研究生: |
羅玉慧 LO. YU-HUI |
論文名稱: |
亞斯柏格青少年之負向思考 The negative thougts of adolesents with Asperger syndrome |
指導教授: | 張正芬 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 147 |
中文關鍵詞: | 負向思考 、亞斯柏格症 、憂鬱 、焦慮 、敵意 |
英文關鍵詞: | Asperger, negative thoughts, depression, anxiety, hostility |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:399 下載:18 |
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本研究旨在探討國中階段亞斯柏格青少年(Asperger,下文簡稱AS)與一般青少年在負向思考的表現和差異。本研究以青少年自動化思考量表(Children’s Automatic Thought Scales,簡稱CATS)為研究工具,並以台北縣、市地區的394名國中生建立常模,研究對象為台北縣、市七年級至九年級的亞斯柏格青少年及其家長各49名,並依配對條件選取一般青少年202名作為對照組。本研究分別請一般青少年、AS青少年及其家長填寫CATS,比較一般青少年和AS青少年在負向思考總量表及憂鬱、社會焦慮、身體焦慮、敵意分量表得分的表現情形。本研究主要發現如下:
一、 AS青少年在負向思考總分及社會焦慮、身體焦慮、憂鬱、敵意分量表的平均數雖然略高於常模,但是落於一個標準差以內,顯示他們整體表現均未達臨床顯著水準。
二、 AS青少年在負向思考總量表、社會焦慮、身體焦慮、憂鬱、敵意分量表的得分顯著高於對照組。
三、 AS青少年與母親除了在身體焦慮分量表得分達顯著差異外,兩者在負向思考、社會焦慮、憂鬱、敵意問題未達顯著差異,顯示AS青少年與母親的答題情形相似,AS青少年只有在身體焦慮問題得分高於母親。
四、 就組內差異而言,三組(AS青少年、對照組、AS母親)均顯示出敵意分量表顯著高於其他分量表。
五、 AS青少年負向思考高分群百分比高於一般青少年,一般青少年高分群比例為2~6%,AS青少年高分群比例約為12~20%,AS母親高分群比例為4~16%。
This study compared the differences of negative thoughts between adolescents with Asperger syndrome (AS) and adolescents without disabilities in junior high schools. The Children's Automatic Thought Scales(CATS) was revised as a measure tool in this study which there were 394 junior high school students chosen as the norm in Taipei city and county. Afterwards, 49 adolescents with AS from seventh to ninth grades and their mothers participated in this study. In addition, a control group of 202 adolescents without disabilities were selected according to the matching rules.
The data of CATS were collected by adolescents without disabilities, adolescents with AS and their mothers. The purpose was designed to compare the performance of adolescents with AS and adolescents without disabilities in the comprehensive scale of CATS which contains the subscales of depression, social anxiety, physical anxiety, and hostility. The major findings of this study were as following:
First, the performance of adolescents with AS, the means score of CATS, and the subscales score of social anxiety, physical anxiety, depression, and hostility were only slighter higher than the norm, but within the range of one standard deviation(SD). It indicated that their performance in CATS were not up to the clinical significant standard.
Second, adolescents with AS were scored significant higher than the control group for the toatl score of CATS, subscales of social anxiety, physical anxiety, depression, and hostility.
Third, there were no significant differences between adolescents with AS and their mothers investigated in negative thoughts, social anxiety, depression, and hostility except for the subscale of physical anxiety. The results indicated that adolescents with AS merely received higher score in the subtest of physical anxiety than their mothers, while their performance in other subscales of CATS were similar.
Fourth, the score of all the three groups (adolescents with AS, the control group, and mothers of children with AS) in the subscale of hostility was significantly higher than the other subscales.
Fifth, the percentage of adolescents with AS getting higher score in negative thoughts was much greater than adolescents without disabilities. The percentage of getting higher score for participants as followed: adolescents without disabilities about 2 ~ 6%, adolescents with AS about 12 ~ 20%, and mothers of children with AS about 4 ~ 16%.
Implications, recommendations, and future research directions are discussed.
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