研究生: |
邱慧珠 Chiu, Hui-Chu |
論文名稱: |
邁向「地方文化韌性」-新北市深坑區個案研究 Towards “Local Cultural Resilience”- A Case Study of Shenkeng Place, N.T.C. |
指導教授: |
Liao, Shih-Chang |
口試委員: |
Liao, Shih-Chang 林振春 Lin, Jenn-Chuen 彭立沛 Peng, Li-Pei 彭俊亨 Peng, Chun-Heng 黃世輝 Hwang, Shyh-Huei |
口試日期: | 2024/12/12 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
社會教育學系 Department of Adult and Continuing Education |
論文出版年: | 2025 |
畢業學年度: | 113 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 310 |
中文關鍵詞: | 反思治理 、文化主體性 、文化韌性 、文化賦權 、地方研究 、新北市深坑區 |
英文關鍵詞: | Reflexive governance, cultural subjectivity, cultural resilience, cultural empowerment, local studies, Shenkeng District, N.T.C |
研究方法: | 參與觀察法 、 個案研究法 、 民族誌法 、 深度訪談法 、 田野調查法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500237 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:196 下載:7 |
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本研究從全球化與現代性對地方的影響為出發點,並結合社區發展的反身性思考, 探討地方社群如何以文化做為適應變遷的力量。在文獻分析中,首先從「地方轉向」 (Local Turn)的趨勢,分析地方如何從「被治理的對象」轉變為「治理的主體」,強調地方在全球化脈絡中的重要性。其次,從文化流動的觀點探討地方如何經歷文化殖民、文化抵抗到地方克里奧化(creolization)的三個階段,形成獨特的文化身份與社會結構。然而,在以新北市深坑區的近代發展作為先期研究時發現,文化流動的觀點未能深入剖析地方文化如何在外來影響下保持自主性,並反思自身的文化身份與變遷。在此基礎上,結合韌性思維強調多元觀點、主客體之間的湧現以及反身性的特徵,提出「文化韌性」的分析理念,並以文化主體性、文化賦權與反思治理作為分析要素。文化主體性提供地方文化認同的基礎,維持獨特的文化身份與歸屬感;文化賦權則強調居民參與的重要性與地方文化的自主性;反思治理則探討地方如何在複雜的社會系統中進行協作與調整,以保持核心特質與適應能力。這三個要素相互作用展現地方的文化韌性。初步的研究回應研究目的:(一)將地方文化韌性視為一種反思,應對全球在地化趨勢與抗衡現代性發展;(二)建立地方文化韌性的分析面向,評估地方資本的積累和流動;(三)以新北市深坑區的案例實現邁向文化韌性的路徑。在結論中回顧文化韌性與地方研究之間的對話。首先,從立論觀點出發,總結文化韌性研究的成果和在文化實踐中的應用潛力,包括文化韌性的理路分析、文化韌性的認知三稜鏡以及以地方為本的文化韌性觀點。其次,從研究對象出發,對地方研究中的反身性實踐提出見解,涵蓋理想與現實的調和、地方的差異與本真以及公民社會的集體反身性。第三,在研究方法上,透過研究者在實地調查與理論建構中的經驗,分析現有方法的局限與可能性。最後,對未來跨學科研究與地方學實踐提出建議 。
This study takes the impact of globalization and modernity on localities as its starting point, incorporating reflexive thinking on community development to explore how local communities use culture as a force for adapting to change. Through a literature review, the study first analyzes the trend of the "local turn," examining how localities have transformed from "objects of governance" to "subjects of governance," emphasizing their significance in the context of globalization. Second, it investigates how localities undergo three phases—cultural colonization, cultural resistance, and local creolization — through the lens of cultural flows, ultimately forming unique cultural identities and social structures.However, an initial study of the modern development of Shenkeng District, New Taipei City, revealed that the perspective of cultural flows insufficiently explains how local culture maintains autonomy under external influences while reflecting on its identity and transformations. Building on this foundation, the study incorporates resilience thinking, emphasizing diverse perspectives, emergent interactions between subjects and objects, adaptive processes, and reflexive characteristics. Cultural resilience is proposed as the core analytical framework, with cultural subjectivity, cultural empowerment, and reflexive governance serving as analytical components. Cultural subjectivity provides the foundation for local cultural identity, preserving uniqueness and a sense of belonging. Cultural empowerment emphasizes the importance of resident participation and local cultural autonomy. Reflexive governance examines how localities collaborate and adjust within complex social systems, ensuring that they retain core characteristics and adaptive capacity under external pressures. These three elements interact to illustrate the cultural resilience of localities.The results of in-depth interviews address the research objectives:(1) conceptualizing local cultural resilience as a form of reflexivity to respond to global-local trends and counteract modernity's challenges;(2)establishing analytical dimensions of local cultural resilience by assessing the accumulation and flow of local capital; and(3) proposing pathways for cultural resilience through a case study of Shenkeng District.The conclusion reflects on the dialogue between cultural resilience and local studies. First, from a theoretical perspective, the study summarizes the achievements of cultural resilience research and its potential applications in cultural practice, including the analysis of cultural resilience's logic, the cognitive prism of cultural resilience, and local-based perspectives on cultural sustainability. Second, from the perspective of the research subject, it offers insights into reflexive practices in local studies, addressing the reconciliation of ideals and realities, the nuances of locality and authenticity, and the collective reflexivity of civil society. Third, from a methodological perspective, the study examines the limitations and possibilities of current approaches based on the researcher’s experiences in fieldwork and theoretical construction. Finally, the study provides recommendations for future interdisciplinary research and the practical application of local studies.
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