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研究生: 林佳瑩
Lin, Chia-Ying
論文名稱: 空間活化再造台中老城區
Space Renewal of Conservation Area at Old Taichung Central District
指導教授: 鄧成連
Teng, Cheng-Lein
口試委員: 莊育鯉
Chuang, Yu-Li
Liu, Chien-Cheng
口試日期: 2021/07/22
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系設計創作碩士在職專班
Department of Design_Continuing Education Master's Program of Creative Practice in Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 177
中文關鍵詞: 活化舊建築台中市中區老街保存活化手法
英文關鍵詞: Adaptive reuse, Historical building, Old town conservation area
研究方法: 個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101157
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:179下載:0
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  • 1924 年奧古斯 格里賽巴赫(August Grisebach)在《德國古典主義建築及藝術:一代
    出新的意義,走出一條世紀交替的獨特風格,為後代的新古典主義立下基礎。在老建築保存意識高漲的 2016 年,同時被迫見證著一個個台中市區老舊建築物拆除殞落,夷為平地。當台灣這塊土地仍用著暴力心態對待老舊建築物時,面積僅台灣五十七分之一的新加坡正積極地為70、80年代大量拆除老建築物的錯誤政策做出彌補,反思歷史資產對於觀光與文化傳承的重要性。本研究藉由探討歐洲「老城區」的概念來反思台灣,在歐洲的老城區裡面不可能是每一棟房子都是「歷史建築」、「古蹟」,但使用整體概念來規範「老城區」的建築設計與景觀設計讓老城區的樣貌有一定的時代感,堅持讓歷史紋理保留給後代,成為後代的資產。本創作希望以全台灣面積最小的市轄區:台中市中區為例,不同以往以「棟」或「街」為單位的研究,本研究以「城區」為單位,探討以舊城區為主體規劃的老城區特色保存新方法,也不同於以往大稻埕、剝皮寮等原封不動的保留方式,而是在那些不屬於「歷史建築」、「古蹟」但有年代的老房子上,採用新與舊融合的空間活化方式作為議題,讓新材料藉由轉譯置入空間於舊建築中,以一定的規則保存了老屋同時賦予新生命。透過對英、法活化法規與舊城區內建築活化案例,以「外觀」、「元素」、「機能」、「材料」,從其成功的模式分析,歸納出老屋可以執行的設計手法,建構出民間可執行的老屋活化的語言,創作出吸引觀著駐足閱讀、流連懷舊的空間,同時能促進城市歷史傳承,也不犧牲所有權人利益的老屋活化模式。讓老屋的保存方法增添一個具有參考價值的途徑。本研究案例分析的重要結論計有:(1)、臨街道的外觀維持並修復原貌;(2)、高度控制維持老城區天際線;(3)、內部結構加強重塑;(4)、新舊介面材質對話;(5)、採光引入;(6)、低調式增建;(7)、格局重塑。對於保留城市記憶的重要性,老建築物活化是一個很重要的一環,本創作反思提出:(1)、設計是一種視覺語言,利用每棟建築都有其背後的歷史軌跡與特殊背景,了解在保留與改建的思考上皆有其創意的衡量;(2)、樸質材料的視覺語言詮釋出老房子的原始美,引起對於過往記憶的共鳴;(3)、新舊交織過程涉及了感知、記憶、想像、材料美感等多種的因素,多運用元素組構幫舊建築加分;(4)、商業行為要互相連貫、互相加值,形成一定的群聚效應;(5)、利用規劃設計做更大規模的設計串聯,將周邊景點優勢加入。

