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研究生: 林秀鳳
Hsiu-Feng Lin
論文名稱: 解題歷程導向之電腦輔助數學應用題解題系統
指導教授: 張國恩
Chang, Kuo-En
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 解題歷程數學應用題數學解題數學解題系統
英文關鍵詞: mathematical problem-solving process, mathematical word problems, mathematical problem-solving, mathematical problem-solving system
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:17
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  • 本研究的主要目的為發展以數學解題歷程為設計導向的電腦輔助解題系統,並以較複雜或多步驟包含加減乘除四則運算的數學應用題為研究範圍,應用於自行發展的電腦輔助解題系統中。

    The main goal of this study is to develop a computer-assisted mathematical problem-solving system, which includes more complex and multistep word problems requiring skills of some or all of the four mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
    Forty-nine fifth-grade elementary school students participated in the experiments to assess the practicability and instructional effect of this system. The students were randomly assigned into two groups. Experiment groups learned through the training of the computer-assisted mathematical problem-solving system, whereas the control groups learned in the form of paper-and-pencil. Word problems taught in the second semester of fifth grade were used as materials in the experiments.
    The results are as follows: (1) After eight training sessions, the mathematical problem-solving ability of those in the experiment groups is significantly better than that of the control groups. (2) For the students in the experiment groups, their mathematical problem-solving ability has significantly improved after eight training sessions. (3) Those who participate in the designed computer-assisted mathematical problem-solving training, in their responses to the questionnaires, show positive attitude towards the use of computer-assisted systems in mathematical problem-solving instruction and learning.

    目 次 附表目錄--------------------------------------------viii 附圖目錄----------------------------------------------ix 第一章 緒論------------------------------------------1 第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------5 2-1 數學解題的意義與歷程--------------------------5 2-2 數學解題教學的相關研究-----------------------12 2-3 電腦輔助數學解題工具--------------------------17 第三章 系統架構與設計-------------------------------20 3-1系統功能說明-----------------------------------20 3-2系統架構說明-----------------------------------34 第四章 實驗設計-------------------------------------44 4-1實驗對象---------------------------------------44 4-2實驗設計---------------------------------------44 4-3實驗教材---------------------------------------45 4-4實驗工具-------------------------------------------45 4-5實施程序-------------------------------------------46 4-6資料分析-------------------------------------------48 第五章 實驗結果與討論-------------------------------49 5-1電腦輔助數學解題系統成效分析-------------------49 5-2 學生解題歷程分析------------------------------52 5-3電腦輔助數學解題系統問卷分析-------------------54 5-4討論-------------------------------------------57 第六章 結論與未來發展方向---------------------------61 6-1結論-------------------------------------------61 6-2未來發展方向-----------------------------------62 附錄一 學生解題歷程示例圖-----------------------------64 附錄二 學生解題歷程示例表-----------------------------77 附錄三 國小五年級數學應用題解題測驗甲、乙卷-----------81 附錄四 電腦輔助數學解題系統問卷-----------------------87 參考著作----------------------------------------------89

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