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研究生: 蕭巧茹
Hsiao, Chiao-ju
論文名稱: 醫療緊急救護操作流程之資訊圖像創作研究
A Study of Infographics Design on Emergency Medical Services
指導教授: 林俊良
Lin, Chun-Liang
口試委員: 劉建成
Liu, Chien-Cheng
Fu, Ming-Chuan
Lin, Chun-liang
口試日期: 2023/06/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 緊急救護資訊圖像急救緊急救護操作流程
英文關鍵詞: Emergency Medical Service, Infographics, First Aid, EMS
研究方法: 實驗設計法內容分析法文獻分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301311
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:49下載:9
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  • 臺灣醫療緊急救護體系發展已邁入50多年,在各單位的共同努力下來到醫療指導、公共資訊與品質管制的層級,雖然已經相當成熟,但在宣導與傳遞訊息上仍然有許多可以發展的空間。本研究以「醫療緊急救護操作流程之資訊圖像」為研究方向,藉由文獻分析、內容分析法,整理緊急救護與資訊圖像相關論文以及其發展與種類,釐清資訊圖像與緊急救護的歷史脈絡,並蒐集國內外醫療緊急救護操作流程資訊圖像與醫療相關資訊圖像的案例,透過內容分析法統整歸納出醫療相關資訊圖像之表現手法與技法。將其插畫輪廓精細度表現手法分為九大類:寫實繪畫、輪廓簡化、手感繪畫、輪廓幾何化、幾何平面化、漫畫化、卡通化、卡通象徵化、象徵化。填色層次分為四大類:扁平化色塊填色、雙色色塊填色、漸層填色、精細彩色填色。並歸納出醫療相關資訊圖像27種構圖方式與6種圖像與文字間的關係。最後將所整理之造形表現形式與手法實驗應用至15件緊急救護資訊圖像創作,加以驗證後得出以下結論:(一)醫療緊急救護資訊圖像圖解表現多於數據表現,並以單色填色為主。(二)簡化且不失真的表現手法有助於明確傳達醫療緊急救護資訊的流程。(三)使用積極明快和警示注意之色彩為醫療相關資訊圖像色彩偏好。(四)緊急救護資訊圖像構圖版型多依傳達訊息量切割為二至六大區塊編輯處理。(五)圖像與文字搭配關係可改善資訊易讀性。(六)「輪廓簡化」表現手法較能清楚表達緊急救護操作姿勢。(七)構圖欄位比例及插圖輪廓線條粗細一致性較能達到畫面平衡與美觀。藉由本次研究創作,作為推廣與傳播之用途,進而提升全民緊急救護的基本常識與概念,並期許研究成果作為往後醫療緊急救護資訊圖像創作設計工作者之參考依據。

    The development of Taiwan's emergency medical system has been more than 50 years, thanks to the concerted efforts of various units, it has reached the level of medical guidance, public information, and quality control. Although it has become quite mature, there is still much room for development in terms of promotion and communication. Through document Analysis, content analysis, and creative evidence, organize relevant papers on emergency medical service (EMS) and infographics, as well as their development and types. Clarify the historical context of infographics and EMS and collect case studies of domestic and international EMS operation processes infographics and medical-related infographics. Use content analysis to summarize and deduce the performance methods and techniques of medical-related infographics. The techniques for representing the level of detail in illustration contours can be categorized into nine major classes: realistic painting, simplified, hand-drawn, geometric outline, flat geometric, comic, cartoon, symbolic cartoon, and symbolic. The coloring techniques were classified into four types: flat color block filling, dual-tone color block filling, gradient filling, and fine color filling. We also summarized 27 composition methods and 6 types of relationships between images and text in healthcare-related infographics. Finally, the stylistic expressions and techniques gathered were applied to 15 EMS infographics creations for verification, and the following conclusion was drawn: (1) The EMS infographics are more diagram infographics than data infographics, with a predominant use of monochrome filling. (2) EMS infographics should have simplified yet accurate representation techniques, clearly conveying information flow that helps viewers read and learn. (3) Medical-related infographics prefer to use colors that evoke a sense of positivity, vibrancy, and cautionary attention. (4) The layout of EMS infographics will be divided into two to six major sections for editing according to the amount of information conveyed. (5) Combining EMS infographics with text can enhance readability. (6) The technique of "simplified outline" is more effective in conveying the operational postures of EMS clearly. (7) Maintaining consistent proportions in the composition fields and the thickness of illustration outlines can achieve visual balance and aesthetics. The creative output from this research is intended for the purpose of promotion and dissemination, in order to enhance the public's basic knowledge and concepts of EMS. It is expected that the research results will serve as a reference for future healthcare emergency infographic designers.

    謝辭 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目次 iv 表目次 vi 圖目次 xi 第壹章  緒論 1 第一節  研究動機與目的 1 一、研究動機 1 二、研究目的 2 第二節  研究範圍與限制 3 第三節  研究方法與流程 3 一、研究方法 3 二、研究流程與步驟 4 第貳章  文獻探討 5 第一節  相關論文回顧 5 一、緊急救護相關論文回顧 5 二、資訊圖像相關論文回顧 8 第二節  醫療緊急救護的發展與種類 11 一、醫療緊急救護的發展與現況 12 二、醫療緊急救護的種類 15 三、醫療緊急救護流程學習分析 32 第三節  資訊圖像的發展 36 一、資訊圖像的定義 37 二、資訊圖像的演進 41 三、醫療緊急救護資訊圖像的發展 54 四、醫療緊急救護資訊圖像的種類 60 第參章  醫療緊急救護操作流程之資訊圖像案例分析 65 第一節  緊急救護資訊圖像表現形式案例分析 65 一、災害與創傷急救處置 67 二、無意識傷患急救處置 74 三、其他醫療相關急救處置 93 第二節  緊急救護資訊圖像造形表現手法與歸納 117 一、攝影(Photography) 117 二、插畫(Illustration) 117 第肆章  創作過程與理念說明 127 第一節  創作主題與內容 127 第二節  創作形式與流程 127 一、創作形式 128 二、創作流程 128 第三節  創作成果與說明 129 第四節  創作成果自我檢核 145 第伍章  結論與建議 149 第一節  研究結論 149 第二節  後續建議 152 文獻參考 154

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