Author: |
吳宇豐 Wu, Yu-Feng |
Thesis Title: |
大學生對2017世界大學運動會紀念品購前行為之研究 A Study of the Consumers’ Souvenir Pre-Purchasing Behavior for the 2017 Summer Universiade |
Advisor: |
Chen, Mei-Yen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2017 |
Academic Year: | 105 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 69 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 行銷 、探索性購買行為傾向 、購買意願 、資訊搜尋 |
Keywords (in English): | marketing, EBBT, purchasing intention, information search |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 272 Downloads: 35 |
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The next hosting city for the 2017 Summer Universiade Games will be Taipei, this will be a great advantage for Taiwan to be seen capable of hosting a global scale event, meanwhile it will also be an opportunity for the host city to raise the profile of the city, by using souvenir as the events image and create short term economic benefit. In addition, since environment and factors such as strategy have influence in purchasing souvenir, marketers must also consider the social and psychological aspects that are likely to influence consumer pre-purchasing behavior, such as what goes on inside the consumer’s mind. Furthermore, consumers also use information as a way to reduce the risks associated with product purchases. A number of research findings indicate that the more the degree of perceived risk in pre-purchase product evaluation, the greater the consumers’ tendency to seek information about the product. The purpose of this research was to better recognize consumer’s exploratory buying behavior tendencies, attitude toward information and Purchasing intention toward souvenirs from the 2017 Summer Universiade. Moreover, to answer the research question, a quantitative approach was chosen for this study, by using questionnaire survey, a total of 551 valid questionnaires were obtained. According to the data collected from the questionnaire, internal consistency reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, t-test, correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were analyzed. The results were as follows: 314 females accounting for (57.1%); on the other hand, there were 236 males accounting for (42.9%) and the average age is 21.9 years old. The average monthly disposable income of the participants is NT$6452.17 and 91.2% of the participants are not willing to spend more than NT$1000 on souvenirs. Another notable finding is that 86.1% of the participants use Internet as their media habit. Moreover, the consumers’ exploratory buying behavior, attitude toward information and purchasing intention correlate to each other significantly. The exploratory acquisition of product, exploratory information seeking and opinion of others has positive predictive power toward purchasing intention. Furthermore, when comparing the types of souvenirs from the event, the most common type of souvenir for both male and female participants willing to buy is the Universiade Drawstring Bag. Another notable result is that females has higher exploratory information seeking than males, on the other hand, males has higher purchasing intentions than females. Based on this study, participants interest on the Universiade Nunchaku Pen and Magic scarf is least favourable, therefore it is highly suggested that the marketing strategy of the souvenirs for 2017 Summer Universiade should be improved, such as having more commercials and advertisements on social medias, so that consumers builds attraction and knowledge which can increase consumers purchasing intention.
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