivation Questionnaire 166 Appendix F: Science Learning Motivation Questionnaire (Chinese Version) 170 Appendix G: Science Learning Motivation Questionnaire 174 Appendix H: Semi-Structured Interview Questions 178

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