研究生: |
施智仁 |
論文名稱: |
漫畫式圖像在視覺藝術表現上之創作 Comic-like graphics of Creative Work on Visual Arts Presentation |
指導教授: | 張柏舟 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 113 |
中文關鍵詞: | 漫畫 、漫畫式圖像 、普普藝術 、視覺傳達設計 |
英文關鍵詞: | comics, comic-like graphics, pop art, visual communication design |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:724 下載:46 |
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漫畫的自由表現形式與天馬行空的內容,讓為漫畫著迷的人遍佈世界各地,是學生下課後逃避現實的幻想園地,也是藝術家抒發己見的創作媒介。漫畫發源自原始人類在洞穴上的塗鴉,18世紀時是歐洲漫畫家針貶時事、陳述事件的利器,19世紀末的美國人看完報紙上主要新聞後則會看四格漫畫輕鬆一下,二次大戰後的日本漫畫撫慰了日本的民心更開拓了漫畫的視野,在台灣的50年代的『諸葛四郎』風靡了當時的青少年,卻也曾被視為傷風敗俗的不良刊物。漫畫與藝術間原本存在著一道鴻溝,達達運動(DA DA)與普普藝術(POP ART)出現後,漫畫的發展有了不一樣的轉折,漫畫中的圖像躍入了美術館,達達與普普的藝術家讓漫畫不再只是輕鬆、詼諧的娛樂小品,而是具有社會意涵、時代意義的圖像訊息,他們透過漫畫式的圖像,重新定義通俗藝術與純藝術間的區隔,影響了後來視覺藝術的演進,更擴及到商業設計的範疇。
The free manifestation and unrestrained contents of comics, has spread its fans all over the world, it is a getaway fantasy land from reality for students, also a creation media for artists to express their opinions. Comics were originated from the cave paintings of the prehistoric men, it was a tool for European cartoonists to criticize current affairs and describe events in 18th century; at the end of 19th century, the Americans would read the comic strips after the major news in the papers for entertainment; the comics in Japan comforted the people’s hearts, also expanding the comic’s horizon, post WWII; the “ZhuGe SiLang” in the 50’s of Taiwan, raged the youngsters at the time, but it was also considered to be an immoral publication.
There was a gap between comics and the arts, but since the appearance of the Dada Movement and the Pop Art, the development of comics has taken a different turn. The pictures of comics have jumped into museums, and the artists of Dada and Pop transformed the comics to graphic messages with social and timely meanings, which means they are no longer just a funny entertaining sketch. Through the comic-like graphics, they redefined the division between the popular arts and pure arts, influenced the revolution of subsequent visual arts, and further expanded into the commercial design scope.
The paper is divided into two parts of literature analysis and personal creation to research. Regarding the literature analysis, firstly through the treatment, collection and analysis of the relevant literature of comics, sort the definition of comics, and then introduce its developmental traces in Europe, America, Japan, China and Taiwan, to clarify its influences to the local arts development, societies and cultures. Meanwhile deconstruct various art movements relating to comic images and their visual features, and to probe the influence of comic-like graphics to visual communication design. Following, study the major visual elements and symbolic characteristics that structure the comics, thus probing the usages of comic-like graphic elements.
Lastly is the personal creation. Aimed at the comic-like graphics as major creation elements, by using all sorts of visual language and colors of comic-like graphics, and political and cultural pictures of Europe, America and Asia, together thru the creation techniques and features of digital images, transformed to the visual creations of the theme. Its contents present the personal graphic creations which were influenced by the European, American, Japanese and Chinese cultures, and behind the creation was hidden the modern society and culture phenomenon of Taiwan. The conclusion is the creation development and expectation of the personal comic-like graphics, and expecting its application and amplification on the visual communication design and commercial value.
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1.POP ART Tilman Osterwold
2.In the Studio /Todd Hignite London YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS
3.All-American Ads-50’s By Ed.Jim Heimann TASCHEN
4.Japanese Style Graphics 2001 by P.I.E BOOKS
6. The Art of the Funnies An Aesthetic History/Robert C.Harvey USA 1994
The University Press of reserved
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2.王受之(2007)。西方漫畫發展歷程(動漫設計)之動漫畫史 。藝術家雜誌。頁332-345。
3.吳垠慧(2004)。藝術+漫畫=?台灣當代藝術理得『漫畫』現象初探。典藏今藝術 。144 期 頁71-75。
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