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研究生: 彭瓊慧
Chiung-Hui, Peng
論文名稱: 我國資優教育研究之回顧與後設分析研究
The content-analysis and meta-analysis of the researches in gifted education of Taiwan, R. O. C.
指導教授: 郭靜姿
Kuo, Ching-Chih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 252
中文關鍵詞: 資優教育研究內容分析後設分析
英文關鍵詞: empirical researches, content analysis, meta-analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:189下載:88
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  • 本研究旨在探討自民56至民90共計35年間,我國資優教育實徵性研究之研究變項累計情形,包括作者背景、研究相關特徵、樣本特性、評量工具及方法、資料處理方式等五大面向,以瞭解歷年來研究成果之全貌。另抽離出創造思考教學研究進行後設分析,以了解資優教育創造思考教學之成效及可能的影響變項,進而提出教學上之具體建議。
    一、 內容分析方面
    1. 資優教育領域有一群核心研究者經常性發表研究
    2. 男女性研究者比例相當,近年來有女性多於男性之趨勢
    3. 我國資優教育研究偏向單一著作,除博碩士論文外,單一與聯合著作比例約為2:1
    4. 第一線教學人員從事研究的比率低落,僅佔一成左右
    1. 期刊為實徵性研究的主要來源,其次為博碩士論文,且數量均隨年代而增加
    2. 特殊教育學術性期刊刊登資優教育研究的比率偏低
    3. 研究主題隨年代趨於多元化,「情意特質與社會適應」、「認知思考特質」、「生涯及追蹤」及「資優教育政策、制度及現況」為最常見之主題
    4. 不同資料來源所著重的主題不盡相同,
    5. 調查法與相關研究為最常用之研究方法,發展研究最為缺乏
    1. 取樣區域集中在都會區,且由北向南遞減
    2. 研究對象偏重一般智能優異資優生,且以國小高年級學生為主
    3. 不同主題之研究對象分布不均,「身心特質」研究對象多為國小資優生;「生涯及追蹤」、「資優教育政策、制度及現況」則集中在高中階段。
    4. 缺乏對學前資優、身心障礙資優、文化殊異資優及低成就資優生等特殊族群的研究
    5. 立意取樣為主要的取樣方式
    1. 研究者傾向以紙筆評量方式蒐集資料,近年來蒐集方式逐漸多元化
    2. 問卷回收率大多良好,回收率多達七成以上
    3. 現成的評量工具不足,且集中在特定主題
    1. 資料處理方式以量化分析居多,多偏向初等或中等的統計
    2. 不同資料來源均常用「描述性統計」、「t/z考驗」、「變異數分析」統計方法,然運用比重不同
    3. 研究主題有集中特定統計方法之情形
    二、 後設分析方面
    1. 創造思考教學對提升資優生創造力具中小程度的效果
    2. 創造思考教學對提升不同面向之創造力有不同的影響,依成效大小為變通力、獨創力、流暢力及精進力。
    3. 創造思考教學可提升資優生高層次認知思考及學業成就的表現
    4. 在調節變項之尋找上,教材來源、測驗工具種類兩因素為影響教學實驗效果之調節變項。

