研究生: |
梁藝馨 I-hsin Liang |
論文名稱: |
台北地區學齡前兒童飲食行為、飲食教養行為及其相關因素之探討 A study of Taipei preschool children's dietary behavior, food-related parenting behavior and related factors |
指導教授: |
Lin, Wei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 164 |
中文關鍵詞: | 幼兒 、幼兒氣質 、家庭用餐環境 、飲食教養行為 、幼兒飲食行為 |
英文關鍵詞: | children, children's temperament, family meal environment, food-related parenting behavior, children's dietary behavior |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:733 下載:229 |
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and related factors of the preschool children’ dietary behavior and food-related parenting behavior. The subjects were 642 caretakers looking after preschool children aged 3 to 6 from 16 day care centers and kindergartens in Taipei City and County. The caretakers have completed self- administered Children’s Dietary Behavior Questionnaire including demographic variables, Perceived Child Weight Scale, Child Temperament Scale, Family Meal Environment Scale, Food-Related Parenting Behavior Scale and Children’s Dietary Behavior Scale. The major factors contributing to food-related parenting behavior of the caretakers are their educational levels, their worry about children’s food acceptance and children’s temperament. The caretakers who received higher education have highly restrictive food-related parenting behavior and the caretakers who worry more about children’s food acceptance have higher permissive and lower restrictive food-related parenting behavior. When the children bear lower activity and higher persistence, their caretakers have higher authoritative food-related parenting behavior. In terms of food-related parenting behavior, if the children bear higher emotional intensity, their caretakers intend to award them materialistically. When the children bear higher distractibility and persistence, their caretakers have higher restrictive food-related parenting behavior. About children’s food acceptance, out of five food categories vegetable is of low acceptance while other categories are well-accepted. The major factors contributing to children’s dietary behavior (general behavior & food acceptance) of the children are perceived child weight and worry about children’s food acceptance by the caretakers, children’s temperament, family meal environment, food-related parenting behavior. In terns of general dietary behavior, the children who were perceived obesity aged from 4 to 6 by their caretakers, the children who often intake with older children, and the children who eat at nice family meal atmosphere have worse general behavior. When the caretakers worry more about children’s food acceptance and have higher authoritative food-related parenting behavior, their children have better general dietary behaviors. Generally speaking, the children who have better general dietary behavior have higher emotional intensity and better family meal conditions. The children who come from lower socioeconomic family and the children whose mother is overweight have poorer food acceptance. When the caretakers perceived their children who were obesity in the cradle and who were normal weight aged from 1 to 3, those children have better food acceptance. In terns of food acceptance, the children who bear higher distractibility, the children who often intake with older children, the children who eat at better family meal atmosphere, and the children who have better food availability by their caretakers have broader food acceptance. If the caretakers have higher authoritative, higher restrictive and lower permissive food-related parenting behavior, their children have better food acceptance. On the other hand, the caretakers may less worry about their children who have better food acceptance.
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