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研究生: 陳亮竹
Chen, Liang-Chu
論文名稱: 福山試驗林三種附生植物對幹流水水質影響之探討
The effect of three epiphyte species on stemflow chemistry at Fushan Experimental Forest
指導教授: 林登秋
Lin, Teng-Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 附生植物幹流水膨大基質營養
英文關鍵詞: epiphyte, large substrate, nutrient, stemflow
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202262
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:50下載:8
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  • 幹流水是雨水進入到森林生態系的形式之一,在森林的水文生態和生物地質化學上扮演著相當重要的角色。降雨多的潮濕森林常可見大量附生植物,附生植物因無法利用土壤中的水與營養故一般認為與非附生植物相比較常遭遇水及營養的逆壓。前人研究提出附生植物透過影響著幹流水的滲流、營養吸收和釋放,從而改變幹流水中營養離子濃度。台灣巢蕨基質富含有機質,幹流水流經這類附生植物,可能會淋洗溶出營養物質,但部分營養元素也會被吸收利用,至今對於有大型基質的附生植物對於幹流水水質的影響卻鮮少有研究關注。本研究於福山試驗林比較幹流水通過有大型基質的台灣巢蕨、無大型基質的書帶蕨與長葉羊耳蒜等三種附生植物前後水質的差異。實驗結果顯示幹流水通過台灣巢蕨後離子濃度和總量、水量大多減少,且pH值降低。幹流水通過其它兩種附生植物多數離子濃度亦下降,但濃度降幅低於巢蕨,反之離子總量因水量大幅下降導致下降幅度遠大於巢蕨。由研究結果推斷,和台灣巢蕨共生的附生植物可能面臨較低的水逆壓但較高的營養逆壓,即這些附生植物要在水和營養中做取捨。

    Stemflow is one of the main types of precipitation input to the forest ecosystem. Stemflow plays an important role on forest ecohydrology and biogeochemistry. Many moist forests are characterized with abundant epiphytes that have no direct access of water and nutrients from the soils and as such often considered to experience water and/or nutrient stress. Some studies indicate that epiphyte affect stemflow percolation and may absorb nutrients from or leach nutrients to stemflow through which affects stemflow nutrient content. Asplenium nidus (nest fern) has a large substrate that rich in nutrient. Stemflow through this large substrate may release or uptake nutrient. However, few studies examined the effects of epiphytes that is have a large substrate on stemflow chemistry. In Fushan Experimental Forest (FEF) we use three kinds of epiphytes nest fern(large substrate), Haplopteris flexuosa Fee, Liparis nakaharai Hayata to compare the effects to stemflow chemical. The results show that the stemflow ion flux, concentration, water flux and pH are lower after passing through the nest fern. The decrease of ion concentration through small epiphytes was lower than nest fern. But the flux that nest fern decrease is fewer than small epiphytes. Epiphytes that form symbiotic relationship with nest fern may have lower water stress but higher nutrient stress. That means epiphytes have trade-off between water and nutrient.

    目次 I 圖表目次 III 摘要 1 研究背景及目的 3 實驗方法 7 一、樣地介紹 7 二、研究材料 9 三、幹流水收集 11 四、幹流水分析 14 五、資料分析 15 結果 16 一、幹流水平均水量、主要陰陽離子通量 16 二、幹流水離子濃度 18 三、物種內離子濃度差異 20 討論 24 一、幹流水水量 24 二、幹流水化學 25 三、台灣巢蕨 29 結論 32 未來研究建議 33 參考文獻 34 附錄 41

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