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研究生: 莊媮荃
Chuang, Yu-Chuan
論文名稱: 《逃》《離》鄉關的親密陌生人:論台灣當代移工與新移民女性之生命政治
Taiwan’s Intimate Strangers out of Place: A Biopolitical Reading of Migrant Workers and New Immigrant Women’s Life Stories in Escape and Separation
指導教授: 黃涵榆
Huang, Han-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 移民工生命政治裸命例外狀態諸眾情感勞動
英文關鍵詞: migrants, biopolitics, bare life, state of exception, multitude, affective labor
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DE.004.2019.A07
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:371下載:55
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  • 本文以生命政治理論視角,探討在台東南亞移工與新移民女性之境況,藉由分析《逃/我們的寶島,他們的牢》與《離/我們的買賣,她們的一生》中逃逸移工與新移民女性之生命故事,揭示東南亞移民工因受制於台灣政經結構、勞動型態與社會關係中的權力壓迫,而處於例外狀態,並由此開展東南亞移民工如何以裸命之姿積極反抗,最後思索面對移民工他者之倫理意義。本論文主張東南亞移民工不應被視作外來威脅,而是深刻反映台灣社會內部的既有矛盾,其存在模糊並問題化種種因各方差異劃分區隔東南亞移民工之邊界,進而促使「我們」重省東南亞移民工之處境。本論文共分三章。第一章援引當代生命政治理論家阿岡本的「裸命」、「例外狀態」,與哈特與奈格理提出的「諸眾」、「情感勞動」等概念,闡述蘊含於政治、經濟與勞動下的權力機制,之所以將這兩條不同取逕的分析作為本文討論框架,旨於展現政經關係之密不可分。第二章以前述理論概念針對《逃》與《離》中的生命故事進行文本分析,逃逸移工與新移民女性之境遇一方面體現權力結構如何細緻地介入移民工實質生活,另一方面也顯示人際間情感連結具有抵抗壓迫、跳脫權力掌控之可能性。第三章發展對移民他者之倫理關懷,將精神分析學者紀傑克的「鄰人」及女性主義政治哲學家艾莉絲‧楊「正義」與「差異政治」的概念,與既有生命政治理論架構並讀,除延續並呼應權力之形上學意義,亦強調情感對倫理關懷的重要性。

    My thesis proposes a biopolitical reading of Southeast Asian migrant workers and new immigrant women’s life in Taiwan. Through addressing the issues of runaway workers and migrant spouses in Escape: Our Formosa, Their Prison and Separation: Our Trading, Their Life, it demonstrates that Southeast Asian migrants in Taiwan fall into state of exception under various forms of power mechanisms, further explores how Southeast Asian migrants can potentially resist oppression as contemporary figures of bare life, and ultimately envisions the ethical attitude toward the Migrant Other. The thesis argues that Southeast Asian migrants should not be construed as a threat. Rather, the migrants profoundly reflect Taiwan’s existing social paradoxes, and they blur and problematize the divides drawn by all sorts of differences to distinguish us from them, and it propels us to re-examine Southeast Asian migrants’ condition. This thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter One brings together Giorgio Agamben’s, and Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s theories of biopolitics to illustrate the exercise of power mechanism in the realm of politics and economics, particularly with the notions of bare life, state of exception, multitude and affective labor. Under the framework of biopolitcs, Chapter Two proceeds to analyze how power in Escape and Separation meticulously intervenes in runaway workers and new immigrant women’s daily life, and how affective connections in social networks constitute the potential site of resistance. Chapter Three proposes the ethical attitude toward the Migrant Other by engaging Slavoj Žižek’s psychoanalytic perspective of the Neighbor and Iris Marion Young’s concepts of justice and politics of difference in the biopolitical framework, to complement the ontological understanding of power mechanism and to elucidate the importance of affect in making ethical decision.

    Introduction 1 Backgrounds and Motivations 1 Literature Review 3 Methodology 10 Outline of Chapters 16 Chapter One : Caught within the Grip: Conceptualizing Taiwan’s Migrants 20 I. Bare Life: The Unbareble Lightness of Being 22 II. Affective Labor: The New Landscape in Empire 25 III. Southeast Asian Migrants down and out in Taiwan 29 Chapter Two : Nameless Multitude: Marginal Life in Escape and Separation 35 I. To Escape, or Not to Escape, That’s the Question 37 II. Your Child Is Not Your Child 47 III. Regarding the Pain of the Migrant Other 53 Chapter Three : Love Thy Neighbor?: Towards an Ethical Reading of Migrants’ Life in Taiwan 61 I. The Migrant Other as Sacred Neighbor 65 II. Justice Unbound 69 Conclusion 74 Works Cited 78

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