研究生: |
簡吟羽 CHIEN, Yin-Yu |
論文名稱: |
校園生態環境融入藝術教育課程發展與實施成效之研究 The Development and Implement of Integrating Ecological Campus Environment into Art Education Curriculum |
指導教授: | 陳瓊花 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 250 |
中文關鍵詞: | 生態藝術 、生態藝術教育 、校園生態環境融入教學 、視覺藝術課程 、學習成效 、學習態度 、歸屬感 |
英文關鍵詞: | Eco Art, Eco Art Education, Integrating Ecological Campus Environment into Teaching, Visual Art Curriculum, Learning Effectiveness, Learning Attitude, Sense of Belonging |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1401 下載:74 |
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本研究採「準實驗設計」(Quais-Experimental Design)研究法之研究模式,以新北市某國中為研究對象,隨機選擇實驗組與控制組各兩班共114人為實驗對象。實驗教學過程配合該校課程規劃,以生態藝術之議題與概念為主軸,並運用校園生態環境作為課程教學資源來進行完整單元的實驗教學。
一、人文、生活與環境連結的藝術教育課程,能有效提升學生對環境之覺知與對生態 之關懷,並建立其歸屬感。
This study is the development and implement of integrating ecological campus environment into art education curriculum. To explore the development of this teaching methodology and implementation of student’s learning effectiveness, learning attitude, and sense of belonging, to know the effects of this teaching methodology.
The study used the “Quasi-Experimental Design” research method, where a total of 114 students from four eighth grade classes from a New Taipei City junior high school were chosen subjects of this research; two classes was randomly selected as the test group, and the other two classes as the control group. The experimental teaching process followed the school’s curriculum plan and used the issues of eco art as the primary category, where the ecological campus environment as teaching recourses were used to complete the experimental teaching.
Both the test group and the control group underwent “Artistic Knowledge and Environmental Awareness Test” and “Learning Attitude Scale” pretests, prior to undergoing experimental teaching. The test group students were given the experimental teaching curriculum of integrating ecological campus environment into art education curriculum, and the control group was taught without using this teaching methodology. After 10 weeks of experimental teaching, students in both the test group and the control group undergoing the “Artistic Knowledge and Environmental Awareness Test” and “Learning Attitude Scale” posttests, as well as completed their “Eco art works”. Furthermore, semi-structured
in-depth interviews were conducted with the test group students, plus teacher’s teaching records and reflection as the auxiliary data, to further understand students opinions, which provided for some reflective thinking, as well as ideas for future improvements. After conducting a quantitative analysis, based on the data gathered and the qualitative information, the following conclusions were reached for this study:
1. The art education curriculum that connected with humanity, life, and environment, will effectively enhances student’ s awareness of environment and ecological concerns, furthermore establishes their sense of belonging.
2. There was significant improvement in the learning effectiveness of the students who were taught by integrating ecological campus environment into art education curriculum.
3. There was significant improvement in the learning attitudes of the students who were taught by integrating ecological campus environment into art education curriculum.
4. There was significant improvement in the sense of belongings of the students who were taught by integrating ecological campus environment into art education curriculum.
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