    The main purposes of this study are: (1) to investigate the outcomes of experimental variables of researches in gifted education from 1967 to 2001. The features of this analysis are included researchers’ background, related features, the traits of subjects, assessment materials, and the analysis methods of data; (2) to investigate the overall weighted mean- effect sizes of creativity, cognitive thinking abilities, the performance of achievement in creative thinking instruction with meta-analysis method, and to find out moderator variables that may influence the effects of creative thinking instruction.
    After systematic searching for the literature from bibliography and electronic database, 441 researches were coded for content analysis, and the related data were calculated with frequency and percentage. Besides, 15 researches on creative thinking instruction were coded for meta-analysis, and the effect- sizes were calculated by Hedges and Olkin’s(1985) procedure. Furthermore, this study was tested all coded features by ‘Categorical Model’ to find out moderator variables. The followings are major results of this study:
    1. In content analysis
    A. Researchers’ background
    a. One group of core researchers conducts studies frequently on gifted education.
    b. The number of female researchers has been increasing during those years, and almost catches up with that of male researchers.
    c. Most researches on the current gifted education are almost finished by only one author, except for the dissertations/ theses. The number of working-alone researcher nearly doubles than that of group-working ones.
    d. Only few teachers engaged in research.
    B. Related features
    a. The quantity of journals that dominates the sources of empirical researches conducted by dissertations/theses has been increasing those years.
    b. Few researches on gifted education are issued in the journals of special education.
    c. Topics keep changing every year. Some popular topics are: “Emotion Characteristics and Social Adaptation”, “Cognitive Thinking Characteristics”, “Carrier and Tracking”, and “Policies and System of Gifted Education”.
    d. Different sources focus on different topics.
    e. Survey and correlational researches are the methods used by the researchers most frequently.
    C. The traits of subjects
    a. Sampling areas focus on cities, and decrease from north to south.
    b. The majority of samples are general ability gifted, especially for high- grade students in the elementary schools.
    c. The different topics are not in a normal distribution.
    d. Lack of studies for pre-school gifted, handicapped gifted, culturally disadvantage gifted, and underachieving gifted students.
    e. Purposeful- sampling is the major method of sampling.
    D. Assessment materials
    a. Many researchers are willing to collect data with paper-writing instead of related instructional methods. But, it’s good to see that the following researchers use one more methods afterwards.
    b. The 70% return rate of questionnaire is pretty high satisfactory.
    c. Standardized assessment instruments are not enough, and they only focus on some specific topics.
    E. The analysis methods for data
    a. Most data processing methods rely on quantitative analysis. And statistics methods are usually adopted by basic and intermediate skills.
    b. Statistics methods adopted more frequently are: “descriptive statistics”, “t/z test”, “analysis of variance“.
    c. Most research topics used “descriptive statistics” statistic methods frequently.
    2. In meta-analysis
    A. The overall weighted mean- effect size of creative thinking on instructional studies was between middle and small magnitude.
    B. The Instruction for creative thinking promotes different creativities. The descending orders of the weighted mean- effect size of creativities were flexibility, originality, fluency, and elaboration.
    C. Instruction for creative thinking promotes the performance of high-level cognitive thinking and achievements of gifted students.
    D. The moderator variables of creative thinking studies were sources of teaching materials, and many kinds of assessment instrument.
    Base on the results of study, the researchers also provided a discussion and made some recommendations to upgrade the reliability and efficiency of gifted education.
    Keywords: empirical researches, content analysis, meta-analysis

    中文摘要……………………………………………………...Ⅰ 英文摘要……………………………………………………...Ⅳ 目次…………………………………………………………...Ⅶ 圖次………………………………………………………..….Ⅸ 表次………………………………………………………..….Ⅹ 第一章 緒論…………………………………………..1 第一節 問題背景與研究動機…..……………………….1 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………5 第三節 研究問題…………………………………………6 第四節 名詞釋義…………………………………………8 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………10 第一節 內容分析法…………………………………….10 第二節 國內外資優教育內容分析之相關研究………20 第三節 後設分析法……………………………………. 39 第四節 國內外資優教育後設分析之相關研究…….. 51 第三章 內容分析之結果與討論…………………..59 第一節 研究方法及流程………………………...……..59 第二節 研究作者背景分析…………………………….79 第三節 研究相關特徵………………………………….87 第四節 樣本特性………………………………………110 第五節 研究工具特徵…………………………………122 第六節 資料處理方式…………………………………134 第四章 資優教育創造性思考教學之後設分析結果與討論………………………………………145 第一節 研究方法及流程…………………………….145 第二節 創造思考教學之內容分析………………….160 第三節 創造思考教學之成效……………………….172 第四節 影響教學效果的調節便項探討…………….182 第五章 結論與建議……………………………….195 第一節 結論……………………………………………195 第二節 建議……………………………………………202 第三節 研究限制………………………………………211 參考書目……………………………………………212 壹、 內容分析書目…… …………………………..212 貳、 後設分析書目……………………………...…242 參、 中文參考書目...………………………………243 肆、 英文參考書目………………………………...247 附錄……………………………………………….…253 附錄一 內容分析研究文獻登錄表甲…………………….253 附錄二 後設分析研究文獻登錄表乙…………………….255

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