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研究生: 陳河吉
Ho-Chi Chen
論文名稱: 青少棒選手打擊動作對打擊表現之影響
Influence of the batting performance to the batting average for junior league baseball players
指導教授: 張家豪
Chang, Jia-Hao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 揮棒時間手肘關節角度揮擊軌跡水平揮擊
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:162下載:35
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  • 青少棒選手打擊動作對打擊表現之影響
    研 究 生:陳河吉
    目的:探討青少棒選手打擊動作對打擊表現之影響。方法:以台北縣某國中棒球隊9位先發選手為研究對象(平均年齡14.33±1.00歲、身高170.22±6.41公分、體重65.56±6.4公斤),並以參加2008年縣級以上比賽打擊表現為評估依據,其平均打擊率為0.326±0.089。於室外球場中利用兩台Redlake高速攝影機(250Hz),拍攝打擊動作;以Kwon3D動作分析系統分析所拍攝之打擊動作,針對揮擊時之手肘關節角度、身體軸心線位移、揮擊時間及球棒揮擊軌跡等進行分析。所得運動學參數資料皆以SPSS 軟體進行統計分析。實驗中定義之參數以Pearson 探討參數之相關程度,顯著水準定為α =.05。結果:一、跨步期開始至揮擊期結束止之揮擊時間與打擊表現無顯著之相關(p = .110);但跨步期結束瞬間至揮擊期結束之揮棒時間與打擊表現呈顯著相關(r = -.696, p = .037)。二、擊中球瞬間揮棒速度與打擊表現呈顯著之相關(r = .702, p = .035);揮棒軌跡水平揮擊距離對水平揮擊速度相關值呈顯著相關(r = .763, p = .017)。三、擊中球瞬間手肘角度與球棒的水平揮擊速度和球的初速度呈顯著之相關(r = .893, p = .001; r = .724, p = .027)。四、揮擊時身體軸心水平位移與打擊表現呈顯著之相關(r = -.669, p = .049)。結論:球棒揮擊之時間越短、擊中球瞬間棒頭速度越快、身體旋轉時水平位移愈小、揮擊時球棒軌跡的水平距離越長,則打擊表現就越好。建議:訓練時應多利用定位訓練針對打擊動作做調整,加強其揮擊時身體旋轉中心軸固定,並調整擊球時手肘角度變化。


    Influence of the batting performance to the batting average for junior league baseball players

    Graduate student:Ho-Chi Chen
    Professor:Jia-Hao Chang
    Purpose: to evaluate the relation between the batting performance and the batting average of the junior league baseball players. Methods: nine junior league baseball lineup players (age: 14.33±1.0 years, height: 170.22 ± 6.41 cm, and weight: 65.56 ± 6.4 Kg) in Taipei County participated in this study. The batting average (0.326 ± 0.089) of all participants was reported from the games held by the Taipei County in 2008. Two Redlake high-speed cameras (sampling at 250 Hz) were utilized to capture the player’s batting movements. Kwon3D was used to calculate the kinematical data including elbow angle, translation of the long axis of the trunk, duration of hitting, and the path of hitting. Pearson method was used to assess the relationship of the kinematics data by using SPSS. The significant level was set as α = .05. Results: (1) no correlation between the batting average and batting duration, from the beginning of stepping forward to the end of batting swing, was found (p = .110), however, the correlation between the batting average and batting duration, from the end of stepping forward to the end of batting swing, was found (r = -.696, p = . 037); (2) significant correlation between the swing speed in the impact phase and the batting average was found (r = .702, p = . 035), and the result also showed significant correlation between horizontal swing path and horizontal batting speed (r = .763, p = .017); (3) significant correlations between the elbow angle in the initial ball impact and horizontal batting speed, and between the elbow angle in the initial ball impact and ball speed were found (r = .893, p = .001; r = .724, p = .027, respectively); (4) significant correlation was also found between the translation of the long axis of the trunk in horizontal and the batting average. (r = -.669, p = .049). Conclusion: shorter batting duration, faster swing in the initial ball impact, less translation of the long axis of the trunk in horizontal, and more horizontal swing path, would improve the batting performance of the junior league baseball players. Suggestion: the player should practice to adjust the batting posture, fix the rotation axis of the trunk, and adjust the elbow angle at ball impact.

    Keywords: Swing duration, elbow angle, swing path, horizontal swing

    目 次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 問題背景 1 第二節 研究問題 3 第三節 研究目的 4 第四節 研究範圍與限制 4 第五節 名詞操作性定義 5 第二章 相關文獻探討 8 第一節 揮棒速度文獻探討 8 第二節 球棒揮擊軌跡文獻探討 11 第三節 揮擊時身體軸心變化文獻探討 11 第四節 肘關節角度文獻探討 12 第五節 文獻結語 13 第三章 研究方法與步驟 14 第一節 研究對象 14 第二節 實驗時間地點 14 第三節 實驗儀器設備 15 第四節 實驗場地與佈置 16 第五節 實驗流程說明 18 第六節 實驗資料收集及處理 19 第四章 結果與討論 21 第一節 揮擊時揮棒時間之運動學參數分析 21 第二節 球棒揮擊軌跡之揮棒速度運動學參數分析 23 第三節 揮擊時身體軸心位移之運動學參數分析 30 第四節 擊球瞬間手軸角度之運動學參數分析 33 第五章 結論與建議 36 第一節 結 論 36 第二節 建 議 37 參考文獻 38 附錄一 受試者同意書 40 表次 表3 - 1 座標點說明 20 表4 - 1 由跨步期開始至揮擊期結束止之揮棒時間分析摘要表 22 表4 - 2 跨步期結束瞬間至揮擊期結束之揮棒時間分析摘要表 23 表4 - 3 擊中球瞬間之揮棒速度分析摘要表 29 表4 - 4 水平揮擊距離及速度分析摘要表 30 表4 - 5身體中心軸線位移分析摘要表 33 表4 - 6 擊中球瞬間手肘角度度分析摘要表 35 表4 - 7 長打率與球初速度分析摘要表 35 圖次 圖1 - 1 打擊連續動作 5 圖1 - 2 手肘角度 6 圖1 - 3 球棒行進路線 6 圖1 - 4 身體中心軸線 7 圖3 - 1 實驗場地 17 圖3 - 2 座標點位置 20 圖4 - 1 受試者(S1)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 25 圖4 - 2 受試者(S2)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 25 圖4 - 3 受試者(S3)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 26 圖4 - 4 受試者(S4)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 26 圖4 - 5 受試者(S5)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 27 圖4 - 6 受試者(S6)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 27 圖4 - 7 受試者(S7)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 28 圖4 - 8 受試者(S8)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 28 圖4 - 9 受試者(S9)揮擊期球棒揮棒軌跡 29 圖4 - 10 受試者(S1-9)揮擊期身體中心軸線水平位移 31 圖4 - 11 受試者(S1-9)揮擊期身體中心軸線前後位移 32 圖4 - 12 擊球瞬間手肘角度 34

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