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研究生: 吳建隆
Wu, Cien-Lung
論文名稱: 影響科技大學學生持續就讀或中途流失相關因素研究:以北區某科技大學為例
A Research of the Factors Influencing the Retention and Attrition of Students In Universities of Science and Technology: Using a University of Science and Technology in Northern Taiwan as an Example
指導教授: 劉若蘭
Liu, Ruo-Lan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 321
中文關鍵詞: 大學生流失持續就讀校園經驗滿意度
英文關鍵詞: University student attrition, continued attendance, university experience, satisfaction
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201911
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:170下載:91
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  • 本研究旨在探討大學生校園經驗與流失之關係,研究問題包括:(一) 科技大學學生流失的類別與原因為何?(二)科技大學學生個人背景、入學前就學經驗對校園經驗的關係為何?(三)本研究持續就讀與流失學生,在校園經驗的差異性為何?(四)影響科技大學學生流失的因素為何?最後,提出未來在大學校園中如何減少學生流失的建議,提供學校、師生參考。
    研究對象為北區某科技大學持續就讀與流失學生,持續就讀組學生分層比例取樣,流失組學生採立意取樣。訪談對象則是依據問卷調查結果,選取 6 位持續就讀的學生以及6位流失學生進行訪談。
    三、個人背景、入學前就學經驗對校園經驗的解釋力方面,發現個人背景與入學前就學經驗對於學術投入中的課業學習態度解釋力為19.5%,專業導向學習態度態度的解釋力為 13.4%,學習困難的解釋力17.1%;對於人際投入中的同儕互動與班級氛圍解釋力為10.6%,校園活動參與的解釋力為7.4%;對學校環境與設備滿意度的解釋力為 9.9%;對目標發展與承諾中的目標與興趣發展的解釋力9.3%,學位目標的解釋力5.0%,就讀意願的解釋力15.9%。

