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研究生: 陳凱怡
論文名稱: 臺灣地區口譯員工作價值觀與工作滿意度調查研究
An Initial Investigation of Interpreters' Work Values and Job Satisfaction in Taiwan
指導教授: 陳子瑋
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 177
中文關鍵詞: 口譯會議口譯工作價值工作滿意
英文關鍵詞: interpretation, conference interpretation, work values, job satisfaction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:182下載:55
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  • 口譯作為一門新興行業,僅數十年的時間便吸引各界人士從業。本研究先由文獻探討口譯員所重視的工作價值,及對當前工作的滿意度,再採用問卷佐以開放式問題,調查口譯員的工作需求,以及口譯工作是否符合期待。研究發現口譯員特別重視在工作中獲得自我實現及成長的機會,且希望對於生活具有一定自主權。調查亦顯示,口譯員的內在滿意度高於外在滿意度,對於能夠接觸各類案件,並從中獲得成就感感到格外滿意。口譯員也同意從事此行業工作時間較彈性,有助於個人生活安排。口譯員表達不滿的面向則包括工作不穩定、缺乏福利保障及進修管道,以及客戶不配合。建議未來可增加在職訓練機會,並籌組專業組織推廣口譯專業,以促進大眾對於口譯的認識,維護口譯員的權益並提升專業自主。

    Interpreting has been having talented individuals join the line over the past few decades as it emerges as a sought-after profession. To better understand how the practitioners fare, this study explores the needs of interpreters and investigates how current working conditions are measuring up to their expectations. To this end, the method of questionnaire with open-ended questions has been utilized to gather the necessary data for analysis. The results suggest that interpreters attach high value to self-actualization, sense of security and leisure, and personal growth, and are most satisfied with the intrinsic aspects of the interpreting work, enjoying the opportunity to take on a variety of tasks and deriving a great sense of achievement from them, and the flexibility of work hours. On the other hand, how interpreting fails to provide for steady employment, welfare benefits, and sufficient means available for professional development, along with uncooperative clients disappoint interpreters most. Together, the findings suggest that it is essential to enhance public understanding of the profession so as to safeguard interpreters’ interest and increase autonomy. More research and effort in initiating professional development programs and a professional association could prove helpful in reaching the goal.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Scope of Study 3 1.3 Organization of Study 4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Interpreting As a Profession 5 2.1.1 Classification of Interpreters 5 Interpreting As a Profession under Classification System 6 Occupational Description of Interpreters 14 2.1.2 Types of Interpretation 21 Definition of Interpretation 21 Types of Interpretation 23 2.1.3 Freelance Interpreters versus In-house Interpreters 28 Standard versus Non-Standard Employment 28 Freelance Interpreters versus In-house Interpreters 30 2.1.4 Interpreters in Taiwan 32 2.2 Work Values 34 2.2.1 Values 35 2.2.2 Work Values 36 2.2.3 Work Values Theories 38 2.2.4 Framework for Work Values 43 2.2.5 Factors Related to Work Values 46 2.2.6 Instruments for Work Values Assessment 48 2.3 Job Satisfaction 51 2.3.1 Definition 52 2.3.2 Job Satisfaction Theories 53 2.3.3 Factors Related to Job Satisfaction 58 2.3.4 Instruments for Job Satisfaction Assessment 60 2.4 Work Values and Job Satisfaction 62 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 67 3.1 Introduction 67 3.2 Questionnaire 71 3.2.1 Participants 71 3.2.2 Background questions 71 3.2.3 Questionnaire on interpreters’ work values and job satisfaction 72 3.2.4 Open-Ended Questions 80 3.2.5 Pilot Testing of the Questionnaire 81 3.2.6 Measures and Research Procedure 81 3.2.7 Research Tools 82 3.3 Data Analysis 82 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 87 4.1 Introduction 87 4.2 Questionnaire 87 4.2.1 Background Questions 88 4.2.2 Interpreters’ Responses on Work Values 96 4.2.3 Interpreters’ Responses on Job Satisfaction 99 4.2.4 Open-Ended Questions 101 4.3 Summary 105 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSIONS 107 5.1 Introduction 107 5.2 Interpreters’ Work Values 107 5.2.1 Personal Growth 108 5.2.2 Self-Actualization 112 5.2.3 Self-esteem 115 5.2.4 Interaction with Others 120 5.2.5 Sense of Security and Leisure 123 5.2.6 Summary 128 5.3 Interpreters’ Job Satisfaction 129 5.3.1 Intrinsic Satisfaction 130 5.3.2 Extrinsic Satisfaction 134 5.3.3 Summary 141 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION 143 6.1 Conclusion 143 6.2 Recommendations for the T & I Industry 147 6.3 Limitations of the Study 148 6.4 Recommendations for Further Studies 149 References 151 Appendix A Questionnaire 163 Appendix B Questionnaire (in English) with responses 169

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