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研究生: 盧蘇檠
Su-Ching, Lu
論文名稱: 高中化學教師參與虛擬社群對其專業成長之研究–以Facebook平台為例
The research of high school chemistry teachers participated in virtual community and teachers’ professional growth: A study of Facebook
指導教授: 林如章
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 化學專業成長虛擬社群互動分享輔助備課
英文關鍵詞: chemistry, professional development, virtual community, interactive sharing, promotes to prepare and design the teaching materials
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:72下載:3
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  • 本研究以Facebook平台為例,探討高中化學教師參加虛擬社群對其專業成長之影響。

    This study explored the effects of high school chemistry teachers participated in virtual community by Facebook and their professional growth.
    The samples was were collected from 21 twenty-one chemistry high school teachers in 6 six different cities in Taiwan (Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, Hualien City and Kaohsiung City) by questionnaires. The collected responses were summed up by each aspect and expressed in percentages. Bar charts are used to compare the evaluation of each aspect by these teachers. We also interviewed eight of the teachers by semi-structured interviewed interviews and collected the data.
    The questionnaires content included the teachers’ professional growth, which was determined by asking “Can the Facebook promote teachers to share their teaching experience and information?” “Can Facebook promote teachers to prepare and design their teaching materials?” “Is Facebook more convenient to operate than others virtual community platform?” “Can Facebook advance the teachers’ teaching quality?”
    The findings in this study are as follows:
    1. Facebook was is a platform which people can share their information. However, some schools block Facebook.
    2. Facebook was is very convenient for discussion and obtaining information.
    3. Most of the teachers thought Facebook promotes to prepare and design the teaching materials.
    4. Facebook was is more convenient to operate than others virtual community (e.g., blog, BBS.) platform
    5. Facebook was can potentially to be the self-learning professional information growth platform in the future.
    6. With low participation at present, teachers expect to have more people joining this platform to provide deeper issues and further information.
    Summarizing Base on the above conclusions, specific suggestions are made for the educational administrations, the high schools, and the chemistry teachers, and the outlook for the future development outlined as follows: the above discussion, suggestions are offered to administration s, high schools, and chemistry teachers with expectations in future development:
    1. Academic administrations should approve Facebook social activities of teachers, allowing them to prosper and develope.
    2. Schools should hold an open attitude and encourage teachers to participate in social networks to improve their professions anytime.
    3. Teachers are advised to join Facebook societies of various fields, connecting and sharing professions with others to self-improve.
    4. We expect after After being launched for a period of time, with we expect positive responses from teachers, more participator will be attracted to join this platform. With the lively discussions on the platform, both the depth and extent of the discussing issue can increase, benefiting self-improvement in professions of Chemistry teachers.
    5. We expect interactions regarding different levels of professional improvement development be held to strengthen the content of Facebook social network interactions.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 教師專業成長及其途徑 4 2-1-1 教師專業成長的目的 4 2-1-2 教師專業成長的特徵和標準 5 第二節 傳統與現代教師實務社群及其瓶頸 8 第三節 社群網站與Facebook的特性 10 2-3-1 社群網站的定義 10 2-3-2 Facebook的特性 10 第四節 利用社群網站的相關研究 12 2-4-1 社群網站的相關研究 12 2-4-2 訪談法 15 2-4-3 訪談法的分類 17 2-4-3-1依質與量的程度 17 2-4-3-2深入訪談依研究過程區分 18 第三章 研究設計與實施 21 第一節 研究方法與步驟 21 3-1-1 問卷調查的實施 22 3-1-2 訪談研究的實施 23 第二節 研究對象 24 3-2-1 問卷對象 24 3-2-2 訪談對象 25 第三節 研究工具 26 3-3-1 Facebook平台及運作情形 26 3-3-2 問卷內容 36 3-3-3 訪談大網 37 第四節 資料的收集與處理 38 3-4-1 問卷結果資料處理 38 3-4-2 訪談結果資料處理 38 第五節 研究範圍與限制 38 3-5-1 研究範圍 38 3-5-2 研究限制 39 第四章 資料分析與討論 41 第一節 問卷結果分析與討論 41 4-1-1 社群互動與促進交流 41 4-1-2 Facebook交流平台與操作介面 47 4-1-3 輔助備課與教材設計 53 4-1-4 促進自我專業成長 57 第二節 訪談結果分析與討論 61 4-2-1 教學知識共享與交流的成效 61 4-2-2 傳統與現代追求化學專業成長的困難 64 4-2-3 輔助備課與教材設計 67 4-2-4 是否有可能成為專業成長的平台 69 第五章 結論與建議 72 第一節 結論 72 5-1-1 互動分享與促進交流 72 5-1-2 Facebook交流平台與操作 72 5-1-3 傳統與現代方式追求化學專業成長的困難 73 5-1-4 輔助備課與教材設計 73 5-1-5 化學專業成長 74 第二節 建議 74 5-2-1 對教育行政機關的建議 74 5-2-2 對學校的建議 75 5-2-3 對教師的建議 75 5-2-4 對未來發展的展望 75 參考文獻: 77

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