簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳淑娟
Shu-Chuan Chen
論文名稱: 全球衛星定位系統(GPS)應用於高中地理教學之研究
The Study of the Application of Global Positioning System into the Teaching of Senior High School Geography
指導教授: 陳哲銘
Chen, Che-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 全球衛星定位系統地理教育教學模組資訊科技
英文關鍵詞: Global Positioning System, Geographic education, Instructional module, Information Technology
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:360下載:43
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  • 在地理教育中,讓學生能瞭解並利用地理資訊科技於真實生活中是合理且必要的發展方向。在地理資訊科技中,GPS操作簡易,本身概念與經緯線、讀圖技能等概念直接相關,且具備蒐集空間資料的特性,是值得應用於地理教學中的。國外已有許多教師將GPS引進學校教學課程,但國內應用GPS於地理教學才剛起步,將GPS應用於國內地理教育是否能幫助老師有效教學?學生學習效果為何?有哪些單元是適合GPS輔助教學?要如何才能使應用GPS教學活動順利進行?故本研究首先分析高中地理課程綱要有哪些適合應用GPS進行輔助教學的單元主題;並依據建構式教學理念將GPS特性及應用方式配合教學綱要來設計應用GPS教學模組,並從中挑出在校園中操作GPS以及GPS戶外尋寶兩個活動實際應用於高中地理教學課程。

    It is rational and necessary to teach students understanding and using geotechnologies in their geography education. Global Positioning System (GPS) is easier to use than any other geotechnologies, it could be combined with many geography concepts, such as longitude and latitude, map skills, and it also includes the function of collecting spatial datum. Therefore, GPS is worth applying to geography education. Many teachers apply GPS on their courses in foreign countries, but GPS is new and unfamiliar for teachers in Taiwanese school education. I hence would like to discuss these questions: Could GPS help teachers achieve their instructional objectives? What is the learning effectiveness by applying GPS on senior high school geography? Which geography units are suitable for applying GPS on senior high school geography? How to conduct GPS activities successfully at present?
    First, the thesis analyzes geography units to see which units are suitable for applying GPS on senior high school geography, and wishes to design a GPS instructional module based on constructivism. Two activities are chosen, applying GPS in schoolyard and to seek caches outdoors, to integrate with school courses.
    These activities are evaluated by quasi-experimental designs, questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers. The results indicate that applying GPS on geography courses will strengthen students’ understanding in geography concepts, especially in absolute location, longitude and latitude. From students’ field worksheet, it shows that mapping what they see outdoors on the map is difficult for students. It indicates students are often lacking this skill, but could be trained by GPS.
    This thesis also offers some suggestions to conduct GPS activities successfully. First, there must be enough GPS receivers for use, two students sharing one GPS receiver at least. Second, although the Temporary Geography Standard (2006) only requests teachers to combine fieldwork and GPS, teachers are suggested to teach GPS in subjects such as ‘Map’, or other topics before ‘Fieldwork’. By applying GPS or GPS database on line, teachers will vary and enrich their lessons, such as “Map”, “Geotechnology”, “Community”, “Geography Issues”, “Regional Geography”, and so on.

    目錄: 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 5 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 GPS介紹 6 第二節 GPS的教育應用 15 第三節 建構主義教學 27 第三章 應用全球衛星定位系統(GPS)教學模組之設計與實施 第一節 GPS與高中地理課程綱要的結合 31 第二節 高中地理課程應用GPS教學模組之設計 34 第三節 GPS教學模組實驗之設計 45 第四節 GPS教學模組活動之實際施行 49 第四章 研究結果與分析 第一節 「與GPS的第一次親密接觸」教學活動結果與分析 61 第二節 「高科技的寶藏獵人」教學活動結果與分析 71 第五章 結論及建議 第一節 結論 85 第二節 建議 88 參考資料 中文部分 90 西文部分 92 附錄資料 附錄一:GPS講義 94 附錄二:活動一學習單 95 附錄三:活動一後測試題 96 附錄四:活動二之實察區資料 98 附錄五:活動二學習單 100 附錄六:訪談大綱 102 附錄七:活動一問卷 103 附錄八:活動二課堂問卷 105 附錄九:活動二戶外問卷 107

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