Author: |
蘇沛珊 Pei-Shan Su |
Thesis Title: |
由教師角色轉換諮商心理師之路:探女性諮商心理師的生涯轉換歷程 The Road from Teachers to Counselors:Discussing Female Counselors’ Career Transition Process |
Advisor: |
Wu, Pei-Li |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2011 |
Academic Year: | 99 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 274 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 生涯轉換 、教師 、女性諮商心理師 、性別角色 |
Keywords (in English): | career transition, teacher, female counselor, gender roles |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 643 Downloads: 29 |
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The research targets at females who transfer from teachers to counselors; the study not only aims to understand the psychological process in the female’s career transition but also probes into the supporting forces and the impediments in the transition process. Finally, the research attempts to find out the role that gender plays in the career transition process.
The approach for this research is based on a qualitative in-depth interview method and hermeneutic phenomenological methodology. In order to collect the information about the process of career transition in females who transfer from teachers to counselors, the researcher interviewed three subjects by using semi-structural interview outlines. After sorting the interviews into seven transcripts, the researcher analyzed the data by the thematic analysis method and resulted in the following five essential themes:
1.From listening internal language to regulating ideal and reality:
Describing the psychological process in career transition, the interviewees express the process as from listening to inner voice to balancing ideal and reality.
2.Having all kinds of tastes mixed and transforming the mental state, and being glad to see self identification and growth:
Presenting the emotional changes and the perspectives of oneself that originate from the career transition, the interviewees have experienced through various complexities and transformations but become pleased with their own self identity and growth.
3.The impediments of career transition obstructing on the way and being brave in starting new boundaries of family:
Confronting impediments in the career transition but being brave to create new frontier for family, the female interviewees are still able to move forward and construct the new relationship with family by chance.
4.Internal resources increasing supporting forces and external conditions pushing proceeds:
Obtaining support from both internal and external strengths, the interviewees not only seek strength internally to adjust personal suitability with career in order to find the truth self, but also face challenges and frustrations on the original work and gain the strength externally from family, important persons, and spiritual beliefs.
5.Gender roles having both sides of “toughness”:
Being tough as a female, the interviewees have shown that females on the one hand obtain more freedom in career transition and are supported to work and fulfill their dream; on the other hand, they are still highly expected to take care of both family and work.
Based on the findings from the research, the researcher has developed a further discussion and some suggestions to schools, government, counselors, as well as to all females transferring from a teacher to a counselor. Finally, based on the findings of this research, the researcher provides a few suggestions for future studies.
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