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研究生: 温柏淯
Wen, Po-Yu
論文名稱: 通過掃描穿隧顯微鏡研究二硫化鉬缺陷的形成與其對電子特性的影響
Influence of Defect Formation on the Electrical Properties of Molybdenum Disulfide by Scanning Tunneling Microscope
指導教授: 傅祖怡
Fu, Tsu-Yi
口試委員: 林俊良
Lin, Chun-Liang
Chang, Ming-Che
口試日期: 2021/07/05
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 掃描穿隧顯微鏡過渡金屬二硫族化物二硫化鉬缺陷表面態
英文關鍵詞: scanning tunneling microscope, transition metal dichalcogenide, Molybdenum disulfide, defects, surface state
研究方法: 實驗設計法觀察研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101135
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:91下載:0
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  • 二硫化鉬屬於層狀半導體中的過渡金屬二硫族化物,可透過層數改變其能隙大小,且層跟層之間屬於凡得瓦力作用,我們可以輕易地透過機械剝離來產生新的可研究的表面,一直以來都是電子元件的熱門材料。

    Molybdenum disulfide is a transition metal dichalcogenide in layered semiconductors. The energy gap can be changed by the number of layers, and the interaction between the layers is Van der Waals's force. We can easily generate a new surface for the study through mechanical exfoliation. Molybdenum disulfide has always been a popular material for electronic components.
    In this work, we used a scanning tunneling microscope to observe the surface morphology and electrical changes of natural bulk molybdenum disulfide in an ultra-high vacuum environment. We control the bulk molybdenum disulfide in four situations, which are the original surface before mechanical exfoliation, the fresh surface just after the mechanical exfoliation, the surface exposed to oxygen for 8 hours after mechanical exfoliation, and the surface exposed to the atmosphere for 7 months after mechanical exfoliation. We can observe rich electron depletion after mechanically peeling molybdenum disulfide. This phenomenon almost disappears after exposure to oxygen and under the atmosphere for a long time. We discuss the surface electrical properties of molybdenum disulfide. In addition to the similar movement of the conduction band for both molybdenum disulfide exposed to oxygen and under the atmosphere, their characteristics of the surface state are also consistent. The oxygen in the atmosphere plays an important role that affects the surface electrical properties of molybdenum disulfide.
    Through this experiment, we understand that surface defects and environmental changes can influence the surface energy band structure of molybdenum disulfide, which will become one of the important regulatory conditions for how we consider natural molybdenum disulfide as a semiconductor material.

    誌謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 V 圖表目錄 VII Chapter 1 序論 1 1.1 二硫化鉬 (Molybdenum disulfide, MoS2)的基本特性 2 1.2 表面態(Surface State)對材料能譜的影響 4 Chapter 2 實驗原理與方法 6 2.1 掃描穿隧電子顯微鏡(scanning tunneling microscope, STM) 6 2.1.1 量子穿隧效應(Quantum tunneling effect ) 6 2.1.2 侷域態密度(Local density of state, LDOS) 9 2.1.3 掃描穿隧能譜(Scanning tunneling spectroscopy, STS) 10 2.1.4 探針引發的能帶彎曲(Tip induced band bending, TIBB) 11 2.2 拉曼光譜系統(Raman Spectra System) 12 2.2.1 拉曼散射光譜(Raman Scattering Spectra) 12 2.2.2 光激螢光(Photoluminescence, PL) 13 Chapter 3 實驗儀器與操作原理 15 3.1 實驗儀器簡介 15 3.2 超高真空系統(ultra-high vacuum system) 16 3.2.1 油封式機械幫浦(Oil-sealed mechanical pump) 17 3.2.2 渦輪分子幫浦 (Turbo molecular pump) 18 3.2.3 離子幫浦 (Ion pump) 19 3.2.4 鈦昇華幫浦 (Titanium sublimation pump) 20 3.3 真空壓力計 (Vacuum Pressure Gauge) 21 3.4 殘氣分析儀 ( Residual Gas Analyzers, RGA ) 22 3.5 加熱系統(Heating system) 23 3.6 掃描穿隧電子顯微鏡(STM) 23 3.6.1 避震裝置(vibration isolation) 24 3.6.2 步進器(stepper) 24 3.6.3 掃描頭(scanner) 25 3.6.4 電子控制系統(electronics and controller) 25 3.6.5 降溫系統 25 Chapter 4 實驗操作與步驟 27 4.1 實驗流程圖 27 4.2 探針製作 28 4.3 超高真空環境建立 31 4.4 樣品準備 32 4.4.1 機械剝離(Mechanical Exfoliation) 33 4.4.2 氧氣處理(Oxygen Exposure) 33 4.5 掃描穿隧顯微鏡操作模式 34 4.5.1 定電流模式 35 4.5.2 定高度模式 36 4.5.3 電流影像穿隧能譜(Current image tunneling spectroscopy, CITS) 36 4.6 STM影像處理 38 Chapter 5 實驗數據結果與討論 39 5.1 表面結構及缺陷分析 39 5.1.1 天然二硫化鉬塊材的檢測 39 5.1.2 原子尺度的二硫化鉬形貌分析 40 5.1.3 不同偏壓下的二硫化鉬缺陷形貌 42 5.1.4 二硫化鉬的缺陷種類分析 44 5.1.5 大尺度下的二硫化鉬形貌比較 47 5.2 二硫化鉬表面電性分析 53 5.2.1 二硫化鉬掃描穿隧能譜分析 53 5.2.2 不同處理下的二硫化鉬表面之電性比較 54 5.2.3 缺陷所造成的二硫化鉬之表面態 56 5.2.4 二硫化鉬的光激螢光能譜 57 Chapter 6 結論 59 參考文獻資料 61

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