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Author: 周靈山
Chou, Ling-Shan
Thesis Title: 臺灣全民運動推展政策整合行銷傳播研究-以運動i臺灣(2016-2021)為例
Integrated Marketing Communication of Sport for All Promotion Policy in Taiwan-Taking Sport i Taiwan (2016-2021) as An Example
Advisor: 鄭志富
Cheng, Chih-Fu
Committee: 陳天賜
Chen, Tien-Tsyh
Chen, Jui-Fu
Hsiao, Chia-Huei
Wu, Chung-Chi
Cheng, Chih-Fu
Approval Date: 2023/07/30
Degree: 博士
Department: 體育與運動科學系
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Academic Year: 111
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 96
Keywords (in Chinese): 運動i臺灣整合行銷傳播IMC績效評估
Keywords (in English): Sports i Taiwan, integrated marketing communications, IMC performance evaluation
Research Methods: 調查研究個案研究法半結構式訪談法
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 本研以2016年至2021年教育部體育署全民運動推動政策「運動i臺灣」出發,從整合行銷傳播角度,針對利害關係人進行問卷調查、融入專家之訪談,探討IMC績效評估。研究一選用結構方程模式檢定IMC「技術層面」、「過程績效」及「輸出績效」具有顯著相關性,發現IMC技術層面,包含「運動公關活動」、「運動推廣人員」、「運動廣告宣傳」、「運動網路分享」四個構面;過程績效包含「活動一致性」、「活動互動性」、「活動任務性」三個構面;輸出績效則包含「活動功能」、「活動知名度」、「活動形象與體驗」等三個構面;研究二採半結構性訪談整理發現,在五大傳播媒體當中,執行單位依序以直效行銷(FB、line)、廣告(平面與電子)、公關活動(新聞稿)進行行銷傳播,各縣市在辦理「在地特色」所運用整合行銷傳播工具組合最多元、最完整;在輸出績效方面,民眾感受對參與體驗運動i臺灣活動動機提升、管道增加,相較過去全民運動政策上品牌形象,運動i臺灣知名度明顯提升;在過程績效方面發現,內部承辦人員流動率高,容易造成業務推動之困難,參與民眾資料庫建置與分析不落實,以及與地方運動組織合作溝通機制未能完善建立等;實務建議提供相關單位參考,並為後續研究者提供未來研究之可能性。

    This study starts with the National Sports Promotion Policy of the Ministry of Education and Sports Administration from 2016 to 2021 "Sports i Taiwan", from the perspective of integrated marketing communication, conducts questionnaire surveys for stakeholders and integrates expert interviews to explore IMC performance evaluation. Study 1 uses the structural equation model to verify that IMC "technical level", "process performance" and "output performance" have a significant correlation, and discover the technical level of IMC, including four aspects of "sports public relations activities", "sports promoters", "sports advertising promotion", and "sports network sharing"; process performance includes three aspects of "activity consistency", "activity interaction" and "activity task"; output performance includes three aspects: "event function", "event popularity", and "event image and experience". Study 2 uses semi-structured interview, after sorting out, it was found that among the five major communication media, the executive unit conducts marketing communications through direct marketing (FB, line), advertising (print and electronic), and public relations activities (press release) in sequence. Counties and cities use the most diverse and complete combination of integrated marketing communication tools in handling "local characteristics". In terms of output performance, people feel that their motivation and channels for participating in the Experience Sports i Taiwan activities have increased. Compared with the brand image of the previous national sports policy, the popularity of Sports i Taiwan has increased significantly. In terms of process performance, high turnover of internal contractors was found that is easy to cause difficulties in promoting business, the establishment and analysis of the participating public database is not implemented, and the cooperation and communication mechanism with local sports organizations has not been perfected, etc. Practical suggestions provide references for relevant units, and provide the possibility of future research for follow-up researchers.

    第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究目的5 第三節 研究重要性6 第四節 研究範圍8 第五節 研究限制9 第六節 名詞釋義11 第貳章 文獻探討13 第一節 全民運動推動政策國內情形及相關研究13 第二節 先進國家全民運動政策之推動成效17 第三節 行銷理論及整合行銷傳播理論及相關研究22 第四節 本章總結38 第參章 研究方法39 第一節 研究架構39 第二節 研究流程41 第三節 研究步驟42 第四節 研究信實度52 第肆章 結果與討論54 第一節 研究一結果與討論54 第二節 研究二結果與討論63 第伍章 結論與建議78 第一節 研究一結論78 第二節 研究二結論80 第三節 建議82 參考文獻85 附錄92 附錄一 全民運動推動整合行銷傳播-2016-2021運動i臺灣問卷92 附錄二 全民運動推動整合行銷傳播半結構訪談大綱94 附錄三 受訪者同意書95 附錄四 運動i臺灣識別logo行銷宣傳96

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