    This study aimed to examine the factors influencing the retention and attrition of students in universities of science and technology. The following problems were examined: (1) types of and reasons for student attrition in universities of science and technology; (2) relationships between students’ backgrounds and pre-university experiences and their university experience; (3) differences in campus experience between students who stayed and those who left; and (4) factors influencing the attrition of students in universities of science and technology. We proposed several suggestions for schools, teachers, and students on how to reduce student attrition.
    A quantitative research framework was adopted in this study and complemented with a qualitative analysis. For quantitative analysis, we developed a university experience questionnaire to conduct a questionnaire survey. Demographics variables comprised respondents’ gender, year of university, family socioeconomic status, family structure, hours of part-time work, and financial needs. Variables related to pre-university school experience comprised respondents’ academic pathway, high school type, high/vocational school department, high/vocational school graduation results, and high/vocational school graduation class rank. Variables related to university experience comprised respondents’ academic involvement, social involvement, school satisfaction, and goal development and commitments. For qualitative analysis, we conducted a series of in-depth interviews to compensate for deficiencies in the quantitative analysis. The content of the interviews comprised (1) the primary reason for respondents’ suspension of studies, withdrawal, or transfer and the personal factors influencing their decision; (2) respondents’ on-campus learning experiences and difficulties, whether their poor learning willingness was associated with the loss of interest, and the effects of their high/vocational school learning experiences on their university experience; (3) on-campus student interaction and classroom atmosphere; and (4) respondents’ feelings toward their learning environment and university facilities/equipment.
    Several students who were studying in and who withdrew from a university of science and technology located in Northern Taiwan at the time of this study were examined. Stratified random sampling was used to select students for the retention group, and purposive sampling was used to select students for the attrition group. Six students in the retention group and six students in the attrition group were selected based on their questionnaire results to participate in the interviews.
    The findings of this study were as follows:
    1.The main type of attrition among the respondents was suspension of studies, followed by transfer and withdrawal. The main reason for attrition was loss of interest, followed by financial concerns. Attrition rate decreased with seniority.
    2.A variance analysis on the effects of demographics and pre-university school experience on university experience showed that gender, year of university, family structure, family socioeconomic status, hours of part-time work, financial needs, high school type, academic pathway, high/vocational school department, high/vocational school graduation results, and high/vocational school graduation class rank achieved significant differences.
    3.For the explanatory power of the respondents’ demographics and pre-university school experience on their university experience, findings showed that demographics and pre-university school experience explained 19.5% of the variance for the academic learning attitude variable, 13.4% for the professional learning attitude variable, and 17.1% for the learning difficulty variable in academic involvement. They explained 10.6% of the variance for the peer interaction and classroom atmosphere variable and 7.4% for the campus activity participation variable in social involvement. They also explained 9.9% of the variance for school environment and equipment satisfaction, followed by 9.3% for the goal and interest development variable, 5.0% for the target degree variable, and 15.9% for the attendance willingness variable in goal development and commitments.
    4.We performed a logistic regression analysis to determine the odds ratios of the two groups based on their demographics and university experience and found that the odds were higher for low-year respondents in the attrition group; those who seldom participated in club, department, or university activities; those with low academic learning involvement; those with learning difficulties; those dissatisfied with peer interaction and classroom atmosphere; and those with low satisfaction or willingness to attend school.
    5.The qualitative interviews included respondents’ views on retention and attrition. We consolidated the interview findings under six themes:
    (1)Effects of respondents’ high school experience and family financial situation
    (2)Effects of classroom atmosphere, teacher–student interaction, and learning attitude
    (3)Effects of peer interaction and relationships
    (4)Subjective perceptions and experience of the university environment
    (5)Effects of respondents’ goal development and commitment experiences
    (6)Attendance motivation reinforced by respondents’ identification with the university
    The following suggestions were formulated based on the research results:
    1.Academic institutions: (a) Strengthen freshmen orientation and consultation to enhance their willingness to attend school and reduce the attrition of low-year students; (b) upgrade learning equipment to enhance students’ satisfaction and identification; (c) upgrade the school environment and landscape; (d) identify students with learning difficulties early and elucidate the reasons for their difficulty in learning; and (e) include student attrition and learning development research into the scope of institutional affairs research.
    2.Teachers and administration departments: (a) Create a favorable classroom environment and promote classroom learning and interaction; (b) strengthen teachers’ interaction with students in the classroom to enhance students’ learning attitude and develop goals; and (c) pay attention to the difficulties and problems of students from different backgrounds.
    3.University students: (a) Utilize school resources to reduce learning difficulties; (b) actively participate in school activities to enhance social interaction; and (c) achieve a balance between school and work.
    4.Future researchers: (a) Compare students from different education systems; (b) include involuntary withdrawal in the analysis; (c) explore the effects of students’ school performance on their attrition; and (d) investigate the effects of teacher–student interaction and relationships and school identification on student attrition.

    摘要 IV 目次 X 表次 XII 圖次 XV 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 10 第三節 名詞釋義 10 第四節 研究限制 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 校園環境與學生發展相關概念 15 第二節 個人與環境互動理論 24 第三節 大學生持續就讀或中途流失相關概念與研究 45 第四節 學生流失相關研究 59 第三章 研究設計與實施 73 第一節 研究架構與假設 73 第二節 研究對象 76 第三節 研究工具 94 第四節 實施程序 108 第五節 資料處理 111 第四章 研究結果與討論 117 第一節 科技大學學生校園經驗之現況分析 117 第二節 不同個人背景因素及入學前就學經驗學生校園經驗差異性分析之結果與討論 128 第三節 科技大學學生個人背景、入學前就學經驗與校園經驗之多元迴歸 146 第四節 流失組學生校園經驗與流失原因分析 168 第五節 流失組和持續就讀組在各項因素之比較分析 184 第六節 質性分析結果與討論 192 第五章 結論與建議 223 第一節 結論 223 第二節 建議 227 參考文獻 235 中文部分 235 英文部分 249 附 錄 271 附錄一 本研究問卷專家效度審查名單 271 附錄二 本研究問卷專家評定及研究者回應 272 附錄三 預試問卷項目分析 289 附錄四 本研究正式問卷 297 附錄五 本研究訪談大綱 305 附錄六 訪談同意書 306 附錄七 逐字稿及訪談摘要確認回函表 307 附錄八 本研究訪談逐字稿(例) 308


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