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研究生: monique
論文名稱: Intercultural communication between Local and International Students in Taiwan
Intercultural communication between Local and International Students in Taiwan
指導教授: 張媁雯
Chang, Wei-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: intercultural communicationforeign studenthost country nationals
英文關鍵詞: intercultural communication, foreign student, host country nationals
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:197下載:18
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  • This research examined the intercultural communication between local Taiwanese and international students. The focal point was to examine if the objectives of the government of Taiwan, Taiwanese scholarship donors, and Taiwanese universities that host international students were achieved in terms of the internationalization of Taiwanese universities and fostering the interaction of local and foreign students. International educational exchange allows foreign students and host country nationals, alike, to gain intercultural competence, which can improve intergroup and international relations. However, notable differences in language, cultural norms, and patterns of behavior may lead to communication barriers and difficulties in interaction between domestic and foreign students. Through an investigation of the intercultural relationship, between local and international students, the researcher examined the intercultural communication experience, of international and Taiwanese students, and the difficulties faced and strategies employed by those students studying in a culturally diverse environment. In this study, Contact theory, Espoused theory and Theory in use were used as the theoretical framework to analyze the behavior, of the groups involved. Local as well as international students were selected as the main participants of the study. Qualitative techniques were the main method of inquiry. Data collection consisted of 17 in depth interviews and 4 questionnaires with open-ended questions (a total of 10 local Taiwanese and 11 international students) as well as document review. Findings revealed that most of the experience shared between the two groups was quite different. Contact took place, between the groups; however, the amount of contact and what actually took place within those contact periods varied. It was also revealed that students acted contrary to their beliefs in termsof intercultural interaction.
    Key words: intercultural communication, host country nationals, foreign student

    This research examined the intercultural communication between local Taiwanese and international students. The focal point was to examine if the objectives of the government of Taiwan, Taiwanese scholarship donors, and Taiwanese universities that host international students were achieved in terms of the internationalization of Taiwanese universities and fostering the interaction of local and foreign students. International educational exchange allows foreign students and host country nationals, alike, to gain intercultural competence, which can improve intergroup and international relations. However, notable differences in language, cultural norms, and patterns of behavior may lead to communication barriers and difficulties in interaction between domestic and foreign students. Through an investigation of the intercultural relationship, between local and international students, the researcher examined the intercultural communication experience, of international and Taiwanese students, and the difficulties faced and strategies employed by those students studying in a culturally diverse environment. In this study, Contact theory, Espoused theory and Theory in use were used as the theoretical framework to analyze the behavior, of the groups involved. Local as well as international students were selected as the main participants of the study. Qualitative techniques were the main method of inquiry. Data collection consisted of 17 in depth interviews and 4 questionnaires with open-ended questions (a total of 10 local Taiwanese and 11 international students) as well as document review. Findings revealed that most of the experience shared between the two groups was quite different. Contact took place, between the groups; however, the amount of contact and what actually took place within those contact periods varied. It was also revealed that students acted contrary to their beliefs in termsof intercultural interaction.
    Key words: intercultural communication, host country nationals, foreign student

    ABSTRACT ................................................. I TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................III LIST OF TABLES ........................................... V LIST OF FIGURES ........................................ VII CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .................................. 1 Background of the Study .................................. 1 Statement of the Problem ................................. 5 Purposes of the Study .................................... 7 Questions of the Study ................................... 8 Significance of the Study ................................ 8 Definition of Terms ...................................... 9 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................11 Intercultural Communication ............................. 11 Intercultural Communication of Students ................. 13 Improving Intercultural Communication ....................18 Difficulties in Intercultural Communication ............. 20 Effective Intercultural Communication ................... 24 Espoused Theory and Theory in Use ....................... 27 Contact Theory .......................................... 28 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODS ............................31 Research Approaches ..................................... 31 Theoretical Framework ................................... 32 Research Participants ................................... 34 Data Collection ......................................... 39 Data Analysis ............................................41 Research Procedure ...................................... 42 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISSCUSSIONS ....................45 Intercultural Communication Experience .................. 46 Difficulties and Strategies ............................. 51 Discussions ............................................. 56 Espoused Theory and Theory in Use ....................... 59 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...............61 Conclusions ............................................. 61 Recommendations ......................................... 63 Limitations of the Study ................................ 65 Suggestions for Further Studies ......................... 66 REFERENCES ...............................................67 APPENDIX A: COVER LETTER .................................75 APPENDIX B: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ..........................77

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