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研究生: 簡汝育
論文名稱: 行動者網絡理論與地方發展:魚池紅茶產業再造
指導教授: 譚鴻仁
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 魚池紅茶鄉村發展行動者網絡理論
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:273下載:182
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  • 在台灣,產業轉型的過程中,農業生產往往是被選擇犧牲的一環,2001年台灣加入WTO,降低關稅,開放國外廉價農產進口,農業活動再一次受到衝擊;農業活動持續式微的過程中,鄉村地區的經濟發展也逐漸衰退,因此,鄉村「再」發展成為國家與民間必須共同面對的問題。但,鄉村的再發展不是要恢復傳統的農業經濟,而是必須走向多元化的鄉村經濟活動,社區總體營造的文化產業概念提供鄉村資源多元發展的可能。南投縣的魚池鄉是典型以農立鄉的山中聚落,近幾年來,地方發展的目標轉以觀光產業為主;921地震後紅茶產業的再發展,重新定位為文化產業,地方公所透過每年舉辦紅茶文化季的方式推廣產業,同時也吸引觀光客進入魚池鄉。


    In the process of Taiwan industry development, the investment in agricultural production has been seen less important. This situation has become even aggravated since Taiwan became a member of the World Trade Organization in 2001 and the government lowered the tariff on imported agricultural products. With the decline of agricultural development, the economic development in rural areas becomes weak. As a result, the re-development in the rural becomes an issue for both the government and the public. To re-develop the rural is not to retrieve the traditional agricultural production, but to exploit the rural resources to spur diverse economic activities.

    Yuchi, a county in central Taiwan is a twon whose main economy is agriculture. Its development has been transformed into tourism production recently. With the re-development of tea industry in Yuchi after 921 Earchquake in 1999, the black tea industry has revived Yuchi and became its main production with cultural specialty. Every year the local authorities hold the black tea festival to promote their products in order to have more tourists.

    The black tea industry had developed since the Japanese Colonial Period and then was declining. It is retrieved on account of the community planning in Dayan village. With the perspective of the rural restructure, this dissertation explores the relationships between the re-commoditization of the black tea and the local economic development. The revived black tea industry has four foci: quality, variety, brand and narratives. In few years, Yhchi’s black tea industry has been well-known and with excellent profits, but it has encountered some conflicts and problems in the industrial development and the community planning at the same time. Therefore, the Actor-network theory was used to analyze these two collective actions. The findings are that local convention and social capital are the two key factors, which have influence in the stability of these two networks. For example, Seshui and Shanzhajiao villages in Dayan have dissimilar processes of the community planning. It is because their varied conventions and social capital are different.

    第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 9 2.1 鄉村發展理論 9 2.2 行動者網絡理論 (actor-network theory, ANT) 15 2.3 社會資本 (Social Capital) 20 2.4 傳統理論 (Convention theory) 24 第三章 研究方法 26 3.1 研究方法的選擇 27 3.2 蒐集資料的過程 30 3.3 研究倫理 35 第四章 魚池紅茶風華再現 38 4.1 日治,國家主導下的紅茶產業 39 4.2 1949~2000,紅茶園換檳榔林 45 4.3 2007,進行中的合作、協商與爭執 49 4.4 未知的危機或轉機 72 第五章 從一到二:差異化的社區營造模式 76 5.1 社區總體營造的「典範」?-- 澀水模式 77 5.2 一個還是兩個?領域化的社區組織 86 5.3 另一種社區總體營造的模式 -- 山楂腳經驗 95 5.4 外來者與在地人 101 第六章 魚池紅茶與地方發展 105 6.1 商品化的紅茶與地方發展 105 6.2 行動者網絡與地方發展 113 6.3 社會資本與地方發展 125 6.4 傳統與地方發展 128 第七章 結論 131 7.1 研究發現 131 7.2 反思理論與田野 133 7.3 研究限制與建議 136 引用文獻 137 附錄一 142

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