    German art historian, August Grisebach, published "Karl Friedrich Schinkel" in 1924. In his book, he commented the ideology of Schinkel’s New Classical architecture, instead of thinking about nostalgia, Schinkel, regarded as an pioneer in the field of architecture, had always held expectations, absorbs the unique concepts of the new era, and makes his works show fruitful results. In the age of Gothic fanaticism, Schinkel tried to extract new meanings from historical buildings, stepped out of a unique style, and laid the foundation for neoclassicism for future generations. While the awareness of historic preservation was soaring in 2016, we were still forced to witness the demolition of old buildings in Taichung city. It is sad that Taiwanese use a violent attitude towards old buildings and razed them to the ground. Singapore, which is only one-57th of Taiwan’s area, on the other hand, is
    actively making up for the wrong policy of old buildings demolition during 70s and 80s. They know traditional buildings are their cultural heritage and resources in many ways. This paper dug into the concept of " Historic Preservation " for old towns in Europe. Through the study of law, regulations, and case study, finding out that not every house was assigned as "historical building" or "historical site" in old town conservation area, but together they achieve harmony in townscape, define city skylines and have a lasting impact on their perceived memory of a place. A comprehensive concept to standardize the architectural and landscape design for old town conservation area is the key point to the success. This paper analyzed design methods and design elements of buildings regenerated in old town area. By applying them on the smallest municipal district in Taiwan: central district of Taichung city, it was expected to be an inspiring example for building an old
    town conservation area. When these two words of old and new come together, the result can be awe-inspiring. Unlike other studies that used "one building" or "one street" as a research unit, this study used the " area" as the unit and explored. Space renewal methods which create fusion of the new and the old is the main issue for this research. New materials be an interesting addition for old buildings both functionally and aesthetically speaking. As a result, people can use design methods analyzed in this research as a regenerating tool to preserve old buildings with specific rules and give new life to them. While old buildings have its own charm, it’s no doubt that when old and new joined in a thoughtful manner, the results can be dazzling. Through the analysis of recent renewal projects in London and Paris, their "appearance", "elements", "functions" and "materials" can be summarized as design methods which can be implemented in old houses for
    regeneration, created spaces that attract people and linger on nostalgia. Besides, these renewal methods can promote the inheritance of urban history without sacrificing the interests of the owner. In conclusion, the results of case analysis include: (1) Maintaining and restoring the appearance of the old building; (2) Maintaining the skyline of the old city by height control; (3) Strengthening the internal structure; (4) Creating dialogue between the new and old materials; (5) The introduction of daylighting; (6) Low-profile additions; (7) Redefine the internal spaces with new functions. Reflecting on this paper, here are five insights gained from this research: (1) Each building has its own beauty, a good designer needs to distinguish from the parts should be changed and the parts should be preserved; (2) Modern materials can be relieved against the original decorations and structure of the old house and resonates with memories and historic significance; (3) The design process of interweaving old and new should involve urban aesthetics; (4) Commercial use and residential use need to work out in a site. Having a certain number of commercial units to form a cluster brings attraction; (5) Using comprehensive design as a tool to bring surrounding historic spots together can brought many benefits to a city.

    第一章、緒論1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、台灣舊建築保存現況與問題3 第三節、新加坡對歷史建築物的錯誤政策與彌補4 第四節、台中市中區簡史與現況6 第五節、研究目的8 第六節、研究範圍與內容9 第二章、文獻探討10 第一節、歷史保存區的規劃史10 第二節、歷史遺產保存的目的22 第三節、歷史保存區的定義與保存原則25 第四節、舊建築活化的定義30 第五節、舊建築活化的方法32 第六節、臺灣老城區保存現況35 第七節、小結38 第三章、研究方法與流程39 第一節、研究方法39 第二節、研究流程40 第四章、案例分析44 第一節、案例分析的方法44 第二節、案例探討46 案例一、Hackney townhouse 46 案例二、Islington extension 49 案例三、Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé 52 案例四、Dior Homme PARIS 55 案例五、The Lantern House 58 案例六、Heritage-listed London House 61 案例七、Winkley Workshop 64 案例八、Brackenbury House 67 案例九、Courtyard House 70 案例十、Lacy bric house 73 案例十一、Gallery House 76 案例十二、The Gouse 79 案例十三、伯利茲公園前消防站蓋造公寓案83 案例十四、前巴黎證券交易所86 案例十五、The Department Store 89 案例十六、Peckham house 93 案例十七、Victorian brick warehouse extension 95 案例十八、House and Studio Lambeth 98 案例十九、L’Élysée Montmartre 101 案例二十、New Visitor Center of Cluny Museum 104 案例二十一、Snug House 107 案例二十二、Repoussoir House 110 案例二十三、Love Walk House 113 案例二十四、Tower House 116 案例二十五、Two 19th-century art studios 120 第三節、綜合分析總結124 第四節、小結134 第五章、設計創作論述與成果136 第一節、創作背景與動機136 第二節、創作歷程137 第三節、設計程序149 第四節、創作小結166 第六章、設計創作結論與建議168 第一節、研究結論168 第二節、後續研究方向與建議171 參考文獻172

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