簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳婉菱
Chen, Wan-Ling
論文名稱: 艾咪.畢琦《三首布朗寧之歌,作品四十四》之分析與鋼琴合作詮釋探討
An Analysis and Collaborative Piano Performance Interpretation of Amy Beach’s Three Browning Songs, Op. 44
指導教授: 林世馨
Lin, Shih-Hsing
口試委員: 林娟儀
Lin, Chuan-Yi
Chiu, Pao-Min
Lin, Shih-Hsing
口試日期: 2023/07/09
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 35
中文關鍵詞: 三首布朗寧之歌艾咪.畢琦鋼琴合作
英文關鍵詞: Three Browning Songs, Amy Beach, Collaborative Piano
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301700
論文種類: 代替論文:作品連同書面報告(藝術類)
相關次數: 點閱:81下載:19
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  • 本詮釋報告探討之主題為艾咪.畢琦(Amy Beach, 1867-1944)於1899-1900年創作之《三首布朗寧之歌,作品四十四》,主要內容以鋼琴合作者角度出發,分析與探討詮釋方法。畢琦為少數於美國本土成長的重要女性作曲家,其作曲技巧多為自學而來,曲式結構嚴謹,但聲音色彩豐富多彩。
    本詮釋報告共分三個章節:第一章緒論,包含研究動機與研究方法;第二章文獻探討,概述詩人與作曲家生平;第三章以鋼琴合作角度分析與詮釋,依照樂曲順序〈The Year’s at the Spring.〉、〈Ah, Love, But a Day!〉、〈I send my heart up to thee!〉製作樂曲分析表格,簡述詩詞背景、分析聲樂與鋼琴旋律動機,闡述從鋼琴合作角度之詮釋方法;第四章結語。

    The subject of this study is Amy Beach (1867-1944) and her composition “Three Browning Songs, Op. 44”, created in 1899-1900. The main focus is from the perspective of the piano collaborator, analyzing and discussing interpretive methods. Beach was an important female composer who grew up in the United States. She learned compositional techniques by herself, resulting in meticulously structured compositions with a rich tonal palette.
    The study has consisted of three chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which includes the research motivation and methods. The second chapter is a literature review that provides an overview of the lives of the poet and composer. The third chapter is dedicated to the analysis and interpretation of the collaborative piano. It follows the order of the songs: “The Year's at the Spring”, “Ah, Love, But a Day!”, and “I Send My Heart Up to Thee!” The chapter includes a music analysis table that briefly describes the background of the poetry, analyses the vocal and piano melodic motive, and elucidates performance interpretation from the perspective of the collaborative piano.

    第一章 緒論 1  第一節 研究動機 1  第二節 研究方法 2 第二章 文獻探討 3  第一節 詩人羅伯特.布朗寧生平 3  第二節 作曲家艾咪.畢琦生平 5 第三章 以鋼琴合作角度分析與詮釋 9  第一節 The Year’s at the Spring. 一年之計在於春 9  第二節 Ah, Love, But a Day! 啊,愛呀,僅僅一天! 15  第三節 I send my heart up to thee! 我將我的心獻給你! 23 結語 32 參考文獻 34


    Adrienne Fried Block. Amy Beach, Passionate Victorian: the Life and Work of an American Composer, 1867-1944. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
    Donald Smalley. Poet of Robert Browning. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1956.


    Rebekah W. Planalp. “Amy Beach and the Poetry of Robert Browning.” Ball State University Master of Music in Vocal Performance, 2020.

    https://www.oxfordlieder.co.uk/song/4253 Access: 2023/05/09
    https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100328545;jsessionid=B239D94A0161E583BB8BCC8398970201 Access: 2023/05/09
    https://www.artnet.com/artists/daniel-maclise/the-serenade-y0l8lLvBxgY2ctPHB2qkOA2 Access: 2023/06/13

    Mrs. H. H. A. Beach. 3 Browning Songs, Op. 44. Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt, 1900. Plate A.P.S. 5138-5140.
